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Fail of Your Day



  • edited June 2011
    No, I'm just scared shitless of the concept of driving. Every so often, my friends try to convince me that I should try to learn, and one time I gave in. Pretty sure I almost left an indention on my friend's steering wheel, I was gripping it so tight.
    You're scared of something dangerous, you're already a better than most drivers will ever be. Most people have absolutely no respect for how dangerous driving and cars are.
    My friend's counter to that is that I can be an "Annoyingly nervous passenger" at times.
    Though it's not him I don't trust, it's all the other idiots.

    EDIT: And the follow-up to that is that I walk or ride my bike everywhere. Despite my flabby upper-body, I have fucking awesome legs.
    Post edited by Neito on
  • My friend's counter to that is that I can be an "Annoyingly nervous passenger" at times.
    Cars are scary shit, I get nervous when I'm not in control too.
    Though it's not him I don't trust, it's all the other idiots.
    Another quality of a good driver.
  • My friend's counter to that is that I can be an "Annoyingly nervous passenger" at times.
    Cars are scary shit, I get nervous when I'm not in control too.
    Though it's not him I don't trust, it's all the other idiots.
    Another quality of a good driver.
    Yeah. I know I could probably overcome my fears, but its a case of "shit works for me now, why change it".
  • Fail: So I did something stupid on Sunday, while brewing, and pulled a muscle in my right forearm.

    Failer: While the arm doesn't hurt all the time, I have a couple of inflamed tendons in that forearm. Every time I move my hand or flex in the slightest way, I can hear them "creaking" as they rub past each other. It starts to get uncomfortable after a while and eventually painful.

    Failest: The only way to let it heal is to ice it, wait, and minimize repetitive tasks performed with my right hand. Well, guess what - my job involves repetitive tasks with the right hand.

    Yay for old age!
  • Yay for old age!
    Pete, that's not old age, that's stupidity.
  • Pete, that's not old age, that's stupidity.
    Same thing.

    But seriously, if you're ever wondering, it is not a good idea to pick an 80-ish pound tun up to head height, and then tilt it such that all the weight is resting on your right forearm which you have also conveniently torqued into an awkward position.
  • So our department is in its last year before our jobs get relocated to Las Vegas. In order to get the work done and encourage employees to stay on longer they are giving us retention pay for as long as we stay. So each month most of us are supposed to get around $400 extra.

    Our Chief told us about this in January and put the necessary work into HR. After waiting 2 months, HR finally informs her that she filled out the paperwork incorrectly. She then resubmits paperwork with the Director's approval. One month later we finally see the paperwork in our electronic personnel file. This gave us hope and we pretty much assumed we will see the month in a month which is the end of May.

    End of May, nothing. This wasn't too much of a surprise. HR has been known to be slow. We figured we'd see it in the next paycheck. Nope.

    We've been in contact with HR to figure out what the hell is going on. They are pointing the fingers to Payroll. We contact Payroll and they say they haven't received anything from HR. They are pointing the fingers at each other.

    So we get paid this week and we are supposed to see it this week. We get this email from HR.
    Although we have received some indication that suggests payout may occur next Friday, 6/24/11, we continue to wait for a confirmation. Our efforts to gain confirmation will continue next week and I hope to have some updated information before Friday.

    I wish I had a better update to provide to you at this time. I appreciate your continued patience.
    Yeah. FUCK HR & PAYROLL.
  • My bike finally completely fell apart while I was running errands today. I took it to the repair shop downtown, and it's irreparably broken. There goes my one and only vehicle...
  • I'm sure at least you can navigate Detroit as a grid better then Boston, dear lord.
    Tru dat. There is no such thing as "missed my turn, I'll catch the next one." in Boston. I hear its a New England thing.

