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Fail of Your Day



  • Yeah, international flights are hella expensive most of the time.
    No. In Europe they are cheap, if booked through a budget airline in advance. But the budget airlines make way more money on the people turning up at the very last minute and wanting a flight. Which is what I wanted. Instead of paying 30 euro for a flight, I paid over 300. Yay.
  • True, it also depends a lot on the countries in question.
  • I call my Dad occasionally. He is kind of a dick, but I know why he is the way he is. He rarely has anything to talk about, so I call him on special occasions to tell him I love him and check in.

    I call/text my mom on a regular basis, and I talk to my stepmom only slightly less frequently. I didn't so much when I was in college though. I was very busy. I did get to visit in person pretty often though, since I wasn't too far from home.
    I'm not 31 for another 2.5 months. OMG
    *GASP* Who knew you were so OLD????
  • We have the disadvantage that almost all international travel involves large tracts of open ocean.
  • edited February 2011
    If not for New Zealand, I'd leave out the "almost" in my case.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited February 2011
    I'm not 31 for another 2.5 months. OMG
    *GASP* Who knew you were so OLD????
    I'm so going to beat you with a loaf of whole-wheat with extra gluten when you come visit for that one statement alone.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Wow, I feel so young.
  • Wow, I feel so young.
    For now, for now you are young..
  • Just got a cc'd letter to all staff where I work from the head of the organization that mentions things like furloughs, position elimination, maintaining current vacancies, diversification, and 'right sizing'.
    I am displeased.
  • Just got a cc'd letter to all staff where I work from the head of the organization that mentions things like furloughs, position elimination, maintaining current vacancies, diversification, and 'right sizing'.
    I am displeased.
  • 'right sizing'.
    Every time is hear this phrase my mind thinks 'circumcision'.
  • There's nothing right about circumcision D:
  • edited February 2011
    There's nothing right about circumcision D:
    Begs to differ.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • The Hasids are child abusers almost without rival.
  • The Hasids are child abusers almost without rival. DO know what that picture is from, right?
  • It's a point worth making joke or not.
  • edited February 2011
    Paedophile top-trumps.. we'd probably need to hire Dio and Kenshiro to head up security if we brought that out.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • The Hasids are child abusers almost without rival. DO know what that picture is from, right?
    It's a point worth making joke or not.
    I was worried as well. No one should go their whole lives not having seen "Robin Hood: Men in Tights".
  • This made me want to smash the internet.

  • edited February 2011
    There's nothing right about circumcision D:
    It greatly reduces the rate of HIV transmission and really doesn't fuck with a healthy sex life. It's not right, but its not wrong, either, like any elective surgery. There are big circumcision campaigns going on in Africa right now to try and stem the HIV epidemic.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • It greatly reduces the rate of HIV transmission
    When it comes to stopping STDs, my preferred method involves a latex barrier rather than chopping off part of my dick.
  • It greatly reduces the spread of HIV in men practicing unprotected sex. You know what works better than circumcision? Condoms.
  • It greatly reduces the rate of HIV transmission
    When it comes to stopping STDs, my preferred method involves a latex barrier rather than chopping off part of my dick.
    While I appreciate the sentiment, you're both misconstruing the procedure and misunderstanding the situation. In Africa, huge segments of the population outright refuse to use condoms despite the massive risk of HIV. They will circumcise, however, and the medical community there is trying to take great pains to move the procedures into a safe hospital setting. I believe clinical studies show a 25% decrease in transmission, but the point is that that epidemic needs to stop, and if circumcision campaigns are all that the population will accept right now, then that's what we need to do.

    From a medical standpoint, both circumcision and a lack thereof have mild advantages and disadvantages, and no one should really care about the issue. Seriously.

    [I accidentally the whole Cut vs. Uncut argument.]
  • Yeah, and they also sear the breasts of young girls with hot stones to make them look less attractive for the same effect, Wind-up-bird, do you support breast-searing?
  • edited February 2011
    Yeah, and they also sear the breasts of young girls with hot stones to make them look less attractive for the same effect, Wind-up-bird, do you support breast-searing?
    Grey, y u do dis.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I've heard that some Africans consider condom usage as eating candy with the wrapper on, but I did not think that such a sizable amount would agree to be circumscribed instead.
  • edited February 2011
    Grey, y u do dis.
    WindUpBird, you did not answer my question.
    Post edited by GreyHuge on
  • I've heard that some Africans consider condom usage as eating candy with the wrapper on, but I did not think that such a sizable amount would agree to be circumscribed instead.
    In Africa, circumcision has its roots in some really has its roots in some really horrific tribal traditions. So, the idea is to take that tradition (because they won't abandon it), and make it safe to kill two birds with one stone. The rest of the country is picking it up slowly to try to defend themselves; the president of South Africa publicly announced his own circumcision when he made a speech about the importance of halting the epidemic.
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