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Fail of Your Day



  • Didn't know that. but look at the girl. Her back all bent like that.
    Yeah, you meant scoliosis, not MS.
    THATS IT! Scoliosis! They tested us occasionally for that in primary school. 'Swhy I remembered it.
  • Because the government is about to hit its debt ceiling ($14.3 trillion), they will start using alternative measures to pay the bills. First up is borrowing $130 billion from from federal employees' 401k plans!
  • Owing to delightful people keeping me up all night I missed a seminar and now feel like poop. Dam kids!
  • Because the government is about to hit its debt ceiling ($14.3 trillion), they will start using alternative measures to pay the bills. First up is borrowing $130 billion from from federal employees' 401k plans!
    I'm seriously considering working in the EU due to my citizenship when I'm older just to avoid the astronomical taxes we're going to see if they ever try to balance this.
  • I'm considering working in the EU to avoid the astronomical taxes
    Consider things better.
  • Didn't know that. but look at the girl. Her back all bent like that.
    Yeah, you meant scoliosis, not MS.
    THATS IT! Scoliosis! They tested us occasionally for that in primary school. 'Swhy I remembered it.
    Thats the test where the your 5th grade gym teacher makes you get naked and do jumping jacks and toe touches while he films it right?
  • edited May 2011
    I'm considering working in the EU to avoid the astronomical taxes
    Consider things better.
    I think what WUB was trying to say is that while the EU might have higher taxes now, the future is not so bright for the US tax situation. The gov't has been kicking the can down the road on debt for almost a century now, spending above their means in the name of progress. It's worked great so far but eventually we're either going to put EU taxes to shame, or we're going to revert to Mad Max. Neither sounds too appealing.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • It's worked great so far but eventually we're either going to put EU taxes to shame, or we're going to revert to Mad Max. Neither sounds too appealing.
    It wouldn't take much of a tax raise to put us on a clear path to long-term recovery. There are also many, many material benefits of citizenship.
  • It wouldn't take much of a tax raise to put us on a clear path to long-term recovery.
    It pains me we can't deal with this. It's just debt, it's not that hard of a problem. I mean we put people on the moon with slide rules.
  • DarrenDreger Darren Dreger
    Just read tragic story of Clayton Stoner's brother, Luke,killed Fri in a logging accident in B.C. 30 yrs old with a young family. Awful.
    1 hour ago Favorite Retweet Reply
    While that is fail, probably more fail is that I'm such an IT guy and the first thing that came to mind that somebody getting killed by a bunch of log-files is a hilarious concept :/
  • On Friday...

    ...there won't be any new ponies to watch.
  • Obviously the answer to your craving is to roleplay as ponies on the internet.



    Oh, my god. I googled it. There actually ARE MLP:FIM roleplay sites out there. I guess I shouldn't be surprised! Maybe Wizards should rethink their 2006 April Fool's and go after the young girl and bronie market.
  • You should check out some of the boards on ponychan. Theres some crazy shit right there.
  • It wouldn't take much of a tax raise to put us on a clear path to long-term recovery.
    See, that's the thing. If we would just hike taxes on the wealthy and the corporations, or just CAN THE TAX CUTS, we would be doing a lot better. Everyone is just too much of a pussy and only concerned about reelection to even consider suggesting it, though.
  • See, that's the thing. If we would just hike taxes on the wealthy and the corporations, or just CAN THE TAX CUTS, we would be doing a lot better. Everyone is just too much of a pussy and only concerned about reelection to even consider suggesting it, though.
    No, everyone in the US wants everyone else taxed, not themselves. I payed the most taxes I've ever payed last year and I was quite happy to do so. We need to make it so "tax" is no longer a bad word in this country.
  • edited May 2011
    The thing that frustrates me is that I want to pay taxes for the good of the country, but I feel like a lot of my money is being wasted by inefficiency in government. I pay, but I am a little frustrated when I see the old men doing dumb stuff with the money.
    edit: Or I can just pretend my part is going to school lunch programs and saving the environment and getting us better communication infrastructure. And then I am happy.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • The thing that frustrates me is that I want to pay taxes for the good of the country, but I feel like a lot of my money is being wasted by inefficiency in government. I pay, but I am a little frustrated when I see the old men doing dumb stuff with the money.
    This! A million times this!
  • My work laptop has started to lock-up randomly. Awesome.
  • Maybe Wizards should rethink their 2006 April Fool's and go after the young girl and bronie market.
  • Tried to help my ex with her problems, and while I was okay at first, I turned it back into me like the jerk that I am and she got upset. I'm pretty sure I made no progress in helping her get out of some shit that she walked RIGHT into. Some male friend took advantage of her, despite being a criminal (literally, he just plead guilty to counterfeiting coupons, you may have heard about him in the news), and she helped him out. He then tried to kiss her and she pushed him away, but she still isn't sure if she can end the friendship. In trying to help her end it by using the way she's been able to push me away as an example, our discussion just spiraled out of control. She hates talking about the past, and I probably undid every bit of help I had managed to give. She is dangerously weak and unstable, as far as I can tell, except when it comes to me of course.
    Also, on top of that, group member for our project is totally crazy and changed everything at the last minute, including changing all of our code because he didn't like it. Sitting through that class with all of our presentations was terrible

