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Fail of Your Day



  • Damn, Omnutia, that really sucks. Have you tried taking antidepressants at all?
  • That's probably what I'm going to ask about. Counselling didn't go to well when I tried it.
  • Hmm, it sounds like it could be bipolar disorder; if that's it, then you probably need a mood stabilizer rather than an antidepressant.
    Either way, you definitely need medical help.
  • So I use an offline desktop database and a collection of Python scripts to organize the Anime Boston panels (why I do this instead of using some web-based system with a database like MySql or Postgresql is a subject for another debate). I use this to automate the process of emailing panelists with their schedules, etc., including a nice itinerary email I send out summarizing their entire schedule.

    The first version of the itinerary had the wrong year in it because I lazily hard-coded it into the script and forgot that I had done so, seeing as how I run it about once a year. I found that out when someone emailed me commenting on it.

    So I updated the script to get the year from the current date as opposed to hard-coding it and sent out itineraries with the new year, just to minimize confusion. Unfortunately, the version of said database software I have been using has been somewhat buggy and crashy, hence the data stored in there wasn't always correct. This resulted in a flurry of emails over the next 24 hours that the schedules they got conflicted with what they were told before.

    So I spent a couple of hours last night going through the database, making sure its schedule matches up with that on the AB website (which is the canonical schedule), correcting the errors, running my query that pulls out the scheduled panels, exporting the results to a CSV file, and then using my Python scripts to send out an updated itinerary. Only... for some reason... the CSV file's content didn't match that of the database. Of course, I found out after I sent the revised itinerary.

    So I switched versions of said database this morning, exported another CSV after confirming that the data matched up properly, and sent out yet another itinerary revision.

    It has not been a good couple of days for this panel manager... Oh, and I found out about another schedule conflict today. This time, however, I am not sending out a new itinerary to everyone. I'll only send out updates to those affected.

