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Fail of Your Day



  • Nintendo to consumers: "All photos and videos you take with the 3DS are perpetually and universally owned by us, and we reserve the right to brick your handheld if you use a cart we don't like. Deal with it."

    Guess I'll be getting the latest GamePark offering instead of a 3DS.
  • 2:05 p.m. on a Tuesday

    Me: "So you decided you wanted to have your own radio show. How did that idea come to you?"
    Interviewee: "My favorite movie is Bruce Almighty. Bruce is one of my favorite actors. For some reason, seeing him as a newscaster inspired me."

  • Seriously? At least say "Pump Up The Volume".
  • He at least could have said "Good Morning Vietnam".
  • There's a free Andrew Bird concert in June. Too bad it's the day of my senior prom.
    Fuck that, dude, go see Andrew Bird for free instead.
    I would pay a good amount of money to see him anyway, and if he has another concert pretty soon I can always see that. Senior prom happens only once.
  • Senior prom happens only once.
    Unless you fail.
  • Senior prom happens only once.
    I missed my senior prom due to my family being poor and not really caring. I went out with other friends who didn't go to the prom and ended up partying afterwards with people who did go to the prom.

    A formal dance is just dressing up in clothes you probably won't ever wear again. I never saw the point of formal dances in high school.
  • Senior prom was a boring waste of money. I only attended so that I could "make an appearance." I haven't seen a single person I saw there in many years.

    I went to a few other "senior" proms by being some senior's date. They were mostly forgettable.
  • A formal dance is just dressing up in clothes you probably won't ever wear again.
    I wear formal clothes all the time! Getting dressed up is fun!
  • edited May 2011
    A formal dance is just dressing up in clothes you probably won't ever wear again.
    I wear formal clothes all the time! Getting dressed up is fun!
    This. If I had the money for fancy clothes I would wear that shit to community college.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • I would have skipped my prom, had I not been "encouraged" to go by my mother.

    At least I didn't pay a dime for it.
  • I enjoy the fanciness quite a bit. In addition, the other school dances I've been to consisted of me laughing at others with my friends, abusing the buffet, and making an asshole out of myself on the dance floor.

    It's been worth it every time.
  • My prom was at the Maryland Science Centre. That got me to go to prom in and of itself.
  • Senior prom was a boring waste of money.
    I can not begin to tell how many times people looked at me in shock (and slight pity) when I told them I was not going to Prom. I tried my best to get them to realize that it was because I knew it was going to be super boring and a waste of my time, but almost everyone was just like "So you don't have a date? :C"

    Everyone I know that actually did go left after the first hour.
  • A formal dance is just dressing up in clothes you probably won't ever wear again.
    I wear formal clothes all the time! Getting dressed up is fun!
    There is a difference. You do it professionally.

    I never said dressing up isn't fun. I was mainly referring to prom being a waste. I did go to one formal dance in high school. I wore the dress once and never again.

    However, I do have nice clothes, but nothing formal. My normal activities do not warrant the need for such attire, however if my lifestyle changed I would change appropriately. One day I would like to go to the Child's Play Charity Auction, but I'm not that well off to make such bids, but it would still be fun to go to.
  • News reports how Portal 2 is insensitive to adoption.

  • News reports how Portal 2 is insensitive to adoption.
    Choice moments:
    1. Every time they refer to Portal 2 as an "education game" that's "meant for children"
    2. The one woman saying how they contacted Sony, who said to talk to Valve (since they, y'know, actually made the game), and the one other person says, in the background, how they're just passing the buck. Stay classy/informed, mass media.
  • I couldn't finish watching the bit. Too stupid.
  • 1. Every time they refer to Portal 2 as an "education game" that's "meant for children"
  • 1. Every time they refer to Portal 2 as an "education game" that's "meant for children"
    Now, to be fair, it is a puzzle game, which in the general sense can be seen as teaching problem solving. However, the idea that it was "meant for children" just because it is "appropriate for children" is just ludicrous. Citizen Kane is rated PG! That's a kids movie, right?
  • Just watched the Castle season finale. I hate everything.
  • edited May 2011
    It's ok, I share your pain. I still have to watch the episode again with Jeremy. I don't know if I can handle that again anytime soon.

    Edit: My fail: My bug is pretty much a respiratory thing. If I do anything remotely strenuous or try to talk a lot I get into a good coughing attack. I have labored breathing with small pain. Ugh.

    The weather is finally nice and warm here, so feeling sick when it's warm out sucks. I'd rather be sick when it's cold and rainy.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • [video]
    "When it says rated 'E' for 'Everybody'..."
    Camera: Close-up of the game's E10 rating
  • It's past midnight and I just can't fathom how to write this documentation. My boss wants to deliver this to the client by non tomorrow. >_<
  • Kirk Cameron decides to take on Stephen Hawking's "there is no heaven" comment. Failairity ensues.
    "To say anything negative about Stephen Hawking is like bullying a blind man. He has an unfair disadvantage, and that gives him a free pass on some of his absurd ideas.” Hawking suffers from a motor neurone disease that has left him totally paralyzed.
    “Professor Hawking is heralded as ‘the genius of Britain,’ yet he believes in the scientific impossibility that nothing created everything and that life sprang from non-life,” the actor continued.
    My favorite bit is how he says he can't argue with a cripple, and then argues. Also, someone should point out to Kirk that Stephen's brain works just fine, and likely better than his.
  • Kirk Cameron is a moron, which is why he attempts to criticize someone for saying that "nothing created everything" (which I doubt Hawking actually said) while at the same time proposing that someone created everything from nothing as an alternative, and never asking where that someone came from.
  • Kirk Cameron is a moron, which is why he attempts to criticize someone for saying that "nothing created everything" (which I doubt Hawking actually said) while at the same time proposing that someone created everything from nothing as an alternative, and never asking where that someone came from.
    Welcome to religion.
  • Senior prom was a boring waste of money.
    For a fraction of a second I thought this was about a mexican prostitute.
  • Kirk Cameron is a moron, which is why he attempts to criticize someone for saying that "nothing created everything" (which I doubt Hawking actually said) while at the same time proposing that someone created everything from nothing as an alternative, and never asking where that someone came from.
    Welcome to religion.
    Eh, religion by itself isn't so bad, provided you aren't a fundamentalist wacko like Kirk Cameron. If you can partition your mind in such a way where religion is relegated to fulfilling spiritual needs/desires without interfering with your ability to think about the physical world rationally, it's more or less harmless. Granted, not everyone can partition their minds in that manner and that is a problem.
  • Eh, religion by itself isn't so bad, provided you aren't a fundamentalist wacko like Kirk Cameron. If you can partition your mind in such a way where religion is relegated to fulfilling spiritual needs/desires without interfering with your ability to think about the physical world rationally, it's more or less harmless. Granted, not everyone can partition their minds in that manner and that is a problem.
    So religion isn't so bad as long as you don't actually believe it?
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