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Fail of Your Day



  • Sleeping alone for the first time in a month :(
  • Sleeping alone for the first time in a month :(
    Yeah, I really hate those first few weeks of being single, but at the same time you're better off. At least you have more time to play video games!
  • See, life's looking up already.
  • Today my Theology teacher promoter flipped out at my class because several people lied about doing an assignment, then at me for not receiving the assignment when I was absent, when my assigned "study buddy" also was absent and no one I talked to even mentioned it. He gave me a 0/20 (drops my grade about 3 points), gave me an extra-assignment (not too long), and called me a "pseudo-intellectual" who "has ideas but can't follow simple instructions" (meaning I sometimes disagree with him). He said I'm "on thin ice" even though I have an 88 and am one of the few people who participates in class discussion.
    This teacher is universally hated by every student. This shit has to stop.
    Why are taking Theology?
  • My tooth just chipped for the second time this week. Now I have to go into Tacoma to get it fixed.
  • Why are taking Theology?
    For lulz. ^_^ That's the only reason I'd take it.
  • So, Some record companies are suing limewire.

    The Punchline? For somewhere between $400 Billion and $75 Trillion. Because suing a single company for 5 times the US national Debt is totally gonna work, guys.
  • edited March 2011
    Getting perogy filling on a borrowed keyboard and having to type this on it. How do I clean this shit?

    Obviously, I clean this shit by taking it apart and washing the keys. I was making a joke about the How to get rid of smoke thread.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • So, Some record companies are suing limewire.

    The Punchline? For somewhere between $400 Billion and $75 Trillion. Because suing a single company for 5 times the US national Debt is totally gonna work, guys.
    I've noticed Limewire has been 'off' (for lack of a better term) for months now. You can find the software, but it won't connect to anything. Right now there isn't any other decent P2P software besides Torrents, and it can be hard to find older stuff with that.
  • Right now there isn't any other decent P2P software besides Torrents, and it can be hard to find older stuff with that.
    I don't know about that, Usenet continues to be fuckin' excellent.
  • edited March 2011
    I don't know about that, Usenet continues to be fuckin' excellent.
    In the beginning was Usenet.

    In the end, past honor, past life, past caring... In the end will be Usenet.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • In the beginning was Usenet.

    In the end, past honor, past life, past caring... In the end will be Usenet.
    After the heat death of the universe, there will be nothing but a few stray atoms and a spray of neutrinos, discussing it on Usenet.
  • I know nothing of Usenet. Enlighten me.
  • I know nothing of Usenet. Enlighten me.
    Okay. First, Skim This, then read This, and/or These.
  • edited March 2011
    XNA doesn't recognize my graphics card, so I can't run any of my Game Software Development III work on my computer. No testing of anything at all. I can do the code on it, but I can't test it at all.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • Depersonalization episode leading to a panic attack, and all while I was walking home under the Florida heat. I have never been so scared in my life, I feel numb all over and my head feels light. Should I contact a doctor?
  • I fixed the problem, I can now run XNA on my Netbook properly.
    Thank God for my nerdy facebook friends.
  • I just watched the second half of Charles Angels: Full Throttle.
  • Depersonalization episode leading to a panic attack, and all while I was walking home under the Florida heat. I have never been so scared in my life, I feel numb all over and my head feels light. Should I contact a doctor?
    If it was only a panic attack you should be OK, but if you think dehydration or heat stroke might be involved then you probably should see a doctor. If the panic attacks continue, learn from my mistake; see a psychiatrist sooner rather than later.
  • edited March 2011
    Why are taking Theology?
    For lulz. ^_^ That's the only reason I'd take it.
    Catholic highschool. No choice.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • Fuck, I have a headache again. This has been happening at the end of work every day for a while now. Getting sick of it.
  • Goddamn microwave set off the fire alarm and the cops came.
  • edited March 2011
    Diana Wynne Jones died.
    Post edited by Diddgery on
  • Not a personal fail but I over hear a 3rd year politics student ask what liberalism is.
  • Why are taking Theology?
    For lulz. ^_^ That's the only reason I'd take it.
    Catholic highschool. No choice.
    I kind of feel your pain.
  • I was adding a layer of seasoning to a cast-iron after searing two huge steaks. I underestimated the amount of smoke this would produce.
  • edited March 2011
    I kind of feel your pain.
    On the bright side, there are many lulz. Things like "'I think, therefore I am' means 'I think, therefore I am human'" or "morality is a science because we can learn about it."
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • "morality is a science because we can learn about it."
    Well, I'd say that science can be usefully applied to morality, so that isn't so wrong.
    Of course, I'm sure that what your teacher means is that we can learn about morality from the Bible, which is quite stupid.
  • edited March 2011
    "morality is a science because we can learn about it."
    Well, I'd say that science can be usefully applied to morality, so that isn't so wrong.
    Of course, I'm sure that what your teacher means is that we can learn about morality from the Bible, which is quite stupid.
    He claimed that morality itself is a science. I tried explaining to him that unless you can perform a test to show whether or not something is moral it isn't a science, but it didn't go so well.

    edit: also, I said that just looking in the Bible isn't scientific, and he explained that while some Christian religions are based solely on the Bible, Catholicism also draws on tradition
    Post edited by Ikatono on
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