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Fail of Your Day



  • Wow, that's pretty rotten. I suppose they think the people won't drink it because it is tainted by radiative material, and they want to make their money back?
  • edited April 2011
    Not only did I manage to somehow end up doing a painting job that involved me inhaling fumes from strong phosphoric acid half the goddamn day, I managed to spill some in one of the worst places possible - Right down the back of my left-hand safety glove. Fucking bollocks, just when I'd forgotten how much acid burns fucking hurt.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Not only did I manage to somehow end up doing a painting job that involved me inhaling fumes from strong phosphoric acid half the goddamn day, I managed to spill some in one of the worst places
  • edited April 2011
    Not only did I manage to somehow end up doing a painting job that involved me inhaling fumes from strong phosphoric acid half the goddamn day, I managed to spill some in one of the worst places
    Oddly, exactly how I managed to get it down the back of my glove. I had the bottle in my right hand, which was slippery since I'd gotten a bit on the right glove, and fumbled the bottle towards me while picking it up to refresh my dip-bucket - First instinct, Protect the jewels, immediately grabbed them with my left glove. Bottle hits my arm, and pours a good dollop down the back of my left glove in the process, simultaneously burning my hand, and ensuring the future disappointment of many women for decades to come.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • simultaneously burning my hand, and ensuring the future disappointment of many women for decades to come.
    As long as Churba Jr is fine you're still good. The ladies love battlescars.
  • As long as Churba Jr is fine you're still good. The ladies love battlescars.
    I never said I got any acid on my junk.
  • As long as Churba Jr is fine you're still good. The ladies love battlescars.
    I never said I got any acid on my junk.
    I know thats why you're still all good with the ladies.
  • edited April 2011
    As long as Churba Jr is fine you're still good. The ladies love battlescars.
    I never said I got any acid on my junk.
    I know thats why you're still all good with the ladies.
    I suddenly feel my attempt at mildly amusing self depreciation is going horribly wrong, but I do appreciate the vote of confidence.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I suddenly feel my attempt at mildly amusing self depreciation is going horribly wrong
    I thought it was funny.
  • Managed to miss a public transit connection not once but three times today. Fucking bus arrives two minutes after the one I need to get on leaves, and I literally watched my train leave before my eyes.
  • ensuring the future disappointment of many women for decades to come.
    Yeah dude, getting phosphoric acid on your junk ain't no way to attract the hotties.
  • I suddenly feel my attempt at mildly amusing self depreciation is going horribly wrong
    I thought it was funny.
    I thought it was too. Those other boys clearly have not had enough romantic encounters with women who are difficult to get off. ;)
  • I thought it was too. Those other boys clearly have not had enough romantic encounters with women who are difficult to get off. ;)
  • TRON: Legacy R3C0NF1GUR3D
  • TRON: Legacy R3C0NF1GUR3D
    This is me looking surprised :|
  • TRON: Legacy R3C0NF1GUR3D
    This is me looking surprised :|
    They should have just gotten a chiptune band to do an 8-Bit version of the soundtrack.
  • My mom made some kebabs for dinner. Now I have indigestion and a headache.

    I used to LIKE kebabs, but my moms cooking has gone terribly down hill..
  • My mom made some kebabs for dinner. Now I have indigestion and a headache.
    I used to LIKE kebabs, but my moms cooking has gone terribly down hill..
    Perhaps it's not necessarily your mother's cooking, but your own body no longer being able to tolerate such foods. I can say that my diet has changed a lot over the last decade. I find myself eating foods I once was able to handle like a champ, I can barely stomach.
  • My mom made some kebabs for dinner. Now I have indigestion and a headache.
    I used to LIKE kebabs, but my moms cooking has gone terribly down hill..
    Perhaps it's not necessarily your mother's cooking, but your own body no longer being able to tolerate such foods. I can say that my diet has changed a lot over the last decade. I find myself eating foods I once was able to handle like a champ, I can barely stomach.
    When my dad makes kebabs it doesn't bother me so. /__\ It's the same way with her meatloaf. And her Spaghetti and meat.

    My mom must be doing something wrong with the meat to make it come out like this.
  • After having a nice workout yesterday, the one today left me with neck pain again. I really hate how my body just really doesn't want me to be able to get in shape at all.
  • @Sonic: I know that I have some serious problems digesting meat that has a high fat content that developed in my early 20's. I discovered this in college when a friend made mac n' cheese with beef in it, and didn't drain the beef well (if at all) after browning it. I felt like I was trying to digest a brick in the middle of the night, and nearly vomited the next morning. The poop was highly unpleasant as well.
  • Ticketmaster.

    $50 for two tickets to Amon Amarth.

    $20 in convenience charges.

    $6 for processing.

    Fuck you.
  • Ticketmaster.
    GeekNights will never use Ticketmaster for an event we manage, I can tell you that much. Fuck those guys. ;^)
  • 4Kids declares bankruptcy today. It is the fail of somebody's day.
  • 4Kids declares bankruptcy today. It is the fail of somebody's day.
    This is the thing of High School-era Ryan's day.
  • "Could you please back up the personal stuff on my hard drive?"

    Sure thing...hmmm, whats this folder called "backup" within your documents? Oh, looks like its a copy of your entire hard drive as of March 2009. But wait, that folder also has a folder called "backup" in it, which appears to contain a copy of the entire hard drive from June of 2007. And within that directory is a 90 gig file named "backup.bck" that I have to assume contains something similar. Have...have you been "backing up" your hard drive to itself? *opens windirstat* Oh my god. There's hundreds of gigs of duplicate data in here.

    "Oh, Norton said I should do regular backups. Can you put them on DVD or something?"
  • When my podcast brothers and I were playing L4D2 last night, we played the Hard Rain campaign.

    For some reason when my walking/running movement was slowed due to the flooding, it made me really nauseated and dizzy. I died on the boat right before it took off and didn't get to finish the campaign.

    I tried to play one more and couldn't finish because I was so nauseated. I thought I was finally getting over my FPS nausea. :(
  • [Moved to better fit the topic]

    A friend got really drunk and angry tonight and completely alienated me in a way that really pissed me off (telling other people at a party to, "keep me out of the room so he didn't have to see [my] fucking face"). I was furious (and that's not a word I use lightly; my temper is unbelievably brutal when I am truly angry) and, unlike the last time I posted a story here, sober, so I walked off and tried to assuage my anger by whipping glass bottles into the street even though maybe (maybe) two of the people in that room could have taken me in a fight.

    I know I probably did the right thing, but every nerve in my body is howling to my brain that I should have slammed my fist into his mouth enough times to certify my right hand in oral surgery. That motherfucker.
  • I thought I was finally getting over my FPS nausea. :(
    That is a thing? Maybe it's good that I have been sticking to handheld RPGs. I get visual motion sickness pretty easily.
  • edited April 2011
    I tried to play one more and couldn't finish because I was so nauseated. I thought I was finally getting over my FPS nausea. :(
    Oh mans, if you play portal, you will be fuuuuuuuuuucked and not in the plesant kind of "Ohhh I'm apparently being fuuuuuuuuuucked" kind of way, but more in the "Oh dear, now I'm totally fuuuuuuuuuucked" kind of way.
    Post edited by Churba on
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