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Fail of Your Day



  • We do virus cleaning at work all the time, and we nuke the OS only as a last resort. Try this:
    1.) Boot into Safe Mode and run ComboFix (it's important that if/when ComboFix reboots your computer, you reboot it into safe mode)
    2.) Run a MalwareBytes scan.
    3.) Run a SuperAntiSpyware scan (I know it's kind of sketchy looking, but it's really great, believe me - 4 stars on CNET.)
    4.) Run a traditional virus scanner - McAfee, MSE, Norton, etc.
  • 1.) Boot into Safe Mode and run ComboFix (it's important that if/when ComboFix reboots your computer, you reboot it into safe mode)
    2.) Run a MalwareBytes scan.
    3.) Run a SuperAntiSpyware scan (I know it's kind of sketchy looking, but it's really great, believe me - 4 stars on CNET.)
    4.) Run a traditional virus scanner - McAfee, MSE, Norton, etc.
    When Combofix reboots the computer never heard it has to go into safe mode......
  • When Combofix reboots the computer never heard it has to go into safe mode......
    Sometimes it works just fine, but in certain instances (with particularly difficult infections) if you don't boot back into safe mode, the virus will repopulate itself and you'll still be infected. I think the Vista Home Security rogue security software did something like that.
  • When Combofix reboots the computer never heard it has to go into safe mode......
    Safe mode is the only way to knock out most of the shit that gets on a windows machine.

    And while it is possible to clean a Windows machine (I used to do it for a living) it's by no means a cost effective way to spend your time.
  • Funny thing about "safemode" in win7 is that I still see this new crap starting up in it. So much for that, but I would say clean it if you can. I do it all the time, it is possible and you can do it. Just takes time and effort. Still better than backing up and blowing everything away in my opinion. Besides keeps you a little sharper. Great tools mentioned above, but may want to try Spybot S&D for the extra tools and possible HiJackThis by Trend Micro.

  • That would be my preference (given how badly it was infected), only we don't have media to reinstall with (laptop didn't come with any).
    You can usually get an unmodified iso from a torrent, use the key on the sticker, and Windows can't tell it's from a torrent if you get the right one.
  • Safe mode is the only way to knock out most of the shit that gets on a windows machine.
    Yea, I figured that's why combofix restarts the system to begin with...
  • I have my final computer science exam tomorrow. its worth 25% of my grade and I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do. Its not that I can't do the work so much as it is I can't do the exam. Normally we have labs or homework assignments where we write a small program. Well on our exams and quizzes they are all on paper and I don't know what the fuck to do. I'm not exactly good at programming with a pen and paper. I always look at older assignments to remember how things worked and am able to do my work but I don't know what the fuck to do on the exam. Not to mention don't know what a lot of things are called in the programs. I know how to do stuff but I don't always know the names. Ugh I'm fucked.
  • edited April 2011
    Huge lab due Friday. Analyzing data, I realize that some of it is filled with errors and demo data will need to be used, putting me another day behind.

    Two days to write is still enough...just...fuck.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • So, Charlie Sheen seems to continue his trick of bolstering his Rapidly Fading fame by being crazy and controversial - his shithouse sitcom certainly didn't do it, and his movie career has been dead longer than Marlon Brando - and so now he's attacking Roger Ebert about his cancer, because Ebert gave Wall street a lukewarm review, and where he did mention sheen - other than saying which character he played - all he said was that "Sheen never seems quite relentless enough to move in Gekko's circle."

    Oh, and mind you, this isn't the remake - this is Wall Street which came out in 1987. He's attacking Ebert for a bad review 24 years ago.

    Am I the only one that thinks that almost nothing of importance would be lost if this wanker dropped dead tomorrow? Seriously, the only thing that it would cause would be a few headlines, a sharp snap back to reality for the knuckle-dragging morons who idolize him. Hunter S Thompson was uncountable orders of magnitude more of a man than Sheen is - He could drop the impact of charlie sheen's entire career twice over in a single article, while on enough drugs to kill Sheen twice over, and still be justified in feeling like it was a lazy, boring Tuesday.

