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Fail of Your Day



  • I immediately leave game groups that break Rule Zero.
    Which rule zero is this one. I think there is at least million different rule zeros. I hope it's the GM can fuck everyone up the ass one.
    Sorry, not rule zero itself, but rather the corollary which states that the first rule is that you shouldn't diminish the fun of other roleplayers in order to have fun yourself.
  • edited June 2011
    I miss Tampa. I thought that once my grandparents passed away that my emotional ties to Tampa would be severed, but it was the first home I remember, where my Mom grew up, and where I visited every summer in my teens to spend time with my grandparents. Moreover, and quite surprisingly, I miss the city and the area surrounding it for itself. I never knew I could miss a place in this way - as if it were a long absent friend. What makes this a fail is that I am running low on vacation time, so there is no possibility to visit it in the near future.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • I immediately leave game groups that break Rule Zero.
    Which rule zero is this one. I think there is at least million different rule zeros. I hope it's the GM can fuck everyone up the ass one.
    Sorry, not rule zero itself, but rather the corollary which states that the first rule is that you shouldn't diminish the fun of other roleplayers in order to have fun yourself.
    It's the second strike. I've talked about the first strike here before, and in between they just kinda are irritating players, but this is the second strike. Next time it happens, I continue the game, talk to the DM afterwards, and then send a message saying I won't be returning because fuck you guys.
  • Make sure to go out with a bang.
  • Got to send out like 5 google+ invites, and then my computer crashed, when I logged in again google had removed the privilege. BAH!
  • Make sure to go out with a bang.
    "I target myself with a fireball, engulfing everything within 3 squares of me. When the fire dies down, there is no elven magic-caster there. Forgedawn is no longer with the party."

    Then I slap Mountain Dew (Blue Dew) out of someone's hand, take someone's pizza slice, and walk out, never to be seen again.
  • Then I slap Mountain Dew (Blue Dew) out of someone's hand, take someone's pizza slice, and walk out, never to be seen again.
    I approve.

    Option 2: Out-munchkin the other players and "accidentally" catch them in a spell AoE.
  • edited June 2011
    Option 2: Out-munchkin the other players and "accidentally" catch them in a spell AoE.
    +13 v. everyone's Reflex.
    6d6 + 8, 5 ongoing until the end of my encounter.
    If anyone hits me, +10 to the ongoing in a burst 3.
    If lucky, I'll get more than their bloodied value, and they drop.
    I win at DnD?
    Post edited by JukeBoxJosh on
  • I win at DnD?
    Wow, I have no idea what any of that meant. Except 6d6 + 8.

    I assume "ongoing" means "damage every round?"

    WTF is a "burst 3?"
  • edited June 2011
    I feel like such a dork. -_- Anyways

    Yes, every round. Burst 3 means 3 squares away from my character in every direction. Reflex is a defense type. The bloodied value is half their health, and when you do damage that's more than your target's bloodied value, they drop (that may be a house rule).
    Post edited by JukeBoxJosh on
  • edited June 2011
    WTF is a "burst 3?"
    Oh wait that's blast...

    This is Burst 2.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • edited June 2011
    Post edited by JukeBoxJosh on
  • I assume "ongoing" means "damage every round?"
    Not quite, IIRC, For an example, say you have ongoing 5 poison damage, you'd take 5 poison damage every time you finished your turn until you make the saving throw.
  • Not quite, IIRC, For an example, say you have ongoing 5 poison damage, you'd take 5 poison damage every time you finished your turn until you make the saving throw.
    OK, gotcha.

    Stupid new terminology.
  • I assume "ongoing" means "damage every round?"
    Not quite, IIRC, For an example, say you have ongoing 5 poison damage, you'd take 5 poison damage every time you finished your turn until you make the saving throw.
    Except with my broken attack! :D
    Sometimes it's if you're in a space, too. Like if someone creates a zone of fire, if you start in that zone, you take damage regardless of saving throws because you're standing in fire. You can't save that.

    I know so much about this game. ;_;
  • Grr, some fuck wit got finger prints on my lens filter and ruined a whole days worth of photos, you can't see the prints on the camera's screen (Nikon D90), but when in CS5 you can see them all right. Arsehole.
  • edited June 2011
    Except with my broken attack! :D
    Sometimes it's if you're in a space, too. Like if someone creates a zone of fire, if you start in that zone, you take damage regardless of saving throws because you're standing in fire. You can't save that.
    I know, but that was just a simple example of what Ongoing meant, rather than anything else. I know there's more to it, but that's the super basic version.
    Grr, some fuck wit got finger prints on my lens filter and ruined a whole days worth of photos, you can't see the prints on the camera's screen (Nikon D90), but when in CS5 you can see them all right. Arsehole.
    On the upside, you now have their fingerprints, which mean you can find out who it was.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • The Daily Mail's finest.
  • The Daily Mail's finest.
    Damn those Unions :-p
  • "Universe explodes because anti-explosion union was taking a fifteen. News at 11."
  • Brice: hopefully traffic not that bad
    me: hopefully
    I'm not leaving until early tomorrow
    f friday traffic!
    Brice: Friday .. friday
    me: gotta get down on friday
    partyin partyin
    Brice: ....
    me: fun fun fun on the weekend wekend
    Brice: never again.
  • Expensive droid phone, meet toilet. Toilet, meet phone.

    *hours later*

    Phone, meet bowl of rice.

    Now to spend the weekend without a phone.
  • This Twitter will probably make most of the people on this board rage, but there are a few I know that will for sure have issues with her view that adoption is "less" than "true parenting through childbirth."
  • The Anti-Streaming Bill.
  • This Twitter will probably make most of the people on this board rage, but there are a few I know that will for sure have issues with her view that adoption is "less" than "true parenting through childbirth."
    If I see the words "Um yeah, hi" again I will choke a bitch.
  • edited July 2011
    If I see the word "spirituality" again, particularly in reference to childbirth, I will also choke a bitch. Lady, that spiritual experience was your brain ramming hard enough on the internal painkillers to actually modify your memory so you would be incapable of recalling the full extent of the pain and misery you were in. Similar physiological reactions happen when people get shot.

    Guys, if you never want to have kids, learn the full extend of what pregnancy and childbirth does to a woman's body. You will never want to touch anything on the off chance it might be female from then on.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • edited July 2011
    Lady, that spiritual experience was your brain ramming hard enough on the internal painkillers to actually modify your memory so you would be incapable of recalling the full extent of the pain and misery you were in. Similar physiological reactions happen when people get shot.
    This is pretty much 100% true. The body releases huge amounts of cannibinoids and endorphins during labor to divert the body's attention from pain. However...
    Guys, if you never want to have kids, learn the full extend of what pregnancy and childbirth does to a woman's body. You will never want to touch anything on the off chance it might be female from then on.
    ...I think that's a bit overboard.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited July 2011
    Expensive droid phone, meet toilet. Toilet, meet phone.

    Now to spend the weekend without a phone.
    My mom did the exact same thing with her shitty phone last week. She was planning to get a new one anyways.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • This Twitter will probably make most of the people on this board rage, but there are a few I know that will for sure have issues with her view that adoption is "less" than "true parenting through childbirth."
    Who chooses a Twitter handle based on the fact that they don't let their kids eat peanuts?
  • Several prominent members of the anti-allergen movement, judging by her followers.
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