    I have been thinking about reimplementing my panel management system from scratch... This year's issues may be the impetus to do so, although I'm not sure what database I can use that meets my requirements (unfortunately, MySql and Postgresql probably won't).
  • (unfortunately, MySql and Postgresql probably won't).
    I can't see how they wouldn't...
  • I have been thinking about reimplementing my panel management system from scratch... This year's issues may be the impetus to do so, although I'm not sure what database I can use that meets my requirements (unfortunately, MySql and Postgresql probably won't).
    I'm thinking about writing my own with a pylons/pyramids sort of model. For ConnectiCon, it's just google forms and spreadsheets.
  • edited April 2011
    (unfortunately, MySql and Postgresql probably won't).
    I can't see how they wouldn't...
    Basically, since I do a lot of the work on multiple computers, all running different operating systems, in areas that may or may not have internet access, I need something cross-platform that allows for easy synchronization/migration across different computers and that doesn't require a net connection. MySql and Postgresql run on all the OSes I care about, but they are really aimed at more of a centralized server model (to the best of my knowledge about them -- I'm a systems software guy, not a database/web guy) and I may not always have access to that centralized server. All the solutions I've seen for using MySql (I admit I haven't checked Postgresql) in the manner in which I need to appear to be pretty kludgy. However, I'm willing to entertain recommendations. :) Note that I've thought about running MySql in a VM and copying the VM around the various computers I use, but this seems like an overly heavyweight solution to the problem.
    I'm thinking about writing my own with a pylons/pyramids sort of model. For ConnectiCon, it's just google forms and spreadsheets.
    I used to use a spreadsheet. In fact, I used it for the year I ran Otakon panels. However, it was just so painful that I spent a good chunk of time that Otakon (since I was pretty much chained to the panel ops desk that year anyway) implementing what would eventually become my current system in OpenOffice Base.
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • Basically, since I do a lot of the work on multiple computers, all running different operating systems, in areas that may or may not have internet access, I need something cross-platform that allows for easy synchronization/migration across different computers and that doesn't require a net connection. MySql and Postgresql run on all the OSes I care about, but they are really aimed at more of a centralized server model (to the best of my knowledge about them -- I'm a systems software guy, not a database/web guy) and I may not always have access to that centralized server. All the solutions I've seen for using MySql (I admit I haven't checked Postgresql) in the manner in which I need to appear to be pretty kludgy. However, I'm willing to entertain recommendations. :) Note that I've thought about running MySql in a VM and copying the VM around the various computers I use, but this seems like an overly heavyweight solution to the problem.
    That's quite the set of requirements. I'll ponder this and let you know if I come up with something to suit your needs. It does sound like you a need a more robust DB.
  • Basically, since I do a lot of the work on multiple computers, all running different operating systems, in areas that may or may not have internet access, I need something cross-platform that allows for easy synchronization/migration across different computers and that doesn't require a net connection. MySql and Postgresql run on all the OSes I care about, but they are really aimed at more of a centralized server model (to the best of my knowledge about them -- I'm a systems software guy, not a database/web guy) and I may not always have access to that centralized server. All the solutions I've seen for using MySql (I admit I haven't checked Postgresql) in the manner in which I need to appear to be pretty kludgy. However, I'm willing to entertain recommendations. :) Note that I've thought about running MySql in a VM and copying the VM around the various computers I use, but this seems like an overly heavyweight solution to the problem.
    That's quite the set of requirements. I'll ponder this and let you know if I come up with something to suit your needs. It does sound like you a need a more robust DB.
    The thing is, MS Access would fit the bill if it was cross platform. :) I don't need anything super fancy -- just something with basic relational capabilities. The big advantage of these desktop databases other than keeping all the data in a single file is that I don't need to write a large amount of code for the UI -- I just use their forms editors to draw it up. I may be willing to go with a web-based UI, but writing a custom UI in C/C++/Java/ObjC/etc. is not what I would like to do (which is why I ruled out Sqlite and HSQLDB).
  • Sounds like what you really need is to figure out what the heck is going on with your data. Do those panel descriptiongs have commas in them?
  • Sounds like what you really need is to figure out what the heck is going on with your data. Do those panel descriptiongs have commas in them?
    That's not the problem. I think the problem is NeoOffice (which is the OpenOffice implementation I was using to generate the CSVs) has a buggy Base module. I switched to the latest LibreOffice and these issues seem to have gone away. I also remember NeoOffice crashing while in the midst of various queries and it wouldn't always have written my changes out to disk when it crashed.
    Hopefully switching away from NeoOffice will fix these particular issues. I still wouldn't mind something a bit more robust in the future, though, but if it's at least stable it should be fine.
  • Does anyone know what a "UE error" might be?
  • Does anyone know what a "UE error" might be?
    User Error...error? :P
  • Does anyone know what a "UE error" might be?
    User Error...error? :P
    I pinged Rym (god of servers as far as I'm concerned) and he said it was an Unhandled Exception error. I'm also getting a CE error too, so I need to figure that out now.
  • CE error too
    This is a Windows server I assume. That's a sort of error reporting Windows can do after a crash.
  • This is a Windows server I assume. That's a sort of error reporting Windows can do after a crash.
    No, it's Solaris on a SPARC architecture. UE is apparently Uncorrectable system bus Event on Solaris, So I'm guessing CE is Correctable system bus Event. I think the CPU may be overheating as "UltraSPARC-III+:cpu_deferred_error+56c " is showing up in the log. The trouble is this CPU is so old I'm having trouble running down it's thermal specs.
  • This is a Windows server I assume. That's a sort of error reporting Windows can do after a crash.
    No, it's Solaris on a SPARC architecture. UE is apparently Uncorrectable system bus Event on Solaris, So I'm guessing CE is Correctable system bus Event. I think the CPU may be overheating as "UltraSPARC-III+:cpu_deferred_error+56c " is showing up in the log. The trouble is this CPU is so old I'm having trouble running down it's thermal specs.
    You should have said Solaris. Totally different ballgame. I'm a CentOS shop mostly these days. ;^)
  • A high school freaks the fuck out, because students play-act call of duty, pantomiming guns and knives. No blood, cartoonish fake violence, and no weapons, all played for laughs, but the school considers it as "It's too real and too much like the Columbine tragedy."
  • A high school freaks the fuck out, because students play-act call of duty, pantomiming guns and knives. No blood, cartoonish fake violence, and no weapons, all played for laughs, but the school considers it as "It's too real and too much like the Columbine tragedy."
  • >Kids playing pretend guns.
    It's got technology!!
  • A high school freaks the fuck out, because students play-act call of duty, pantomiming guns and knives. No blood, cartoonish fake violence, and no weapons, all played for laughs, but the school considers it as "It's too real and too much like the Columbine tragedy."
    Fake guns are always funny!!!
  • I'm pretty sure someone in my apartment building is growing pot. I walked into the stairwell to leave today, and was met with the smell of pot so incredibly fresh, sickly sweet, and heavy, that I thought I was going to gag. It was absolutely overwhelming.

