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Fail of Your Day



  • It's pretty unnatural, historically speaking, for any generation to be so enamored by the music of their parents as this generation is with the Beatles.
  • the Beatles
    The Beatles are not my cup of tea and I don't like them.

    No, I'm not kidding.
    Fixed that for you. The Beatles have made a lot of amazing music, you just don't like them. There is a difference between not liking something and something actually being terrible.

    For example, you can say "Twilight is a terrible series of books" and be completely correct in that statement for a number of different legitimate reasons on top of just not liking it.
  • We've had this discussion before. No need to do it again. It's more about how much Andrew and Jason disagree and how I'm going to eventually pick a side. In which, my side says "Yay Boy Bands!". Then Andrew and Jason ignore me forever.

  • Do we really need to keep reminding people of this?
  • Do we really need to keep reminding people of this?
    I just want people to be able to understand the difference between objective and subjective when it comes to whether or not things are good or not.
  • It's ok to be a dick.
  • "I think that X is terrible and you're a bad person for liking it" - Dick.
    "I personally dislike X, but it's alright that you like it" - Long-winded, should be unnecessary, may be interpreted as condescending.
    "X sucks" - Short and to-the-point, should be obvious not to be taken seriously.

    "X is pretty good" - Wrong.

  • "I think that X is terrible and you're a bad person for liking it" - Dick.
    Child porn.
  • edited September 2011
    For reasonably objectively-okay values of X, such as The Beatles.

    Objectively bad things include child porn, racism, indie music..
    Post edited by ProfPangloss on
  • edited September 2011
    Objectively bad things include [...] indie music
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Objectively bad things include [...] indie music
  • There is a difference between independent music and indie music. Indie music has a very distinctive sound that makes me want to cut off my ears.
  • There is a difference between independent music and indie music.
  • My dickish-ness is directly proportional to the level of bullshit you are espousing.
  • There is a difference between independent music and indie music. Indie music has a very distinctive sound that makes me want to cut off my ears.

    "He thinks 'indie' is a genre!"
  • I was partially trolling, there really is a specific (read whiny) sound that is attributed to a majority of indie music which leads people to think that indie is a specific genre.
  • edited September 2011
    I am playing Catan online right now I have settlements on 4,5,6,8,9 and 11 it has gone four 5 rounds. I have gotten NO recorces 1 sheep.
    Post edited by KapitänTim on
  • Two things:

    1) The Beatles own

    2) I'm gonna need some examples of this shit
    there really is a specific (read whiny) sound that is attributed to a majority of indie music which leads people to think that indie is a specific genre.
  • Jason called my favorite band "whiny hipster rock with no personality".
    I didn't see the word "favorite"
  • I.

    The transfer/renewal of my domain name got fucked up halfway through, so I had to burn 8 dollars to renew it with the old registrar for reasons I can't even begin to fathom.
  • Oh right. I have a 2-page essay due tomorrow.
  • Oh yeah I have an exam in the morning and a program due tomorrow.
  • edited September 2011
    Oh yeah I have seventy more pages of Plato to read, plus four essays (reading, not writing), and a class at 9 o'clock.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Oh yeah I have seventy more pages of Plato to read, plus four essays (reading, not writing), and a class at 9 o'clock.
    Yay nodoz and adderall?
  • \(reading, not writing)
    Thank goodness.

    For me: Twenty problems for calculus (just limits, though, so it's cool) and 15 pages of reading (to be done tomorrow morning).
  • image

    Never again.
  • Yeah seriously, use a goddamn electric razor if you've got any serious whiskers. It takes fucking forever to shave a neckbeard off with a big boy razor.
  • I use a beard trimmer to take it down to a millimeter or so before actual shaving. Saves time, less mess, less damage.
  • You can do it without cuts. But, if you have curly (therefore, coarse) hair like me, you get razor bumps. And if you get razor bumps, may god have mercy on your soul.

    Fuckin razor bumps. I HAD to switch to a brush and safety razor, because cartridge razors are too dull. They fuck up my face every time.
  • For some reason shitty disposable razors seem sharper than my Mach 4 super ultra deluxe razor.
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