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Fail of Your Day



  • If I may make a suggestion that worked for me, to anyone here who is seeking some sort of psychiatric/psychological help, look for someone who can challenge you intellectually. Many psychiatrists I've met/spoken to have followed the trend that was described above: Talk for 10 minutes, prescribe pills, come back in a month. While this may work for some people, I found it to downplay the sort of logical thinking that intelligent people try to use to solve their problems. One particularly disturbing example of this involved a teenage friend of mine who was desperately seeking some sort of psychiatric help. The first doctor she found seemed to treat her like a child during the first meeting, assuming she didn't know anything about herself and such, but she still went in for another meeting. During this second meeting, I kid you not, this licensed psychiatrist attempted to use astrology to help her relate to her problems. Anyone who talks to this friend of mine for five minutes, and listens to what she has to say, would easily conclude that talking to her about astrology is the *worst* thing you could possibly do, yet she had met with this psychiatrist for two 1-hour meetings. Basically, avoid that shit. There are a lot of doctors out there who just want you in-and-out of their office as quickly as possible, and psychiatrists know that 80% of their patients know that they want the pills coming in. If you can find that one doctor who listens to you, and actively makes an effort to make you think about yourself and the way you are living your life, you've found someone to stick with.
  • In the same day, I've had suicide dreams and a complete lapse in short term memory, where I did something then had absolutely no memory of doing it shortly after.
  • I just had a discussion that ended with me giving up because I realized that my opponent was an utter fucking idiot. I reached that conclusion after he asserted that the conclusion of the sun revolving around the earth by people a few thousand years back wasn't the result of misinterpreted evidence, but is a correct conclusion when taking the earth as the point of reference. Some people's stupidity I just can't handle.
  • You can't easily reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.
  • I actually unfortunately had myself be goaded into continuing the conversation a little longer, mostly because he declared I had faith in science. He later declared that I had faith in my computer starting up again after the next time I shut it down for the same reason, apparently confusing me inferring that my computer would start again based the observation that it started last time (thus holding a believe supported by evidence) with faith (holding a believe based with no evidence or in contradiction to evidence). However, I'm now really out of that conversation. I did get kudos from a couple of other users on the same message board though for sticking with that conversation for so long, which to me is kind of like giving props to Sisyphus for rolling the stone up the hill again and again :/
  • My sleep schedule is completely fucked now. I'm officially nocturnal. I went to bed at about 7am and woke up at about 8pm. I can't believe I slept that long either.
  • My sleep schedule is completely fucked now. I'm officially nocturnal. I went to bed at about 7am and woke up at about 8pm. I can't believe I slept that long either.
    Yesterday I set my alarm for 11am, and hit snooze until after 2pm. Tonight I'm going to have an "early" night and try to get to sleep before 4am. Yay my life.

    But no matter what I do tonight, it's the Superbowl tomorrow, and it starts at midnight Berlin time. When will I get to sleep? About 5am again, most likely.
  • Yesterday I set my alarm for 11am, and hit snooze until after 2pm. Tonight I'm going to have an "early" night and try to get to sleep before 4am. Yay my life.

