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Fail of Your Day



  • The orthopedic surgeon put a giant needle in my ankle. It accomplished nothing. I will still need surgery.
  • Fail: It's snowing like a motherfucker again, already for at least 2 and a half hours.
    Fail more: The snow that fell months ago was finally receding.
  • Actually, their mouths are filthy because they eat their own poop quite frequently.
    But I thought it was only the soft pellets, like chewing cud. I always heard that compared to dogs and humans they are very sanitary.
  • About 50% of doctors in South Wales do not wash their hands correctly.

    And from the article:
    She alleged when two doctors were challenged over whether they had washed their hands, they asked "why?".
    Right, so, never going to Wales.
  • About 50% of doctors in South Wales do not wash their hands correctly.
    It took a second there to realise that you didn't proceed South Wales with "New" for a reason.
  • edited February 2011
    It took a second there to realise that you didn't proceed South Wales with "New" for a reason.
    I assume that doctors in Australia wash their hands with lava. Very sanitary.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • About 50% of doctors in South Wales do not wash their hands correctly.
    Hey, quit harping on the Welsh. They' their own country, man.

    A friend of mine is dating a Welshman. I hang around my west-Dublin IRA friends because they're more even-tempered.
  • A friend of mine is dating a Welshman.
    My condolences.
  • A friend of mine is dating a Welshman.
    My condolences.
    The nicest people I've encountered when traveling were the Welsh. They were really lovely.
  • They get a lot meaner if you mention England.
  • They get a lot meaner if you mention England.
    LOL. I am Irish and I have a Scottish last name - we all feel the same way about the English.
  • edited February 2011
    A friend of mine is dating a Welshman.
    My condolences.
    The nicest people I've encountered when traveling were the Welsh. They were really lovely.
    The few Welsh people I know got along very well with other people. This one guy I knew called children munchkins, which certainly was entertaining.

    Ever saw what the Welsh language is like? It's quite bizarre, it's like a contest to see how many w's and y's you can fit in a sentence.
    Post edited by Nine Boomer on
  • They get a lot meaner if you mention England.
    LOL. I am Irish and I have a Scottish last name - we all feel the same way about the English.
    I wouldn't have expected such from one such as yourself.
  • As per Singles Awareness Day tradition, time to spend the night alone, in the basement, watching Makoto Shinkai movies. Possible eating ice cream straight from the pint, but it has yet to get to that point
  • The touch screen on my iPod stopped working.
  • The new Jeopardy noises.
  • edited February 2011
    So I'm arguing with some idiot on a friend's Facebook wall, about the legitimacy of childhood psychological diagnoses. I used ADHD as my example. The idiot is basically saying that child psychiatry is garbage and that kids are just kids. His argument was basically, "You don't know how this works. Nobody does." Then, I gave a relatively detailed explanation of the function of a mutation in the gene LPHN3, which encodes for a receptor that functions in a neurotransmitter pathway. This mutation is associated with ~9% of ADHD cases and can be treated with stimulant therapy. We have science that demonstrates this.

    His response?

    "Remember also that genes are the song sheet. We play the music."

    WTF. Why are people stupid? And why am I arguing with them on Facebook?

    I think I'm done.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • "Remember also that genes are the song sheet. We play the music."
    Ask him when he chose to play "Transcription and Translation of Topo IB" and who influenced his performance. After all, if it's just sheet music, his performance must be unique.

    For the non-biologists: Without Topo IB in embryonic stem cells, all the transcription machinery goes berserk and the embryo kills itself.
  • Ask him when he chose to play "Transcription and Translation of Topo IB" and who influenced his performance.
    Pretty sure it's "God."

    I have decided that I will not argue with this person on the Internet, wrong though they may be. I'm out. He isn't listening, so there's no point.

    OK, maybe just one more post.
  • Ask him when he chose to play "Transcription and Translation of Topo IB" and who influenced his performance.
    Pretty sure it's "God."

    I have decided that I will not argue with this person on the Internet, wrong though they may be. I'm out. He isn't listening, so there's no point.

    OK, maybe just one more post.
    If his body of argument is low enough just script dismiss.
  • If his body of argument is low enough just script dismiss.
    He's just been scripting Obfuscate this whole time:
    Possibly we will find some day that "inspiration" affects these things. But until then there are other ways to cause change in the body. You appear to know something of science, and that means you are a seeker and a thinker, and I like seeing that. What other things could affect our minds, other than our genes?

    By the way, apologies, but it is late, and I must sleep. Be well.
    Some pseudo-philosophical crap.
  • edited February 2011
    What other things could affect our minds? Brain damage, cite Phineas Gage, and maybe a few boxers.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Speaking of Facebook arguments, a asshole of mine accused my partner in crime and me of not being able to care enough about comics and stories we want to tell with them.
    We both told him how his accusations were invalid and baseless, and he called us trolls.
    He really rustled my jimmies, so I guess he won.
  • He's just been scripting Obfuscate this whole time:
    The next time I make a religious character, one instinct will be "obfuscate in all situations."
  • So I'm arguing with some idiot on a friend's Facebook wall
    The day you learn to pity the stupid instead of combat them is the first day of the rest of your life.
  • He's just been scripting Obfuscate this whole time:
    The next time I make a religious character, one instinct will be "obfuscate in all situations."
    You should see how John plays his super-religious character. It's hilarious. Just take tons of doctrine and whatever bullshit you make up is magically true!
  • one instinct will be "obfuscate in all situations."
    That's a shitty instinct. How is that going to get you in trouble?

    No, a better instinct is "Always extol the superiority of my religion." You can use that as an obfuscate, and that can also get you into all kinds of trouble. That tells me, "OK, I have to give you someone who doesn't like your religion."
    You should see how John plays his super-religious character. It's hilarious. Just take tons of doctrine and whatever bullshit you make up is magically true!
    It helps that he's studying to be a lawyer. Talking is sort of what he does.
  • The younger brother of my sister's fiance invited me to the bachelor party since I am one of the groomsmen. The activities were drinking, golf, drinking, strippers...oh yeah, and it's in North Carolina. My sister and her fiance live in Maryland. Had to make up an excuse about being at work, as it would only be the drinking that would interest me in the slightest, and the copious amounts they were touting were NOT up my ally at all.
  • He's just been scripting Obfuscate this whole time:
    The next time I make a religious character, one instinct will be "obfuscate in all situations."
    You should see how John plays his super-religious character. It's hilarious. Just take tons of doctrine and whatever bullshit you make up is magically true!
    Or maybe he plays it by just copying previous posts of mine. Zing!
  • Or maybe he plays it by just copying previous posts of mine. Zing!
    No, you're a touch more rational than his character.
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