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Fail of Your Day



  • I'm really ill. I have to get up to catch a plane at 7:20 on Tuesday morning. My plan is to be better by then.
  • I'm really ill. I have to get up to catch a plane at 7:20 on Tuesday morning. My plan is to be better by then.
    Be a bit careful if it comes with a clogged sinus - flying with any sort of sinus clogging illness puts you at pretty high risk for bursting an eardrum.
  • edited March 2011
    The L button on my DS Lite just spontaneously stopped working. In the middle of playing a game. That is heavy on the L button. As in, I cannot play the fucking game without it. Fuck fuck fuck. >_<

    (This is a rant because I died. I know it can be fixed by blowing on it.)
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • I just jabbed a hole into the pipe beneath our sink, rendering it unusable until we can get a plumber.

    I did this with the tip of my thumb.
  • I just jabbed a hole into the pipe beneath our sink, rendering it unusable until we can get a plumber.

    I did this with the tip of my thumb.
    That sounds like it was a very low-quality pipe. Were you trying to use it to teleport?
  • edited March 2011
    I think the ethernet network adapter built into my motherboard is cooked. It does not function under Windows or Ubuntu and the cord works when plugged into another computer. Windows is detecting it and attempting to use it; the network symbol with an X turns into one with a loading circle and then back to an X. Also, the lights are blinking in a pattern. The orange/red one on the bottom of the port does 1 long blink and the yellow one above does two quick blinks. Is that some kind of code I can look up somewhere?
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • I'm still a bit too ill, though I'm feeling better when I don't have to breathe.

    Unfortunately breathing is pretty important.
  • edited March 2011
    I think the ethernet network adapter built into my motherboard is cooked. It does not function under Windows or Ubuntu and the cord works when plugged into another computer. Windows is detecting it and attempting to use it; the network symbol with an X turns into one with a loading circle and then back to an X. Also, the lights are blinking in a pattern. The orange/red one on the bottom of the port does 1 long blink and the yellow one above does two quick blinks. Is that some kind of code I can look up somewhere?
    This person has the exact same problem with the exact same component on a different mobo. Looks like I'm right, it's cooked.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • edited March 2011
    The L button on my DS Lite just spontaneously stopped working. In the middle of playing a game. That is heavy on the L button. As in, I cannot play the fucking game without it. Fuck fuck fuck. >_<

    (This is a rant because I died. I know it can be fixed by blowing on it.)
    Same thing happened to me. Those bumper buttons are the worst, seriously.
    Knut died.
    Awww, poor bear. That's too bad, he was still young.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Same thing happened to me. Those bumper buttons are the worst, seriously.
    Yeah, it's only a matter of time until this button dies completely. I guess that would be a good excuse to buy one in a more appealing color.
  • Yeah, it's only a matter of time until this button dies completely. I guess that would be a good excuse to buy a 3DS.
  • Yeah, it's only a matter of time until this button dies completely. I guess that would be a good excuse to buy a 3DS.
    Fuck that noise. Wait until you can actually confirm that it's worth $250.
  • You could always just buy a new button and different color plastic casing for it. probably cheaper than a new DS of any sort.
  • Yeah, it's only a matter of time until this button dies completely. I guess that would be a good excuse to buy a 3DS.
    Fuck that noise. Wait until you can actually confirm that it's worth $250.
    Assuming I actually had $250 to spend on a game toy, which I don't. Given that I have exactly 5 DS games (and a missing supercard, which is effectively no supercard) and play the thing for a few weeks out of each year, I don't think it's even a question.
    You could always just buy a new button and different color plastic casing for it. probably cheaper than a new DS of any sort.
    I don't like to put a case on it. It makes it bulkier, and I have little hands. I like that the Lite fits in my hands. A plastic case adds too much bulk for my liking. Plus, buy a new button? That would assume that I can competently install it. Which is unlikely.
  • edited March 2011
    You could always just buy a new button and different color plastic casing for it. probably cheaper than a new DS of any sort.
    I don't like to put a case on it. It makes it bulkier, and I have little hands. I like that the Lite fits in my hands. A plastic case adds too much bulk for my liking. Plus, buy a new button? That would assume that I can competently install it. Which is unlikely.
    not quite what I mean. I meant a replacement housing. I don't know if you can get a new button or not but I've seen other replacement parts so you may be able to.

    edit- here you go.
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • My math professor is talking about homeomorphic functions in class today. He doesn't really pronounce the o, and I keep hearing it as "ponymorphic.". I need some sleep.
  • edited March 2011
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • edited March 2011
    Today my Theology teacher promoter flipped out at my class because several people lied about doing an assignment, then at me for not receiving the assignment when I was absent, when my assigned "study buddy" also was absent and no one I talked to even mentioned it. He gave me a 0/20 (drops my grade about 3 points), gave me an extra-assignment (not too long), and called me a "pseudo-intellectual" who "has ideas but can't follow simple instructions" (meaning I sometimes disagree with him). He said I'm "on thin ice" even though I have an 88 and am one of the few people who participates in class discussion.
    This teacher is universally hated by every student. This shit has to stop.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • edited March 2011
    Complain to a higher authority.
    then at me for not receiving the assignment
    would generally be your fault, though.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited March 2011
    I'm going back to him first, but I'm taking this as far as I can.

    edit: I'm not upset about him marking me as not having the assignment, I'm upset about the way he overreacted. I have almost no strikes against me for that class, but I miss one assignment and he completely flips out.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • If the worst comes to the worst, go out in style.
  • If the worst comes to the worst, go out in style.
    Currently my most stylish moment in his class was a 20+ minute discussion in which I defended pornography, but I've been trying to top that.

    Also, the school has an online service for assignments that would have prevented this problem, if he didn't refuse to use it.
  • My check to Kentucky for taxes bounced.
  • edited March 2011
    Last two days, I can barely concentrate long enough to cross the road before my mind enters a state where it feels like my mind is wandering but hasn't had time to work out what to wander on to.

    Tried to go shopping and spent most of my time randomly walking up isles, only to reach the other end and turn back to get what I needed.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I think I screwed up my headphones by trying to play them too loud. Things seem weaker and muffled.
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