    When was there a remake of Wall Street?? I had noe clue they remade it? Was it any good? I would have to think it would be terrible. Wait a sec. They remade it and it started Charlie Sheen again? But he was talking about the first one??? Man I need some of the drugs Charlie is on to follow what is going on here. Thiw11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111-
  • Whargarbl
    ...the fuck?
  • ...the fuck?
    I don't even bother anymore. The subtle jab at the Sequel being the same fucking movie with added Le Beouf is obviously lost on some.
  • Marking assignments sucks.
  • edited April 2011
    Team-mate on quarter-long group project in Game Software Development 3 dropped the ball today. Hard. Between not delivering us the code he promised, or code that actually has room to integrate with ours, his code is almost completely useless, and he's AWARE of the fact that it will need to be rewritten, yet he made no notice to tell me until today, the day it's due, after I TELL HIM THAT I DON'T THINK IT WILL WORK.
    Then, for his Powerpoint slide for our presentation on where we've gotten on our game so far, he just cracks jokes about the death of ambition and about how our game is getting nowhere, but "At least we have music!"
    No, MIKE, you have music. The rest of us did the code we AGREED TO DO.

    I am filled with rage right now.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • Team-mate on quarter-long group project in Game Software Development 3 dropped the ball today. Hard. Between not delivering us the code he promised, or code that actually has room to integrate with ours, his code is almost completely useless, and he's AWARE of the fact that it will need to be rewritten, yet he made no notice to tell me until today, the day it's due, after I TELL HIM THAT I DON'T THINK IT WILL WORK.
    Then, for his Powerpoint slide for our presentation on where we've gotten on our game so far, he just cracks jokes about the death of ambition and about how our game is getting nowhere, but "At least we have music!"
    No, MIKE, you have music. The rest of us did the code we AGREED TO DO.

    I am filled with rage right now.

    But srsly, this is why I don't do group projects.
  • Marking assignments sucks.
    It continues to suck, but there's only four more to go (of 33).
    Admittedly, though, I don't have much excuse to complain as it pays at $36.42 per hour (that's in AUD; at the current exchange rate that's $39.50 in U.S. dollars).

    So, yeah, as much as it sucks to mark assignments, it's worth it :P
  • edited April 2011
    I'm on the last one. Look at this line of code:
    else: #An else condition that is used when the if condition isn't met
    Also, one of the lines in the file was 278 characters long.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I'm on the last one. Look at this line of code:
    else: #An else condition that is used when the if condition isn't met
    Either they are dumb, being snarky, or were coding at 4 in the morning and just started typing shit after a while.
  • Nah, it wasn't snark. There's a comment on every line of code. Seriously.
  • Team-mate on quarter-long group project in Game Software Development 3 dropped the ball today. Hard. Between not delivering us the code he promised, or code that actually has room to integrate with ours, his code is almost completely useless, and he's AWARE of the fact that it will need to be rewritten, yet he made no notice to tell me until today, the day it's due, after I TELL HIM THAT I DON'T THINK IT WILL WORK.
    Then, for his Powerpoint slide for our presentation on where we've gotten on our game so far, he just cracks jokes about the death of ambition and about how our game is getting nowhere, but "At least we have music!"
    No, MIKE, you have music. The rest of us did the code we AGREED TO DO.

    I am filled with rage right now.
    This happened to me on college a few times. Which would have been terrible but after the first time I started to do everything in the project myself anyways. It kinda sucked because I was taking on way more work that I should have but at least I didn't leave my grades in the hands of irresponsible college kids.
  • I just noticed that my checkbook is missing from my purse. It either fell out in my car or I haphazardly took it out and don't recall where I put it.

    I monitor my account on a daily basis so I'm not too worried, just concerned.

    There is another fail that happened yesterday, and I will post that later on in the Making Things With String thread.
  • Team-mate on quarter-long group project in Game Software Development 3 dropped the ball today. Hard. Between not delivering us the code he promised, or code that actually has room to integrate with ours, his code is almost completely useless, and he's AWARE of the fact that it will need to be rewritten, yet he made no notice to tell me until today, the day it's due, after I TELL HIM THAT I DON'T THINK IT WILL WORK.
    Then, for his Powerpoint slide for our presentation on where we've gotten on our game so far, he just cracks jokes about the death of ambition and about how our game is getting nowhere, but "At least we have music!"
    No, MIKE, you have music. The rest of us did the code we AGREED TO DO.

