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Fail of Your Day



  • edited June 2011
    I see your T&T;, and raise you My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding.
    That doesn't bother me nearly as much as t&t.; At least the gypsies chose to have big ol' weddings. Ain't nobody ask those little girls if they wanna get tarted up like a whore.
    But T&T;, at its core, is just a show about the flower girls from MBFGW. The whole picture is even more terrifying.
    I disagree. I've already got it in my head that Gypsies do weird shit. That looks to be a show about them being a bit extra weird (as it's a wedding), and generally conforming to how I picture them. Little girls, however, do not bring forth images of painted ladies out looking to turn a trick. Fuck little girly pageants.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • I've already got it in my head that Gypsies do weird shit.
    Di yi lick digs?
  • I don't know what this T&T show is, but has all this pageantry anything to do with the creepy one from Little Miss Sunshine (but like, IRL)?
  • I don't know what this T&T; show is, but has all this pageantry anything to do with the creepy one from Little Miss Sunshine (but like, IRL)?
    Worse. It's like, Three-year Old Miss Sunshine.
  • I think My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding is funny but terrible. T&T, on the other hand, is for pedophiles.
  • I disagree. I've already got it in my head that Gypsies do weird shit. That looks to be a show about them being a bit extra weird (as it's a wedding), and generally conforming to how I picture them. Little girls, however, do not bring forth images of painted ladies out looking to turn a trick. Fuck little girly pageants.
    Brother, you ain't met real gypsies. I remember, when I went down to an antique show on an old airfield in the middle of winter, being warned the gypsies were out in force, and to not fuck any of them. Because apparently something they do is a younger one will get drunk with you and shag you, then the next morning her family shows up, and demands a shitload of money, or they'll all go to the cops and say you provided booze to and then shagged an underage girl.
  • Fuckin pikeys.
  • Fuckin pikeys.
    Fuckin' pikeys indeed.
  • Fuckin humidity.
  • Fuckin humidity.
    I know that feel, bro.
  • I wouldn't be so bad if I didn't walk to work

    ...with a 10 lb backpack

    ...uphill both ways

    ...seriously, it's a valley I walk through, it sucks.
  • edited June 2011
    The NHL is going to realign its divisions next season, and a National Post writer weighs in:


    At least two geographic failures there. One is obvious, the other is a bit more subtle.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • LULZ NY in the South Division.
  • BTW, if you are interested and can survive a look at a BB board, here's my idea how the NHL should be realigned.
  • Wow. I've been fighting off a mild cold and when I woke up this morning it was a full blown plague. WTF?! Now I'm on a sick day when the company could REALLY use my help today. =/
  • Wow. I've been fighting off a mild cold and when I woke up this morning it was a full blown plague. WTF?! Now I'm on a sick day when the company could REALLY use my help today. =/
    Yah, way to fail on BIG PATCH day and opening of a new dungeon. :P

    Hope you feel better.
  • edited June 2011
    Post edited by progSHELL on
  • Wow, didn't realize the original cars was rated so lowly by critics.
  • I saw it on TV once. It's pretty shallow and shitty.
  • The advisor in my department who actually tries to help students instead of throwing up her hands in defeat at "the rules" is leaving. This leaves with a woman who really doesn't give a shit. This is the difference between (paraphrasing) "There's nothing I can do, stay the extra semester for one class" and "Oh, you're a senior and need this to graduate? Hold on a second...and done."
  • Reading the forum while listening to GN podcast. I can't seem to do both at the exact same time.
  • This was a fail from yesterday, but whatever.

    My DnD group is still shitty. While they liked my soundboard I made for my character (he had a metal/magic/alchemy voicebox and jaw), when my new character came in, half the group had to show off their DnD peens by seriously telling me that they could have killed my new guy "instantly." This was a legitimate response to my character's introduction. Ughhhhhh.
  • half the group had to show off their DnD peens by seriously telling me that they could have killed my new guy "instantly."
    not my kind of tabletop group :(
  • edited June 2011
    half the group had to show off their DnD peens by seriously telling me that they could have killed my new guy "instantly."
    not my kind of tabletop group :(
    I really hate the majority of the players. The DM is awesome, and the game, aside from the players, is very fun. For instance, yesterday we have a big courtroom drama involving bringing one of our dead party members back to be a witness. We almost started a riot due to the town then thinking we were necromancers.
    It's just the damn players wanting to show of their character so bad. I would not have had to have a new player if certain people could play their builds correctly. But now I'm a Wizard/Sorcerer, so I'm in the back casting magic missile like a boss. So it all works out.
    Post edited by JukeBoxJosh on
  • I'm still finding god damn .22's in my trunk from when I spilled the box in there.
  • Reading the forum while listening to GN podcast. I can't seem to do both at the exact same time.
    Practice. It takes practice.
  • My UPS just gave up the ghost. >_<
  • GODDAMN IT ORLANDO! It rains ALL THE TIME, turn your headlights ON! (random Stan Lee bolding added for emphasis.)
  • This was a fail from yesterday, but whatever.

    My DnD group is still shitty. While they liked my soundboard I made for my character (he had a metal/magic/alchemy voicebox and jaw), when my new character came in, half the group had to show off their DnD peens by seriously telling me that they could have killed my new guy "instantly." This was a legitimate response to my character's introduction. Ughhhhhh.
    I immediately leave game groups that break Rule Zero.
  • I immediately leave game groups that break Rule Zero.
    Which rule zero is this one. I think there is at least million different rule zeros. I hope it's the GM can fuck everyone up the ass one.
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