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Fail of Your Day



  • No sexual acts of any kind? Yeah kid, Just keep telling yourself that it's your choice that things are that way.
  • edited April 2011
    Either straight edge guys are the new amish and I didn't know, or this is a Poe. I'd go for the latter, particularly because of the last five points or so. I do love people though who want to define what one youth subculture is supposed to be over everybody else's opinion. Or in the translated lyrics of german punk band Wizo:
    "And when some jerkoffs want to tell me what punk and what no longer punk's supposed to be, I'm going to take a shit on their faces, because I don't need such rules."
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • You know what's the best thing about straight edge people? They are easy to beat up. Just throw raw bacon at them first to freak em out.
  • I guess it's a win for me, but I've never heard of these people.
  • Fridge door just fell off (This fridge is older than I am.). Luckily, the replacement is already waiting to be installed and none of the milk bottles smashed so my feet are fine.
  • Being pretentious, for strength in the pit.
    How many straight-edge kids does it take to down a six-pack? Just one, if nobody's looking.
  • Aww yeah, Wizo!
  • Fridge door just fell off (This fridge is older than I am.).
    Wasn't it built so the front wouldn't fall off?
  • Wait, since when does the term straightedge imply veganism? And hey, why are egg whites okay but other animal products are not? What's so special about egg whites? This is why I don't identify as straightedge (also, "teetotaler" sounds way cooler).
  • Being pretentious, for strength in the pit.
    How many straight-edge kids does it take to down a six-pack? Just one, if nobody's looking.
    That's a good one.

    In terms of sxe implying veganism, Ian Mackaye is vegan so some people take that to mean veganism is a part of straight edge, but other than that this kid is mostly making shit up. I mean, no Advil? Lol.
  • Obvious straight edge troll is obvious.
  • Obvious straight edge troll is obvious.
  • Wasn't it built so the front wouldn't fall off?
    Hinge rusted through.
  • edited April 2011
    Wasn't it built so the front wouldn't fall off?
    Hinge rusted through.
    Did you move it out of the environment at least?
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Damn Macbook isn't Charging for some reason. On the week of my exams. >_<
  • State Standardized test. Apparently because the district officials can't tell between rooms that are testing and those that aren't, everyone suffers.
    I will have no electronics. Not even homework or a sketchbook. Just a kid and his sanity.
  • State Standardized test. Apparently because the district officials can't tell between rooms that are testing and those that aren't, everyone suffers.
    I will have no electronics. Not even homework or a sketchbook. Just a kid and his sanity.
    Sing in your head, that's how I've always made it through standardized tests. Or daydream.

    Valve "probably done" with single player games.
    Coming to your PC in the valve-time future: Hat-Life 3.
  • Excruciating low back pain. No idea what caused this.
  • Fail: Laura's dad has "days" to live. Had to drive her to the airport at 4 am to catch a flight. Not sure when I'll drive out but can't head out because the other IT guy is out due to surgery. *sadface*
  • Fail: Laura's dad has "days" to live. Had to drive her to the airport at 4 am to catch a flight. Not sure when I'll drive out but can't head out because the other IT guy is out due to surgery. *sadface*
    Oh no!
    Excruciating low back pain. No idea what caused this.
    Awww. I hope you feel better! Maybe knit a back brace?
  • Awww. I hope you feel better! Maybe knit a back brace?
    Naw, I got a heating pad helping me out plus stretching.
    Fail: Laura's dad has "days" to live. Had to drive her to the airport at 4 am to catch a flight. Not sure when I'll drive out but can't head out because the other IT guy is out due to surgery. *sadface*
    Sorry to hear that. Even though I recall that you guys said this would occur sometime within the year or so, it's never easy when it actually is being determined. I hope for the best, whatever that may be.
  • Sorry to hear that. Even though I recall that you guys said this would occur sometime within the year or so, it's never easy when it actually is being determined. I hope for the best, whatever that may be.
    Yea, he was given 3 months back in August or September, so he definitely gave life the old college try. Still doesn't make it any easier for Laura (and myself).
  • Niece's netbook that she got for Christmas is riddled with viruses, spyware, and god knows what other malware. I mean, we're talking an infection along the lines of the old Strongbad "Virus" cartoon:

    Me: Did you get a virus?
    Niece: No.
    Me: Did you get 400,000 viruses?
    Niece: Yes...

    Okay, she didn't know she got infected, but there was a ton of stuff on there. Here's hoping all that crap can be cleaned off.
  • Don't even bother trying to clean it. Just nuke the windows install and start from scratch. Trust me.
  • Okay, she didn't know she got infected, but there was a ton of stuff on there. Here's hoping all that crap can be cleaned off.
    Speaking as someone who used to clean Windows computers, you'll never know how you got infected, but once you get something it opens the flood gates for everything else. It is by no means worth your effort to clean it. Nuke it from orbit and start over.
  • Yeah and, honestly, unless you nuke it, you can never really trust it again. It might have a rootkit that is not detected and other nasty bits.
  • Speaking as someone who used to clean Windows computers, you'll never know how you got infected, but once you get something it opens the flood gates for everything else. It is by no means worth your effort to clean it. Nuke it from orbit and start over.
    That would be my preference (given how badly it was infected), only we don't have media to reinstall with (laptop didn't come with any). Not like she does anything critical with it anyway -- just types the odd homework and captions lolcats on I Can Has Cheezburger. It's not my first choice, but I think it'll probably be adequate for the time being.
  • That would be my preference (given how badly it was infected), only we don't have media to reinstall with (laptop didn't come with any). Not like she does anything critical with it anyway -- just types the odd homework and captions lolcats on I Can Has Cheezburger. It's not my first choice, but I think it'll probably be adequate for the time being.
    Most laptops these days come with a hidden recovery partition on the hard drive rather than actually install media.
  • With the amount of dumb things I hear during a single day of classes, I think I could fill a page with what I will now name "Failquotes". But to spare you all from having Stupid ooze out of your ears, I'll just give my favorite quote so far:

    ‎''I don't know a damn thing about emotions. You could hit me over the head with a brick and I wouldn't know what it felt like."

    I wanted to ask him what he thought the definition of "emotion" was, but I figured the answer would ruin me.
  • That would be my preference (given how badly it was infected), only we don't have media to reinstall with (laptop didn't come with any). Not like she does anything critical with it anyway -- just types the odd homework and captions lolcats on I Can Has Cheezburger. It's not my first choice, but I think it'll probably be adequate for the time being.
    Most laptops these days come with a hidden recovery partition on the hard drive rather than actually install media.
    If that's the case, yeah, I may go that route. Hopefully the hidden recovery partition is hidden from whatever malware exists on it. I'll email my sister (my niece's mom) for details.
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