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Fail of Your Day



  • edited May 2011
    Yeah, I'm not saying he shouldn't. I just think you shouldn't label someone as 'crazy' when it just looks like they've made a bad choice or two. Being fickle is also not a reason to label someone crazy. Being a teenager and not coping well with a break up, and keeping your ex around even though you broke up with them is ALSO not a reason to label someone crazy. I say if she's not burning you with cigarettes, she's not crazy.

    Still, if someone's making you feel bad it's your duty to excise them from your life.
    We are definitely being hyperbolic when we are calling her crazy. She is however driving him crazy. Her poor life choices are dragging him down mentally at the very least, when he really needs more positive influences in his life. So while she's not "crazy" per say. She is as you are saying "making him feel bad". But yea, she's definitely not crazy. She's just going through the whole "figuring out who you are" which is leading her to break up with her nice guy bf and "hanging" out with more bad boy types. :-p

    This of course is all explained in Ladder theory. Obviously this is just another case of Emily being wrong about ladder theory.

    Plus all women are crazy... All men are stupid... la de da and all that.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • edited May 2011
    Not my fault this girl likes sucky guys who counterfeit coupons. She is obviously a dope about relationships.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Imma sum up all current problems with Axel's woman in a single meme image:
  • I'm in the hospital right now awaiting hernia repair surgery. I'm very cross because I couldn't drink coffee this morning.
    That sucks, but at least the surgery should make the pain go away in the long term. My uncle just went through double hernia repair surgery last. Fun times.
  • >:o
    Not my fault this girl likes sucky guys who counterfeit coupons. She is obviously a dope about relationships.
    She doesn't like him, she's very creeped out by him. She just enjoys attention from wherever she can get it, because she never got attention in High School. RIBS is the simple explanation.
  • I just burned the roof of my mouth on pizza. FUCK.
  • This must be the first time in the history of humanity that putting Pizza in one's mouth was considered a "fail".
  • This must be the first time in the history of humanity that putting Pizza in one's mouth was considered a "fail".
    The pizza isn't the fail, the pizza is a win. But the burn, oh god.
  • I just burned the roof of my mouth on pizza. FUCK.
    I do that almost every time my mom makes pizza.
  • But the thought of not talking to her just depresses me to no end, so I'm not promising results, just saying that I know you're all right.
    You don't need to promise results, man. Just do your best, you'll be fine. I suggest you fill your time as much as you can - I suspect it will help, and it will help with the feeling empty before long, too.
    Yeah, I'm not saying he shouldn't. I just think you shouldn't label someone as 'crazy' when it just looks like they've made a bad choice or two. Being fickle is also not a reason to label someone crazy. Being a teenager and not coping well with a break up, and keeping your ex around even though you broke up with them is ALSO not a reason to label someone crazy. I say if she's not burning you with cigarettes, she's not crazy.
    While I am against labeling every ex crazy, So far relationships have got me shot, stabbed, and in the hospital with a fractured skull. I know crazy very well.

    That said, I didn't say she is crazy, just that she's acting crazy compared to her previous behavior, as related by Axel. Which is still a pretty good reason to bail.
  • A Neo-Nazi demo and a counter-demonstration took place 100m from my front door today. And I missed it all! I would have been there with my camera otherwise.
  • Some dude in another forum I visit regularly is admitting himself that faith is unreasonable, and at the same time is trying to establish it as a valid means of deducing the truth of the world in a logical discussion. The stupid it burns. I guess that's what I earn for venturing from the ivory tower.
  • According to Tony Baxter (who is essentially he face of Walt Disny Imagineering at this point), there was an Alice in Wonderland dark ride in the works for Fantasyland at the Magic Kingdom that would have used the same ride system as Roger Rabbit's CarToon Spin, except you would have been in a teacup instead of a cartoon taxi cab. There was also a Sleeping Beauty dark ride being worked on. WHY WEREN'T THESE BUILT?
  • edited May 2011
    I just got hit in the head with a pair of very wet XL size boxer briefs...

    Here's the video:

    Luckily my camera survived.

    Here are some more clips from the spontaneous victory celebrations in downtown Helsinki, and yes it is 2:30 AM, and yes it is not very warm.
    Post edited by Dr. Timo on
  • edited May 2011
    Victory of what?
    Post edited by KapitänTim on
  • If I don't good enough in my Summer Classes, I'll be put on Academic Suspension. >_< What's odd though, is that my GPA is higher (Though slightly) than the requirement and related with my hours, yet this looming threat scares the fuck out of me. I'm talking with my advisor as soon as possible, something is really off here.

    Can't wait to get out of college. Just tired of this nonsense.
  • Victory of what?
    Get the fuck out!
  • Victory of what?
    Get the fuck out!
    Don't feed it. ;-).
  • So I get out of work about 20 minutes early and want to hit some shops in town. Since they are on the other side of town I got three options: Cut directly through town (takes a long time), use the "Südring" (literally "southern circle") which leads around town on the south, but is notoriously jammed, or use the highway which is usually pretty free. The highway is structured that you first leave town into the opposite direction and then take a sidetrack to go into the other direction. The sidetrack is one big curve around a foothill of a mountain, and this is what I found on the other side of it:


    Traffic jam due to the tunnel being closed of for some godforsaken reason. Cost me half an hour.
  • That's what traffic jam looks like in Austria?
  • Victory of what?
    Get the fuck out!
    I only know it is the Ice Hockey World Cup because of references to it on this site, hell I didn't even know it was going on at the moment until a few days ago. I mean it is hardly the football world cup now is it? It isn't even mentioned on the the ice hockey part of the BBC website and you have to really dig to get to that section of the website.
    The average Brit has just about as much of a clue who the current Ice Hockey World Cup holders are as the average American knows who the current Rugby League World Cup Holders are.
  • I've just sat at my desk doing nothing but refreshing web pages for 40 minutes.
  • So what's Seth MacFarlane up to? I think I might be crying, but I can't tell.
  • So today...Yeah... So I work the closing shift. Well this morning, the chef called out. So the dishwasher who can cook took over. So I got the awesome pleasure of washing all of the morning shifts dishes in addition to my dishes. Also our register girl called out. And the register girl wraps up all of the food in my deli case for me at night so I can attend to other closing duties. So I got to do that too. Also it was just pretty busy so I didn't have much time to do dishes and stuff during store hours. So I usually leave 5-10 mins after we close the store. I left an hour and 10 mins after we closed. Awesome. Well at least I got an extra hour of pay.
  • There's a free Andrew Bird concert in June. Too bad it's the day of my senior prom.
  • There's a free Andrew Bird concert in June. Too bad it's the day of my senior prom.
    Fuck that, dude, go see Andrew Bird for free instead.
  • A Panic Attack is keeping me from sleeping. >_< I'll need to confirm something in the morning.
  • I fucking hate when parents guilt trip you. ARGH!
  • I fucking hate when parents guilt trip you. ARGH!
    Welcome to the reason why I don't see 80% of my paycheck.
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