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Fail of Your Day



  • without a reason.
    No, their reason is people dying is God's punishment to America to embracing homosexuals. Their reason makes no god damn sense, but they have one.
    They have no stated reason for the protest. Obviously we can make up reasons for them. For instance, here is one: they are idiot douchebags.
  • They are such attention whores, we really should just ignore them, but I'd be tempted to break out my "this font is big" sign to counter protest if they come nearby just for the lolz.
  • Maybe if you went with a sign that just ups the offensive like the no abortions for rape victims one, you'd get a better reaction.
  • They have no stated reason for the protest.
    I just assumed it was the same reasoning they always use.
  • Westboro Church plans to protest at Elizabeth Edwards' funeral... without a reason.
    D: Fred Phelps, why you gotta be such an asshole. Why can't you be a normal mysanthropic old man?
  • edited December 2010
    Probably, for the lulz.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Agreed. Also, Bristol isn't fat. She's got amazing legs, and she's actually pretty attractive.
    Not to be uncouth, but I'd hit that.
  • WTF? It's been a while since I read Yotsuba&!, but I'm pretty sure that one is already released in print. Is this supposed to be a joke or REALLY bad translation?
  • WTF? It's been a while since I read Yotsuba&!, but I'm pretty sure that one is already released in print. Is this supposed to be a joke or REALLY bad translation?
    I'm guessing that's a joke, considering that Yotsuba&! is a comedy manga. I think that Fukka was complaining about her supposedly fat legs and Yotsuba cheers her up only to remind her again, as Yostuba is want to do.
  • It's from Yotsuba& Adolecence; Fuuka's been feeling down and says she has fat legs at one point.
  • Oh, I read it left-to-right the first time, it's much funnier right-to-left.
  • This reminds me that Yen Press needs to hurry the fuck up and release them faster. Volume 9 comes out this month, but 8 months between volume releases is too long. T___T
  • Have you got to the point where they find out who's died yet? Spoiler: It's Danbo!
  • edited December 2010
    Have you got to the point where they find out who's died yet?
    WHAT!? Someone dies?! ; _ ;

    I'm so not highlighting that white text.
    Post edited by Rochelle on

  • I'm so not highlighting that white text.
    Spoiler: It's Dumbledore.
  • Spoiler: It is a lie.

    Also, highlight the white text. It's funny.
  • Argh! You got me, Om-nom! Curse you!

    Man, I can't wait for the next volume my Yotsuba meter is way low and I need my fix of awesome green haired girl goodness.
  • My flight was delayed because of snow, and I got to my hotel in Athens five hours late. That's five hours I was hoping to spend checking out the city, as I've not visited for three or four years. But now I'm dead tired in my hotel room, and full of steak. Oh well. Maybe next year.
  • They are such attention whores, we really should just ignore them, but I'd be tempted to break out my "this font is big" sign to counter protest if they come nearby just for the lolz.
    Never thought I'd say this, but you can't beat Mickey Moore on this one. He filled a RV full of the most flamboyant, in your face homosexuals he could find, had them decorate the outside of the RV as garishly as possible, and then harassed Phelps all around the country with it.
  • edited December 2010
    Spoiler: It is a lie.
    No! I am truth.
    Yotsuba & Reunion.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited December 2010
    Snookie to be dropped in ball for New Years. I almost don't want to be in NYC for the New Year solely because they'll have any involvement. I say put the entire cast in a ball and just hurl them off the nearest building.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • I almost don't want to be in NYC for the New Year solely because they'll have any involvement. I say put the entire cast in a ball and just hurl them off the nearest building.
    Why the hate? It's one of many crappy TV shows to ignore.

    /u mad?
  • Why the hate? It's one of many crappy TV shows to ignore.

    /u mad?
    Because normally crappy TV shows stay out of our ball drops!
  • Why the hate?
  • Mostly because I have students who emulate them and think they are good role models.
  • Literally ready to walk out the door, went to book a desk on the work website, nothing available.
  • edited December 2010
    I forgot that it was Thursday yesterday and wasn't a part of ATW9000!
    We did record, and you're going to hate this: Guest hosts David Riley and his fiance, Graz.
    That's like salt into the wound right there.

    I'm so kicking myself in the ass right now.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Fail: Average number of pages I can write serious video game investigation before I start doodling giant robots = <0.5 .
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