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Fail of Your Day



  • In my haste to beat traffic, I curbed it quite badly turning onto the main road. Because of this I've got a flat tire (which has been swapped out) and I need a new rim because I bent the hell out of it. It's working for now, but I need to get that fixed after PAX.

    In fails that aren't my fault, my laptop's monitor is being bad. The right side is bowing out from the case causing the screen to not work properly. I've got an adjustable wrench holding it in place for now, but that's a temporary solution at best.
  • One of my best buds just got stabbed for refusing to give in his items while getting mugged, thank modern medicine that he is alive, but the event is still pretty shocking. Worst of all is that I warned him about walking in the middle of night, his neighborhood is scary shit.
  • One of my best buds just got stabbed for refusing to give in his items while getting mugged, thank modern medicine that he is alive, but the event is still pretty shocking. Worst of all is that I warned him about walking in the middle of night, his neighborhood is scary shit.
    Why the FUCK would you refuse to hand over your possessions while being mugged? Not having ID or credit cards or a smart phone for a few weeks sucks, but it sure as hell is better than getting stabbed.

    As an Isshinryu Karate black belt, I can say that this is an obvious implication of the first thing you learn when you take karate: when given a choice between using martial arts and not using martial arts (outside of training), the only reason to use martial arts is when the alternative will lead to your death.

    For my fail, I'm probably going to have to drop a math class that I need credit from, thanks to procrastinating instead of doing work earlier this semester. I really, really, really hate having ADHD right now.
  • Well, he didn't know the guy had a knife, but yeah, I do have to agree. .___.
  • Well, he didn't know the guy had a knife, but yeah, I do have to agree. .___.
    This is why you should carry a gun.
  • Just hangin out...
  • This is why you should carry a gun.
    And know how to use it, of course, or else you're just going to have a mugger with a knife AND a gun.
  • This is why you should carry a gun.
    And know how to use it, of course, or else you're just going to have a mugger with a knife AND a gun.
    I assume that if you own a gun, you know how to use it. I am proven wrong regularly, of course.
  • I assume that if you own a gun, you know how to use it. I am proven wrong regularly, of course.
    I would assume that too, but I've been muzzle-swept by too many gun-owners at various shooting ranges. If you don't even know basic safety, how the hell can you say you know how to use a gun?
  • edited March 2011
    This is why you should carry a gun.
    And know how to use it
    Not necessarily, since the mere threat of a gun against a mugger who only has a knife is probably enough.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Not necessarily, since the mere threat of a gun against a mugger who only has a knife is probably enough.
    If you own a gun, and you don't know how to clean it and use it well, then you shouldn't own a gun, end of story.
  • Not necessarily, since the mere threat of a gun against a mugger who only has a knife is probably enough.
    If you own a gun, and you don't know how to clean it and use it well, then you shouldn't own a gun, end of story.
  • Wisconsin Senate Passes Bill 18-1 ... GOP Senators Ram Through Collective Bargaining Measure
    Yeah, its sounding like there's almost definitely going to be a general strike in WI. I might take the Amtrak up to protest if the capitol is still occupied over Spring Break.
  • edited March 2011
    Wisconsin Senate Passes Bill 18-1 ... GOP Senators Ram Through Collective Bargaining Measure
    Yeah, its sounding like there's almost definitely going to be a general strike in WI. I might take the Amtrak up to protest if the capitol is still occupied over Spring Break.
    The most hilariously hypocritical part of the entire bill was that it was supposed to be part of the budget. Since it was blatantly obvious that taking away rights from unions was the real goal, and not part of the budget at all, the GOP just separated it from the budget and passed it anyway. I have a feeling you'll see a heavily Democrat WI next election season.
    EDIT: Yeah, things won't be going well for WI Republicans soon.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Imgur's having server issues, which has rendered a good portion of Reddit useless, as well as some of this forum.
  • edited March 2011
    Arguing with a guy on another forum who seems to actually believe that copyright infringement is theft.
    See here for stupidity (hopefully as little of it as possible is mine), though I don't think it's worth your time.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • which has rendered a good portion of Reddit useless,
    To steal Rym's shtick, there's a joke I could make here.
  • which has rendered a good portion of Reddit useless,
    To steal Rym's shtick, there's a joke I could make here.
    Well, to be fair, it was the part of Reddit that was already useless (/r/pics, etc.) that was ruined. The discussion in /r/AskReddit and /r/IamA is often pretty intelligent.
  • Someone in my English class just said Ran was the worst movie ever made.
  • Someone in my English class just said Ran was the worst movie ever made.
    Don't worry, no-one will convict you.
  • edited March 2011
    Someone in my English class just said Ran was the worst movie ever made.
    Don't worry, no-one will convict you.
    He's significantly bigger than me, and I have a feeling that I have the minority opinion on this one so no support. Maybe if he goes to the bathroom...
    Post edited by JukeBoxJosh on
  • Someone in my English class just said Ran was the worst movie ever made.
    Don't worry, no-one will convict you.
    He's significantly bigger than me, and I have a feeling that I have the minority opinion on this one so no support. Maybe if he goes to the bathroom...
    I realize my movie watching experience is sadly bereft of kurosawa.
  • Alec Sulkin (@thesulk) wins the "Classiest Feed on Twitter" award for his hard work in putting a horrific natural disaster into jingoistic perspective! Here's why:
    If you wanna feel better about this earthquake in Japan, google "Pearl Harbor death toll".
    I cannot deny the class inharent in that comment.
  • So many terrible people.
    That's nothing. 'Godzilla' was trending on Twitter last night.
  • Did they forget about Hiroshima? And about how japan probably makes half the electronics they own?
  • Oh, what is this I don't even...

    I am full of Argh.
  • edited March 2011
    I'm too cynical to be at all surprised, but looking at this linked from Pharyngula does still piss me off somewhat.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
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