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Fail of Your Day



  • I almost wish my retreats had gone like that instead of "So you come home and your house is on fire. You only have time to get 10 things." "I don't walk into a burning building. That's stupid." "Cameron, are you going to take this seriously?" "Fine. I take the fire out. Problem solved."
    heh. I hope that my future kids can be as witty and smartassed to everyone but me :-p
  • Aparently, roughly one in five english people honestly belive that lightsabers exist.

    also on the list - nearly a quarter believe humans can be teleported, nearly half believe in memory erasing technology - as in, men in black style, not fifth-of-tequila style - over 40% think Hoverboards exist, and nearly a fifth believe they can see gravity.
  • Really, lightsabers? I mean yeah theoretically you could have make one somehow (even if its not technically a saber made of light) but don't you think if we had them we know...see them in use.

    And how the fuck do you see gravity? Seriously if you asked me that when I was 5 I would have probably told you, you must be retarded or something to believe that. URG people.
  • What does it even mean to say you can "see gravity"? Perhaps some people just understood it as seeing the effects of gravity?
  • I almost wish my retreats had gone like that instead of "So you come home and your house is on fire. You only have time to get 10 things." "I don't walk into a burning building. That's stupid." "Cameron, are you going to take this seriously?" "Fine. I take the fire out. Problem solved."
    heh. I hope that my future kids can be as witty and smartassed to everyone but me :-p
    I do my best.
  • Today I was smoking the herb Damiana outside and got questioned by 3 RA's and I'm probably going to have a visit from my RD just to see if I'm lying or not about what it is. The stuff doesn't even smell like weed and probably has less effects than a cigarette (though I've never smoked one). Its mildly relaxing, about the same as a cup of tea. Thats actually one of the main ways to consume it. It wasn't really that bad and everyone was fairly calm about it but I just don't like how it seems so shady when what I was doing is perfectly legal.
  • That's why I don't smoke my pipe outside. You'd think people would know that a briar pipe is for tobacco, but I still get stares.
  • It just pissed me off how they said it smelled like weed when it doesn't at all. Burned I guess someone who doesn't know what weed smells like might think so but thats just because it doesn't smell like tobacco. The stuff itself smells like green tea. If they confiscate it I'm going to be fucking pissed because its 100% legal.
  • edited March 2011
    The end of music:

    For your comparison:
    Post edited by progSHELL on
  • edited March 2011

    Edit: I'm not sure if you're legitimately pissed off or not, so I'm gonna point out that this video had 3000 or so views this time last week, but the Internet finally found it on Friday through Tosh.0 and CollegeHumor. Nobody is legitimately enjoying this.
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • Nobody is legitimately enjoying this.
    I know, but the fact that this exists makes me rage/lol.
  • The end of music:
    So we are comparing a pop song to prog rock?
  • In the immortal words of Andrew W K:
    Party party party party party party party party party party party party party party party party party party party party party party party party party party party party party...
  • In the immortal words of Andrew W K:
    Yea, I'm pretty sure he destroyed music with that song :-p
  • Yea, I'm pretty sure he destroyed music with that song :-p
    Andrew W.K. is a god. Don't even joke.
  • Ok someone needs to do a mashup of those two NOW.
  • Listened to Friday. My eyes and ears hurt.

    For St. Patricks Day, I thought it would be cool to walk through campus with my laptop above my head and playing some Flogging Molly. Sadly, when I walked out, there were only 10 people outside through my route to lunch, and this was lunch hours. And the first guy who looked at me when I was playing it, just shook his head in disappointment. Meh.
  • Upon viewing of the video I have above posted:

    Critical Viewing Questions:
    1. Why are you waiting at a bus stop to be picked up by your friends?
    2. What day comes after Friday?
    3. Describe Friday in one word repeated over and over.
    4. Does this song espouse the beliefs of Rene Descartes or Frederich Nietzsche? Explain.
  • She does an awful lot of partying for a 13 year old girl.
  • edited March 2011
    Related: Fridaynosaur.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I finally watched that video. I...think I need to kill it, her and everyone involved for the greater good.
  • edited March 2011
    Not my fail, but I was hit by a car while on my bike about an hour ago. Talk about starting your day off with a bang!
    I was riding down the sidewalk (didn't feel like having to keep up with the cars on Reseda Blvd) and I was getting to a uncontrolled crosswalk. I saw this grey sentra approaching the crosswalk, but I figure "eh, he see's me coming. He's gonna stop." Well, he started to stop half way through the crosswalk and ended up hitting the back of my bike.

    At first, I was like "Oy! Crosswalk starts THERE!" But the guy seemed pretty upset (apologetic, not mad) and was saying "Dude I'm so sorry are you okay I'll pay for your bike are you hurt lemmie give you my information..." Black guy in his mid to late twenties wearing a hoodie.
    I laughed, "Dude, chill. Before you get frantic, why don't you move your car over there" pointing to an empty spot right at the corner "while I check if there's anything to get frantic about."
    My side hurt from the fall, so I lifted my shirt and poked around my side; a little red but nothing hurt. He saw this and came running over "OH MY GOD I'm gonna call an ambulance!"
    I'm thinking oh crap this guy is being stupid. "Whoa! Hold on. I'm pretty sure I'm alright. Nothing seems broken. I'm just gonna check my bike."
    Well, the rear derailleur got knocked off the bike, the rear brakes got shifted, and the tire came off one of the places on the fork where it was bolted on (same side as the derailleur). Nothing I that can't get fixed with a wrench.
    "Well, doesn't look like anything that can't be fixed with a wrench and some elbow grease."
    "Do you want a ride to the hospital?"
    "ugh, Look, I'm fine. It's just my bike that's a little messed up. I'll just walk it to work and fix it later."
    "Well, Can I give you a ride to work at least?"
    "yeah, sure, that'd be great."

    The following is pretty much verbatim:
    So we tossed my bike into his trunk and I got in.
    "look man, I am so sorry, I don't know where my head was."
    "It's alright, we all have off days."
    "Yeah, but this is such a crappy way to start off a morning. I'm so sorry."
    I laughed, "Don't worry, I've had worse mornings."
    "I'm just so surprised how cool you're being. Most guys would just be flipping out."
    "Well, I like to keep the amount of drama in my life to a minimum. Besides, It's not like you tried to drive off. You're not an asshole, so I'm not gonna treat you like one."
    "Thanks man."
    "So where were you heading anyways? Work or something?"
    "I was actually goin to my dad's."
    "Oh, alright. Well, I hope I'm not putting you too much out of your way."
    "Dude, this is the least I could do. So do you want my information?"
    "hmm... Yeah, sure."

    So I got out my notepad, wrote down his name and number. Forgot to ask for his drivers license so I could verify the info, but I'm not too worried about it. Got to work and carried my bike inside.

    Anyways, I'm mostly fine. Just a scrape on my leg. My bike took most of the damage and it seems pretty fixable. So, yeah. I'm okay.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Welcome to the club. I was once in a similar situation, the car got my front wheel and it went to a knot, but I was ok.
  • A friend of mine was in the hospital for weeks last year because he was riding without a helmet and got hit by a drunk driver. This kind of thing is serious business.
  • A friend of mine was in the hospital for weeks last year because he was riding without a helmet and got hit by a drunk driver. This kind of thing is serious business.
    Yeah. Jake was pretty screwed up after he got hit.
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