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Fail of Your Day



  • Maybe, they could also fall in line due to fear.
    At some point they will realize there are more of them then there are military police. It's just a matter of getting desperate enough to take action.
  • I'm just saying that things could go either way here. But today will probably be a blood bath.
  • But today will probably be a blood bath.
    I don't think so. There will be injuries and probably deaths, but I don't anticipate a massacre.
  • At some point they will realize there are more of them then there are military police. It's just a matter of getting desperate enough to take action.
    I fucking well hope not.

    You know what the Egyptian MP response will be To the words "Charge them!"?
    "Open fire."

    Even one guy gets too nervy - and they're bricking it, no mistake - and starts brassing up the crowd, then it's game over, red rover. The second the first shot is fired is when it goes from "Protest" to "Complete cake and arse party" - and let me tell you, a crowd of angry, scared people running the fuck at you with whatever is to hand, pissed off and baying for blood is not a negotiating or retreating situation. It's a Target Rich Environment, and you just know someone is going to start spraying down the crowd with 7.62 if the crowd starts to rush them. Soon as one starts, then the bloodbath is unavoidable.
  • I didn't say it would be pretty. There comes a point where desperation > fear of death. Most of the revolutions in history have been bloody.
  • I didn't say it would be pretty. There comes a point where desperation > fear of death. Most of the revolutions in history have been bloody.
    A lot of historical revolutions didn't involve fully automatic weapons.
  • I hate my car. Twenty minutes ago my car horn started going off and wouldn't turn off. I had to call a relative to help me figure out what's going on. Apparently one of the springs on my car horn wore out and was depressed. We ended up putting 75 cents in a stack in one of the gaps on my steering wheel as a temporary fix. I'll have to find a permanent method tomorrow, as it is dark out.

    I know it's a rather inane complaint, but I've had to deal with people coming round complaining. Only one of my neighbors was nice about it. Everyone else wanted blood. This is probably the bigger fail. Oh well. It least it's quiet now.
  • The new book of a female christian author:
  • Fruit bats, how can you be so cute and so full of ick at the same time?
    Oh, and their shit is corrosive, and unless you clean it off right quick, fucks up the paint on your car.
    Corrosively delicious! To pitcher plants, anyway. Carnivorous Plants Eat Poop From Tiny Bats
  • @chaosof99-Maybe I'm just slow, but I don't see why you've picked that out as more fail than any other Christian book.
  • Hey guys, what's a knob bush?
  • I didn't get it the first time I saw it. Now I see it.
  • edited January 2011
    Windows Update decided it would be a good idea to restart windows last night while I was downloading my steam games to the new computer. It looks like it's gonna be another day of downloading. Also, EA download manager (for BFBC2) fails so it's at 64%, where it was at 91% before the reboot.

    Edit: The percentage keeps going down. It went 78% to 64% and now 62%
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • edited January 2011
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • This snow is killing mine and my fiancee's incomes. We both work on commission and work is reliant on either us getting out, or people being able to get to the office we work for. What we both make has been halved for almost a month now.

    She's despairing again and calls me to tell me that she thinks her savings will be depleted at the end of the year at this rate, because "shit always happens". Not what I want to hear while I'm trying to do my own work to meet my expected income for this week, which has been delayed yet again.

    Fuck you, Nature. Fuck you right off.
  • edited January 2011
    I got a job interview tomorrow at a civil engineer's office. They're also doing some software projects, like a database of protected buildings, probabilistics calculations, etc. and they're looking for a software developer. However, looking at their website, they probably could also very much use a web developer. Most of the resources (about the software development projects they're running) they're trying to make available on their website is unfortunately under a URL which starts with "" or a different IP in the same range. I don't think I have to say anything else...
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • I was at a friend's until 4am, and spent 75% of that time smoking my pipe. So much for a cutback on tobacco usage.
  • From what I've gathered about that, it's basically the worst thing ever. It was nice knowing you, Canadian friends.
  • Yep, off to Sweden :P
  • Imagine if US ISPs laid line into Canada and then did flat-rate billing with a 500GB/mo unenforced "cap," sort of like what Comcast does. Every telco in Canada would be utterly, totally fucked.
  • CRTC, I am disappoint.
    Welcome to the way EVERY OTHER UTILITY IS CHARGED.
  • CRTC, I am disappoint.
    Welcome to the way EVERY OTHER UTILITY IS CHARGED.
    The difference being that there is a finite amount of natural resources, while the 'resource' of internet connectivity is now, apparently, artificially finite.
  • Customers using the fastest connections of five megabits per second
    This is NOTHING. What the hell, Canada?
  • Customers using the fastest connections of five megabits per second
    This is NOTHING. What the hell, Canada?
    Now, now, everywhere can't have magic RIT godliness.
  • I'm not even comparing this to my 129.21, I'm comparing this to my Comcast connection back in Connecticut, where we have 8-12 megabits per second.
  • Ehh, I guess. My house is faster too, but still, you have to understand...
  • My programming partner's being accused of cheating on a practical exam. I know he's innocent, because I was sitting right next to him and would have noticed if he were doing bullshit. He memorized the posted example code, and now he's being accused of copy-pasting that code into his test, when he really just typed it from memory. I know he understands the concepts, because I've worked with him on other code. Dammit! I don't want to lose my partner 80% of the way through the quarter, especially to bullshit injustice!
  • My programming partner's being accused of cheating on a practical exam. I know he's innocent, because I was sitting right next to him and would have noticed if he were doing bullshit. He memorized the posted example code, and now he's being accused of copy-pasting that code into his test, when he really just typed it from memory. I know he understands the concepts, because I've worked with him on other code. Dammit! I don't want to lose my partner 80% of the way through the quarter, especially to bullshit injustice!
    Can you come to bat for him without risking your grade?
  • Can you come to bat for him without risking your grade?
    Well, one would think the simplest test of that is to get him to replicate the feat - type it from memory, Again, while being monitored to ensure he's not copying and pasting.
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