    I really just hate everything right now.
  • A coworker asked me to show him how I setup all the virtual servers we use. This coworker had troubles using FTP... I'm not sure how to tell him this is just going to be beyond his abilities.
  • A coworker asked me to show him how I setup all the virtual servers we use. This coworker had troubles using FTP... I'm not sure how to tell him this is just going to be beyond his abilities.
    Tell him that it is done with the help of the internet elves. They drive the little trucks to the virtual servers and dropoff and pick up data packets.
  • edited May 2011
    Tried to help my ex with her problems,
    There's your problem. Please, please, please, just get her out of your life for at least a few months. If you run into her around school or whatever, be polite, say hi, and keep moving. Nothing good will come of you trying to be around her at this point. Stay away until she's out of your system.
    EDIT: Wait, you guys are working on a group project together, right? That definitely makes it harder. But try to keep it as strictly business as you can.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • edited May 2011
    There's your problem. Please, please, please, just get her out of your life for at least a few months.
    This. You're not doing either of you any favors.

    And, let's be honest here, saying "she needs help with her problems," unless she has expressly asked for your help, is arrogant and misogynistic. Really.
    She is dangerously weak and unstable, as far as I can tell, except when it comes to me of course.
    I mean, this is pretty much the height of white knight arrogant bullshit.

    So step away as much as you can. Detach emotionally. Yes, you can do it. Yes, it's going to suck. Man up and do it.

    EDIT: None of the white knight commentary applies if she actually asked you for help. However, if she's asking for emotional help, you should probably say "no" anyhow. If she's that unstable, you really can't be any help. This is why we have professionals.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Man up and do it.
  • edited May 2011
    She didn't ask for my help, but she told me about her situation wanting to unload on someone. She was okay with my advice until I turned it back and started relating it to our relationship, which she's tired of hearing about.

    I just think she needs help because she's being taken advantage of, and she says she's not sure if she'll kick this guy out of her life, and he is an honest criminal who got her to buy things and tried to kiss her when she didn't want it. I'm worried for her safety as a friend, and if she just said she was gonna shut him out, I would forget about it. But she said she might keep him around, which makes me scared because he could drag her into an enormous mess.

    It shouldn't matter from this point, since our project is over as of today, and I probably won't see her until next Thursday at our exam...I want to between then, but it is a feeling I need to fight.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • She didn't ask for my help, but she told me about her situation wanting to unload on someone. She was okay with my advice until I turned it back and started relating it to our relationship, which she's tired of hearing about.
    Not the best idea.
  • She didn't ask for my help, but she told me about her situation wanting to unload on someone. She was okay with my advice until I turned it back and started relating it to our relationship, which she's tired of hearing about.
    Not the best idea.
    I know. I realize that was a mistake. But I don't think giving her advice was. Someone needs to tell her that she's not being a bad person for cutting this guy off, as much as he's "been nice to her." He also forced her to buy things for him and makes her uncomfortable and IS A CRIMINAL.
  • I'm ending Sketch Dump by the end of the school year. It's lame, but I don't feel it anymore, despite making a character I like and a relationship that's fun to write. It's just... empty.

    Hopefully I can wrap it up by the end of the school year and have something better to put up. I don't know. I'm just feeling creatively empty.
  • It's worked great so far but eventually we're either going to put EU taxes to shame, or we're going to revert to Mad Max. Neither sounds too appealing.
    It wouldn't take much of a tax raise to put us on a clear path to long-term recovery. There are also many, many material benefits of citizenship.
    I'm a dual citizen, so the EU can pay for my schooling and I can benefit from their policies, and I can benefit from US policies whenever I want. Haters gonna hate, jelly gonna be lime green.
    She didn't ask for my help, but she told me about her situation wanting to unload on someone. She was okay with my advice until I turned it back and started relating it to our relationship, which she's tired of hearing about.
    Not the best idea.
    I know. I realize that was a mistake. But I don't think giving her advice was. Someone needs to tell her that she's not being a bad person for cutting this guy off, as much as he's "been nice to her." He also forced her to buy things for him and makes her uncomfortable and IS A CRIMINAL.
    Some people don't want to be helped, and some people must be allowed to fail.
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