    I'm probably going to have to live with this for the rest of the year, too.
  • Fake guns are always funny!!!
    Fact: In all fake gun related accidents, the one who is hurt the most is the one with the fake gun.
  • I'm pretty sure someone in my apartment building is growing pot. I walked into the stairwell to leave today, and was met with the smell of pot so incredibly fresh, sickly sweet, and heavy,
    Blackmail him into giving you free pot.

    @fake guns: this is why I hate people. This is no new thing but its bullshit none the less. I remember having my Han solo action figure's gun taken away because its a gun. Seriously.

    This happened a while ago but it still pisses me off. Luckily the guy didn't get 20 years.
    URG Basically the buy had some dirty song and he spliced it together with some footage of him singing to some little kids, and he got 60 days in jail for it. Tosh.0 does the same kind of thing and hes still fine. I understand that there was no consent by the parents and all that but its still bullshit. I know a girl who knows the guy and she says he really sweet and funny, and I believe it. People are too damn sensitive.
  • I'm pretty sure someone in my apartment building is growing pot. I walked into the stairwell to leave today, and was met with the smell of pot so incredibly fresh, sickly sweet, and heavy, that I thought I was going to gag. It was absolutely overwhelming.

    I'm probably going to have to live with this for the rest of the year, too.
    Give them a charcoal air filter and then, well, get free pot. They'll probably notice that it smells the next time they come home anyway.
  • Why do I seem to be the only person who wants firmer suspension that isn't lower than stock ride height. Lowering a car by an 1.5-2.0 inches royally fucks the suspension geometry.
  • Why do I seem to be the only person who wants firmer suspension that isn't lower than stock ride height. Lowering a car by an 1.5-2.0 inches royally fucks the suspension geometry.
    Because lowering your car to the ground is what the cool kids do and it makes you EXTREME! You know you like going 0.1 mph over speed bumps in hopes that it doesn't scrape the bottom of your car!
  • A high school freaks the fuck out, because students play-act call of duty, pantomiming guns and knives. No blood, cartoonish fake violence, and no weapons, all played for laughs, but the school considers it as "It's too real and too much like the Columbine tragedy."
    Oh hey, that school is only about 10 miles away from me!
  • Why do I seem to be the only person who wants firmer suspension that isn't lower than stock ride height. Lowering a car by an 1.5-2.0 inches royally fucks the suspension geometry.
    Because lowering your car to the ground is what the cool kids do and it makes you EXTREME! You know you like going 0.1 mph over speed bumps in hopes that it doesn't scrape the bottom of your car!
    I thought the glowing lights helped the car levitate over speed bumps? You mean to tell me they don't have repulsor power?
  • I thought the glowing lights helped the car levitate over speed bumps? You mean to tell me they don't have repulsor power?
    Where they're going, they don't need undercarriages.
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