    But no matter what I do tonight, it's the Superbowl tomorrow, and it starts at midnight Berlin time. When will I get to sleep? About 5am again, most likely.
    Yeah I think I'm just going to stay up all night and day so that I can try to go to bed at a somewhat early time sunday night. Otherwise I think I'd be missing some classes this week.
  • Spent that last few days hastily putting together the materials needed for task 1 of this math teaching assessment bullshit. It turns out I did it all wrong and none of it counts.
  • I have a term paper due tomorrow and I suddenly realised I don't actually know what a term paper is. I better get started.
  • Due to watching anime and playing video games all day, I have ~12-14 hours of homework to finish tomorrow. Fuck ADHD. Seriously, fuck it up the ass.
  • Ill. Fuck the football. I'm off to bed.
  • Christina Aguilera totally botched the Star Spangled Banner.
  • My daily reminder that yes, these sorts of people exist, and yes, they are that fucking burningly stupid.
    Assange is a wuss who never could get girls... he said "lemme make a scandalous website and may be I get laid and also shake down some rich powerful pple 4 money which will let me buy some more a$$, I'm no genius to make a new search engine or anything, but I can pose as gay to get some info outta poor confused gay kid and use it". Now he's so bloody sorry.... He specifically wanted to smear army pple, methinks cause his belief it's macho type guys who could get laid with girls he couldn't get, haha, that's what's really behind his "payback".. and fight against "powers", cause he thinks they've been stealing his mojo all the way. Just read his stalker emails to a girl on Gawker..... looool, says it all. I'm afraid he forgot that US government is not a dumb college girl who's gonna put up with invasion of privacy and sh*t...
    (And after it was jokingly said they were trolling)
    Trollin u say? I mean got to love how Assange got that girl's phone # off the internetz after she refused to give him one... imagine that stranger u met at the bar starts calling you... even though u ain't given no phone number. Nice. Got to love how Assange's fans accuse people of all kinds of dirty tricks and being mean and ungrounded--as soon as his motives get exposed or stuff about him leaked. His vids about US... that's what's trolling. Lol, that attention whore doesn't know what else to do. He might take up djing as well since the band thing didn't work out
  • Where do you read this shit, and why do you still bother reading it?
  • Ill. Life and lack of sleep obviously caught up with me.
  • Where do you read this shit, and why do you still bother reading it?
    That one, via both a friend's facebook AND another forum - the guy just cut and pasted his comment into two different discussions about Assange. I honestly thought the guy was trolling, and making a farce of your typical super-right wing enthusiastic Assange hater. It just turns out we were wrong.
  • I honestly thought the guy was trolling
    Wasn't it Rym that said something about if your statement can easily be misunderstood as satire then by default its stupid?
  • Technically, Poe's law counts that as fundamentalism.
  • Wasn't it Rym that said something about if your statement can easily be misunderstood as satire then by default its stupid?
    Insofar as any thing is able to be legitimately confused by intelligent people with parody thereof, said thing is stupid.
  • Wasn't it Rym that said something about if your statement can easily be misunderstood as satire then by default its stupid?
    Insofar as any thing is able to be legitimately confused by intelligent people with parody thereof, said thing is stupid.
    And if it's intentional?
  • And if it's intentional?
    If it's intentional, then the person has written satire. That person is not stupid.

    The only thing that is stupid is the thing itself. The core statement or literal message.

    If I make a site expounding on how we should stone heretics to death, there are only two possibilities.

    1. I am stupid, and am making a stupid point.
    2. I am smart, and am making light of a stupid point.

    In both cases, the underlying point is stupid.
  • My credit card decided to pay itself twice this month. Not sure how, and neither is the bank.
  • I'm still ill. Normally by this point in illness I feel a bit better.
  • edited February 2011
    I am three kinds of sick. I have a sinus infection, a respiratory infection, and an ear infection. Boooooooo.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • In my English class we're reading The Color Purple, which I hate. I know some people like it but I prefer my books to be less boring and have less rape. Anyway, we had to watch an interview with the author in class today and basically she sounds like shes full of shit. She believes in homeopathy, is friends with Fidel Castro and denied that anyone was starving in Cuba, and when the subject of her writing on 911 came up she talked about how we don't really know what happened and said everyone should go pick up the DVD Loose Change. Shes just a rich writer who's lost touch with reality and it just pisses me off.
  • edited February 2011
    The Dragon Age II achievements were leaked and I'm fighting the temptation to look at them and spoil a lot of the game for me. *Sigh.*
    Edit: I looked at them. The spoilers weren't even that bad. Really. There's still a lot of secrets for the game. Huzzah.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • New fail. My dad is just so emo. Like...Every time he sends me any kind of message, he complains that I don't call him, that he wants to take me and my girlfriend to dinner, and in a message he just sent me, he ended with "talk to you someday." I mean, really...It's just getting ridiculous. I'm at college. I split my time between doing homework, going to classes, and trying to enjoy what free time I have. I'm sorry I don't just call him so that he can fill me in on the latest drama, or so that I can tell him everything's fine, and try to explain my program to him, since every time we talk, he seems to get it less and less.
    Sorry, just need to vent.
  • New fail. My dad is just so emo. Like...Every time he sends me any kind of message, he complains that I don't call him, that he wants to take me and my girlfriend to dinner, and in a message he just sent me, he ended with "talk to you someday." I mean, really...It's just getting ridiculous. I'm at college. I split my time between doing homework, going to classes, and trying to enjoy what free time I have. I'm sorry I don't just call him so that he can fill me in on the latest drama, or so that I can tell him everything's fine, and try to explain my program to him, since every time we talk, he seems to get it less and less.
    Sorry, just need to vent.
    Call your parents once a week, they'll love you so much more because of it.
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