    Another sad fact about Boston (less so about Cambridge): oh hey, its like 11pm, let's go to the , oh wait, it's closed. Most of the midwest had 24/7 stores, even grocery stores were open always. Great for getting the beverage of choice at 3am during a "quick break" from a weekly D&D; marathon.
    Not having these is two more reasons why New York City is the best place on Earth.
  • image
    This is a four day old washing up injury. I still can't bend my finger fully without the cut splitting again.
  • Two mothersfuckers tried to run me over today. First decided that even though I was walking in front of her, there was no need to slow down. I was less than 10 feet away, crazy bitch. If I had stopped for some reason, I would've been hit. Second guy decided that there was no real need to stop at the stop sign, even though a parked car blocked his view of the sidewalk. If I hadn't swerved on my bike, he would have come within inches of hitting me. Fuck people.
  • Out of medication a day earlier than I was expecting; It's going to be a long night.
  • I'm still having trouble finding a summer job in Rochester. Guess I'm going to be poor.
  • edited June 2011
    I'm still having trouble finding a summer job in Tacoma. Guess I'm going to be poor.
    Post edited by progSHELL on
  • I'm still having trouble finding a summer job in Greenville. Guess I'm going to apply at Hooters.
  • Best of luck, I guess? Trying to find a way to say that that doesn't sound creepy...
  • I'm still having trouble finding a summer job in Greenville. Guess I'm going to apply at Hooters.
    Niiiice... May I also suggest a few other fine "breastaurants" such as the Celtic-themed sports bar chain Tilted Kilt Pub & Eatery and faux mountain sports lodge chain Twin Peaks. Tilted Kilt has the breast uniforms IMO.
  • I'm still having trouble finding a summer job in Greenville. Guess I'm going to apply at Hooters.
    Niiiice... May I also suggest a few other fine "breastaurants" such as the Celtic-themed sports bar chain Tilted Kilt Pub & Eatery and faux mountain sports lodge chain Twin Peaks. Tilted Kilt has the breast uniforms IMO.
    I don't think we have any of those in NC. Hooters is pretty much it. It's hard to find a summer job in Greenville because there is JACK ALL there besides the hospital and college service & entertainment industries. You have to drive 2 hours just to get to any other civilization.
  • I'm honestly considering applying there, but I thought it would be an amusing follow-up to the previous comments.
    And yeah, sorry Wyatt. No Celtic-themed "breastaurants" here that I know of. Although those names are fantastic and I am disappointed that the opportunity isn't here for me.
    And yep, the problem is that without the college students here, there's even LESS in Greenville. No business anywhere so not a lot of jobs available, even though there's very little competition comparatively. Granted, it's better than staying with my family and dealing with mamadrama, but the job market is screwed to hell.
  • If you were able to wear cute cosplay type wigs there, you may be able to somehow exploit that fact and post on random otaku boards that a geek otaku girl works for Hooters. Then otakus would come from all areas to drive to see the cute otaku girl that works at Hooters and tip you with all their monies! :P

    Kidding aside, if you are ok with working there, then go for it. Just understand there is a good chance of having an increased number of pervy customers.
  • edited June 2011
    Considering I'm already signed up to work at my friend's Maid Cafe, I don't really fear pervy customers. I'm sure I could just be quietly geeky until the geeky guys visit the Hooters and then be like "OHHEY I'M GEEKY TOO, GIVE ME YOUR MONEY" except not quite so obviously.
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • And yeah, sorry Wyatt. No Celtic-themed "breastaurants" here that I know of. Although those names are fantastic and I am disappointed that the opportunity isn't here for me.
    DANG IT!!!

    I don't know your situation too well, but Silver Bay YMCA hires Seasonal Summer Employees. The pay is horrible, but they give you room and board on Lake George for the Summer.
  • edited June 2011
    The restaurant on campus where me and my colleagues usually go to eat has a rotating cast of waiters and waitresses, though one of them has been there almost every day in the two and a half months I've been working there. Today there was another new one. When my colleagues and I first sat down, she passed by after retrieving some plates from the customers. Of course, she didn't put the plates on top of each other and the silverware on top of the plates, but instead just stacked the plates without removing the silverware and the silverware was wedged in between the plates. With the entire thing unstable, of course she immediately dropped a knife and was also immediately told by the manager of the restaurant that she should stack the stuff properly (plates on top of plates, and silverware on top of the plates).

    While eating I noticed her passing by a couple of times, still stacking the plates improperly of course. When she retrieved our plates, she of course did the same and dropped one of the dirty knifes on me as well...

    And of course, as we're leaving, she passes again and drops another piece of silverware...

    Seriously, the failure to comprehend even the most rudimentary concepts in life, such as stacking a couple of plates, is astounding in some people.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • I installed new RAM in my iMac yesterday and this morning get a kernal panic suddenly, then every time I tried to restart the machine. Taking the RAM out made it go away, of course. At this point I think I narrowed the bad DIMM down. Gonna make sure it isn't the slot before RMAing it.
  • Seriously, the failure to comprehend even the most rudimentary concepts in life, such as stacking a couple of plates, is astounding in some people.
    My room mate does things like this. Things like pack the dish washer with containers open slightly up. Just little things that make you wonder if she's ever lived on her own before.
  • My room mate does things like this. Things like pack the dish washer with containers open slightly up. Just little things that make you wonder if she's ever lived on her own before.
    This roommate of yours doesn't sound like a fun roommate at all the more and more we hear about her.
  • This roommate of yours doesn't sound like a fun roommate at all the more and more we hear about her.
    She's not a bad person...just dumb.
  • edited June 2011
    She's not a bad person...just dumb.
    Dumb is bad. Edumacate her.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Dumb is bad. Edumacate her.
    She's not dumb as in misinformed, she's dumb as in not intelligent. Much like chaosof99's waitress, she doesn't correct her behavior in an intelligent fashion.
  • Dumb is bad. Edumacate her.
    She's not dumb as in misinformed, she's dumb as in not intelligent. Much like chaosof99's waitress, she doesn't correct her behavior in an intelligent fashion.
    Take advantage of her lack of intelligence and get her to pay you for things she doesn't need to.
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