    I am filled with rage right now.
    This happened to me on college a few times. Which would have been terrible but after the first time I started to do everything in the project myself anyways. It kinda sucked because I was taking on way more work that I should have but at least I didn't leave my grades in the hands of irresponsible college kids.
    Thing is, I CAN'T do everything on my own. I was already the one combining everyone's code in addition to doing bug testing and code of my own. He was literally doing what he wanted, because he's basically the lead designer on the project. We left him to his own devices because in previous milestones, he was doing SOMETHING. We expected a lack of communication, as usual, but not for him to miss all of our meetings and then not do the code he had promised.
    Also, if I did everything, people would get mad on the peer evaluations because I would be hogging the work and controlling the way the game came out, and the peer evaluations reflect on your grade.
  • I doubt people would evaluate you badly for doing everything unless you were doing a poor job.
  • Eh. Maybe. But I really don't have control over who gets what done. If someone says they're doing something (and this bad teammate said three weeks ago he was working on the code he needed to be doing), I can't say "No, I'll do it," especially when I've already said I'm doing other things. I don't really have the option to take total control. I did do a ton of work this Milestone, and my teammates are rating me highly (although I don't know about the bad teammate because, you know, no communication), but they still did stuff, so it's not like I did everything.
  • See college is already preparing you for the real world already! :P

    I jest, but at the same time this shit is a common occurrence in the work place.

    As for my previous fail, I found my check book in the car. Crisis averted.
  • See college is already preparing you for the real world already! :P

    I jest, but at the same time this shit is a common occurrence in the work place.

    As for my previous fail, I found my check book in the car. Crisis averted.
    I heard that Sony has been roaming parking lots in attempts to snatch up people's checkbooks. Better keep a closer eye on that thing!
  • Eh. Maybe. But I really don't have control over who gets what done. If someone says they're doing something (and this bad teammate said three weeks ago he was working on the code he needed to be doing), I can't say "No, I'll do it," especially when I've already said I'm doing other things. I don't really have the option to take total control. I did do a ton of work this Milestone, and my teammates are rating me highly (although I don't know about the bad teammate because, you know, no communication), but they still did stuff, so it's not like I did everything.
    I'm not saying tell everyone "look I'll do everything" I'm saying just do it. If they get it done then just swap their libraries/functions for your own.

    This does several things. IF you have a bad egg in your group you can compensate for that and not let the whole group, your self included, fail. And if everyone does what they were supposed to do then you just got a ton of practice and experience which will help you later on. It's a win-win situation. Prioritize it of course, do your stuff first and then do the other parts of the project. If someone else turns in the section you're working on then move onto the next part of the project.

    It's saved me from standing in front of Professors and Bosses alike and having to explain why I wasn't done on time because of someone else. It gets to be less of an excuse in the business world where they don't care who's fault it is that its not done or that Timmy called in sick or whatever. All they care about is that it's not done. They gave you a problem and it's not solved.
  • Thing is, I didn't have time to fix his code and do it myself. It was really completely impossible for me to redo his code and have it even be the same code, especially since I only had a couple hours before it was due.
  • So here's the problem with taking control when you're in a group.

    1. Your other group members continue to be able to coast by.

    2. You start on the road to becoming a tyrant, and thus impossible to work with.

    True teamwork is really fucking hard. It's tempting to take control and just do it yourself, and sometimes that is warranted. However, you also have to learn how to adapt yourself to what other people can do. Otherwise, you can become one of those "my way or the highway" types.
  • Exactly. I wanted to give people the ability to do what they wanted, and not just maniacally control everything. That's mean.
    If they guy had problems with the code, he should've have come to us. I'm more upset that throughout these past few weeks he said he was doing work, getting things done, and that the features we planned on were being made. Come yesterday, he revealed that none of the features we had discussed were implemented. At all. That's the problem.
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