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Fail of Your Day



  • weight lifting. :-p
    pff obviously weight lifting! Dude bro it up!
  • Does anyone have a spare heart? I think mine was ripped out and turned to dust...
  • weight lifting. :-p
    pff obviously weight lifting! Dude bro it up!
    Weight lifting us fun. Especially when you can out lifts dudes.
    Does anyone have a spare heart? I think mine was ripped out and turned to dust...
    Oh noes. Hope it gets better and she didn't end up being a lesbian. Go seek comfort with baby Cthulhu STAT!
  • Weight lifting us fun. Especially when you can out lifts dudes.
    I long ago accepted that I will forever resemble a pillow with some bamboo cain for limbs. Such is the pain of being tall and gangly.

    On a more painful note wrapped up Assassins Creed Brotherhood. I was a game about an Italian middle manager that went on the odd run and was told not to kill people. It could have been fun but it just fell flat.
  • The final boss in Borderlands. I don't know if I even want to bother.
  • edited August 2011
    The final boss in Borderlands. I don't know if I even want to bother.
    Fuck that giant fucker. However, if you're quick, you can hang out behind a pillar on the far side - I chose left, for absolutely no discernible reason - and be pretty safe from everything he throws at you. Then just keep smashing that eye, and shoot the tentacles when they appear, and if you can, use your action skill on him - though that's only really useful with Roland, everyone else, just keep hammering that eye till you run out of ammo.

    I seriously had more trouble with the guardians(as mordecai) than I did with the final boss.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • AP Economics
    I took AP Micro (they didn't offer Macro). I imagine it would depend on your teacher, but I enjoyed the class and got a 3 on the test.
  • edited August 2011
    It's not that it's difficult, it's that it's boring.
    AP Economics
    I took AP Micro (they didn't offer Macro). I imagine it would depend on your teacher, but I enjoyed the class and got a 3 on the test.
    Yeah, it's entirely the teacher. Apparently a large portion of the class is spent watching The Office.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • I've spent the whole day operating under the impression that it was Thursday. I'm only two days into summer vacation too...
  • I've spent the whole day operating under the impression that it was Thursday. I'm only two days into summer vacation too...
    If it makes you feel better, after reading your post, I had no idea what day it was.
  • So a large part of my work is adapting a sort of forum/wiki software for the purposes of the Help Desk of my company. The HD was complaining about a bug that resulted in the form for editing an article being filled with identical data if two different articles are opened in rapid succession, even by different users. Obviously it sounds like some sort of caching problem, but removing the cache for database lookups from the process by forcing to always look up from the database didn't fix the problem. The Article ID for the resulting article object always matched the ID of request to the database, but the resulting output for the form fields did not.

    I basically spent all day tracking the bug down, just to find that in some obscure place in the code there was a cache for the items, including article objects. The problem was that there was another cache for items, such as field-value-collections like those that are used for filling the editing form, so that those aren't generated each time you open the editing form. And that is in spite of already handing over the article object you just retrieved from the database, or the database cache.

    My company got the software, with a source code, from a different company. How this made it into an official release is beyond me though, because it obviously generates a lot of problems for a minimal performance increase which will completely negated if the problem occurs.
  • So if you have a phone that is synched with your Facebook account, guess what happened? That's right, all the phone numbers in your phone's contacts list are now published on Facebook even if they don't have a Facebook account!

    So yeah, totally evil and stuff. The way to fix it is to turn off synching on your phone, go to Facebook and click on Account, Edit Friends, Contacts, and then on "this page".
  • I just got a rejection email for a job I'm pretty sure I never applied for (not related to what I do), in the same company I work for.
    However, now I am feeling all rejected... ._.
  • phone's contacts list are now published on Facebook
    No they're not. Only you can see it. Do you know what published means?
  • Spilled water on my macbook pro, really got into the, the cord for the charger is broken. So it'll easy be out of commission for a while. ;-;
  • A friend and I really want to go to Anime Boston in 2012, so we need to come up with about $80-$100 each. I told him "a couple of smart guys like us can come up with something." Today he emailed me with a link to one of those "make free money online" scam sites. I just hope I stopped him in time; they have a "special offer" that "ends tomorrow".
  • So I went to start the application process for my visa today. I'm expediting it, but it could still take two weeks to get through the submission process. What they never told me going in was that, if I'm a national of another country, I will need my passport number for that country. My Spanish passport is presently just hanging out at the Spanish Consulate. I might be able to get it tomorrow, I might not be able to. I leave for the UK in about a month.

    Fuck red tape.
  • Another bluescreen caused by my graphics card. God damn, I need to get a new one to replace it, but they can be so damn expensive. Maybe once my next paycheck comes in...
  • I can't win a damn Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition match, because my Comcast CONSTANTLY disconnects while playing. I'd not be so pissed off, but it's almost as if the computer people know when I'm winning or losing. Everytime I'm winning a match or about to win, or when the KO screen came up, it disconnects. But all my losing matches will go through clearly. Or, of course, disconnect. So I'll never win a match with Yang. >_<
  • There is no Astronomy course. I might do AP Economics, but it's supposed to be a shit course. I think a majority of the people in the class got 1's
    My AP Macro Economics teacher was a super old dude told us the greatest stories ever about his life and some of the funniest jokes ever, multiple times. However, he never really prepared us for the AP exam, stating that he'll teach us like a college class, not to some test. Oh well, such is life... I still took the AP exam with 6 other people, crammed, and got a 3.
  • So I went to start the application process for my visa today. I'm expediting it, but it could still take two weeks to get through the submission process. What they never told me going in was that, if I'm a national of another country, I will need my passport number for that country. My Spanish passport is presently just hanging out at the Spanish Consulate. I might be able to get it tomorrow, I might not be able to. I leave for the UK in about a month.

    Fuck red tape.
    You don't have photocopies of your passports for this kind of thing? I know I do, and photos of the relevant pages saved on my laptop. Get with it!
  • House got robbed. All laptops, game systems, cameras, ipods, and ipod speakers are gone.
  • That really sucks to hear. Sorry for you and your families bad predicament. At least you didn't have your new computer you ordered there, right?
  • Yeah. They didn't take my mom's desktop, but if my parts had been here...
  • Any idea if insurance will cover it?
  • We don't know yet. It should, but we have no guarantees yet.
  • Jeez, dude, that sucks.. Sorry to hear it.
  • Ouch. Sorry Axel, that sucks.
  • edited August 2011
    A religious spambot sent me a youtube message.
    Hi pegu06,
    I would like to share some piece of information with you,
    The concept of God
    Man existed even before he was born and will continue to exist after death.
    He did not create himself but he has been created before he knew himself.
    The inanimate objects around him did not create him because he is a rational being whereas they are not.
    Everything in this universe has been created from nothingness by one God,

    Man has not chosen the family in which he was born.
    If we to follow the true religion of God, then that religion should be of our choosing,
    it should not be something we inherited from our parents.
    So it is the case if your parents are Hindus your concept of God is Hindu concept,
    and likewise if they are Christians or Jews or Muslims.

    How could man know that his parent's religion and their concept of God are right,
    though all humans have the same origin and only one true God?

    The concept of God in Islam

    Chapter 112 The Noble Qur'an

    In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

    Say (O Muhammad (SAW)): "He is Allâh(God), (the) One. (1)
    "Allâh-us-Samad [Allâh the Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need,
    (He neither eats nor drinks)]. (2)
    "He begets not, nor was He begotten;[] (3)
    "And there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him." (4)

    Post edited by Pegu on
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