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Fail of Your Day



  • I once had a history teacher who claimed that Europeans had discovered horses in America and brought them over to Europe. This naturally led to many jokes about Roman chariots being pulled by velociraptors.
    That sounds awesome, but don't give the Young Earth Creationists any ideas.
  • My web design professor: "A hangover is Dead brain cells." Um, not really. Its mainly just dehydration and a lack of glucose in the brain caused by alcohol inhibiting gluconeogenesis. Brain cell loss from alcohol is mainly only in alcoholics and is more indirect. I mean I know binge drinking is bad, but at least get your shit straight.
    Reminds me of the time when my geography professor tried to claim that the earth was rotating from east to west, when it's the other way around.
    I once had a history teacher who claimed that Europeans had discovered horses in America and brought them over to Europe. This naturally led to many jokes about Roman chariots being pulled by velociraptors.
    Oh my God, she was such a dumb teacher. Psychotic, too. It's like, dang.
  • I once had a teacher who insisted that we have 52 states "because of Alaska and Hawaii."
  • Yeah, smart-ass ungrateful brats is the only reason I would never even think of becoming a teacher.
  • I once had a teacher who claimed antiviral drugs didn't exist in front of the entire class. I told her that Tamiflu was being used in Asia to combat bird flu, and Valtrex is commonly used to treat herpes infections. She responded by saying that they may as well not exist because they have relatively limited applications.

    I lost all respect for her after that.
  • One of my brother's classmates thought that peaches grew underground. She's in the 9th grade.
  • edited September 2011
    A girlfriend I had a few years ago was down at college. One of the head lights on her car went out. I told her to tell the man at the dealership she went to get it fixed at that she needs more headlight fluid. She did.
    Post edited by KapitänTim on
  • My grandmother worked with a lady who thought both marshmallows and spaghetti grew on trees. She also messed with her by convincing her there were giant mushrooms in the U.P. and they would have grand mushroom roasts after "the hunt." Lady totally believed it.
  • One of my brother's classmates thought that peaches grew underground. She's in the 9th grade.
    This, I can totally see. If you don't live in an area where there are a bunch of peach trees, you might simply never have known.
    My grandmother worked with a lady who thought both marshmallows and spaghetti grew on trees. She also messed with her by convincing her there were giant mushrooms in the U.P. and they would have grand mushroom roasts after "the hunt." Lady totally believed it.
    This is dumb though.
  • This naturally led to many jokes about Roman chariots being pulled by velociraptors.
    Oh holy shit that would've been so awesome. I want a chariot pulled by velociraptors!
  • image
    My fail is that I don't get the joke. Is it just a terrible joke and that's why I don't get it?
  • He's just done something really stupid, then realized, oh shit, is this how stupid I'm going to be at school because if so I'm fucked.
  • My fail is that I don't get the joke. Is it just a terrible joke and that's why I don't get it?
    You've never went off to do it, then due to inattention, ended up doing something completely wrong? I have.

    "Oh, I have to make a note, I have a pen in my breast pocket. Let me quickly grab a pen".
  • He's just done something really stupid, then realized, oh shit, is this how stupid I'm going to be at school because if so I'm fucked.
    Huh. So it was a bad joke. I was trying to find a particularly complex pun.
  • I've told this before but I once had a science teacher in 7th grade who was basically just a football coach put in a teaching position who didn't believe in Evolution. I called him out on his shit in an essay we had to write and said people who don't believe in evolution are ignorant, after which he proceeded to give a 20 minute lecture about how we have to respect peoples beliefs and all that shit. He didn't mention my name but he quoted my paper so I know it was because of me. Fuck that guy.
  • Caught myself saying "cribins the bongly" with out realising it. I have become to English.
  • Jason called my favorite band "whiny hipster rock with no personality".

  • You know he's been trying to push his bands on me recently and says your taste sucks in music. We need to have conference call conversation sometime to debate this.
  • You know he's been trying to push his bands on me recently and says your taste sucks in music. We need to have conference call conversation sometime to debate this.
    You have no idea...
  • As long as he doesn't insult either the Dead Milkmen or the Beatles, more power to him.
  • Jason called my favorite band "whiny hipster rock with no personality".
    What is said favorite band?
  • We need to have conference call conversation sometime to debate this.
    I totally want to here this one!
  • the Beatles
    The Beatles suck.

    No, I'm not kidding.
  • Caught myself saying "cribins the bongly" with out realising it. I have become to English.
    Are you some kind of magic space robot? Because I have no idea what you are talking about.
  • the Beatles
    The Beatles suck.

    No, I'm not kidding.
    They're alright. I'd probably hold them in higher regard if I was of that generation.
  • What is said favorite band?
    Musical perfection.
  • I finally became victim to fridge food theft at work. I got hungry early today and really wanted my tasty Healthy Choice teriyaki chicken steamer thing. ;-;

    This makes me want to write a note, but that would make me a jerk. Sigh.
  • Musical perfection.
    LOL, wut?
  • What is said favorite band?
    Musical perfection.
    Not bad. I remember listening to Thrice when I was younger. Image of the Invisible is a good track.
    The Beatles suck.
    The Magical Mystery Tour Album is the one I really like a lot of stuff from, the other albums only have a good track or two.
  • the Beatles
    The Beatles suck.

    No, I'm not kidding.
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