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Fail of Your Day



  • But they cause autism! It's injecting poison into your body!
    That's not the argument being made here. Outwardly, they claim it's a violation of a citizen's rights to require them to take vaccinations. There is also an implicit argument that by giving the HPV vaccine to young girls, you are condoning sexual activity at that age. Both are pretty WTF regardless.
    Humina... Herppp..... Aaaahhhh...

    REALLY? REALLY GUYS? These are the arguments we're making?

    Could I say it's a violation of my civil rights to ahve to deal with these dipshits?
  • edited September 2011
    But they cause autism! It's injecting poison into your body!
    That's not the argument being made here. Outwardly, they claim it's a violation of a citizen's rights to require them to take vaccinations. There is also an implicit argument that by giving the HPV vaccine to young girls, you are condoning sexual activity at that age. Both are pretty WTF regardless.
    I turned down the HPV vaccine, so unless times have changed, it's not required. Or perhaps it depends on the state/location, I'm not well versed on that.
    Regardless, it turns out it's a really good thing I DIDN'T get the vaccine as the one they wanted to give me at the time included latex in the formula, and I'm pretty severely allergic. Aside from the fact that my doctor straight-up told me I didn't really need it so long as I'm not sexually active. To me, that's still a personal choice thing. And as someone who has a crippling phobia of needles, that's condoning abstinence right there.
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • That's like when they proposed that birth control should be free, one of them said that we shouldn't let kids have unlimited sex with whoever they want. wut? And someone else said that if everyone is using birth control then we'll have prevented a generation. Because no one would ever want to have kids on purpose? Nowadays the question isn't if you are right wing or left wing. Its "Are you batshit crazy or not?"
  • edited September 2011
    I'm writing up a set of ten "Expatriation Conditions" for the US because of how this election season is going. My rule is that if five are met, I will leave the country and not return unless there is an emergency or things normalize. I will be shocked if I do not see at least two conditions met by the time of the next election.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • That's like when they proposed that birth control should be free
    Please let this actually happen. That would make my life.
  • Things are getting so bad I'm contemplating being like one of those crazy guys who stockpiles food, guns and other shit because I'm afraid the world is going to shit. If any of these people get elected, I'm going to be fucking scared.
  • I turned down the HPV vaccine, so unless times have changed, it's not required. Or perhaps it depends on the state/location, I'm not well versed on that.
    One of the candidates, Texas Gov. Rick Perry introduced state legislation requiring twelve year old girls to get the vaccine. This is how the issue got introduced in the debate.

    That's ok, Bachman referred to the Morning After Pill as an abortion pill.
  • But they cause autism! It's injecting poison into your body!
    That's not the argument being made here. Outwardly, they claim it's a violation of a citizen's rights to require them to take vaccinations. There is also an implicit argument that by giving the HPV vaccine to young girls, you are condoning sexual activity at that age. Both are pretty WTF regardless.
    I turned down the HPV vaccine, so unless times have changed, it's not required. Or perhaps it depends on the state/location, I'm not well versed on that.
    Regardless, it turns out it's a really good thing I DIDN'T get the vaccine as the one they wanted to give me at the time included latex in the formula, and I'm pretty badly allergic. Aside from the fact that my doctor straight-up told me I didn't really need it so long as I'm not sexually active. To me, that's still a personal choice thing. And as someone who has a crippling phobia of needles, that's condoning abstinence right there.
    It is still a good idea to get, even if you are not sexual active. I mean if there was a vaccine that could prevent something that could lead to lung cancer would you not get it just because you do not smoke ciggs? I am glad you did not get the vaccine and get sick because of your allergy. But please get it soon. One with out latex. Please. I do not want to scare you, but you may not be sexual active, but a rapist does not care.
  • edited September 2011
    Things are getting so bad I'm contemplating being like one of those crazy guys who stockpiles food, guns and other shit because I'm afraid the world is going to shit. If any of these people get elected, I'm going to be fucking scared.
    If any one of the Republican candidates other than Romney gets elected, I am legitimately leaving. I will write my friends and family and send them my regards, and then go to med school in Europe.

    Actually, reading over your post, I had a thought. The really frightening thing here is that the world isn't so much turning to shit, but rather America is turning to shit. Yeah, Europe has a big economic crisis to deal with, but other than that, the EU is pretty much stable. Other big European nations are stable, more or less. Australia has some crazy-as-fuck politicians, but awesome healthcare and great people. Japan is holding tight despite everything that's happened. Most of them actively deride us for our politics. The Dutch actually use "American Conditions" to describe countries with massive wealth gaps, little-to-no social programs, rampant corruption, and a large contingency of people who are uneducated or otherwise anti-science/anti-intellectual.

    It's fucked up.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I turned down the HPV vaccine, so unless times have changed, it's not required. Or perhaps it depends on the state/location, I'm not well versed on that.
    One of the candidates, Texas Gov. Rick Perry introduced state legislation requiring twelve year old girls to get the vaccine. This is how the issue got introduced in the debate.
    So I was actually excited when he did this because very few Texans would get the vaccines if left to their own devices. Then I heard about his financial ties to the company and the tiny bit of excitement for science making progress in Texas disappeared. :(

    Also, I agree with Tim. We already had a huge debate a year or two ago on the HPV vaccine and why you should get it but in summary: people lie and people are sexually active really early and not everyone always uses protection. Saving yourself from getting an abnormal pap smear, all the follow up testing, possible complications if you have babies, and cancer is worth a shot (as long as you find one without the latex).
  • I'm starting to feel more and more like "fuck the law, I'll do what I damn well please and just try not to go to jail." I don't like what he stands for but at least Romney is smart. I've heard that some people are saying its best if Bachmann or some other crazy ass politician is running against Obama, because hopefully most smart voters will choose Obama, while if it was Romney he might actually have a chance.
  • Saving yourself from getting an abnormal pap smear, all the follow up testing, possible complications if you have babies, and cancer is worth a shot (as long as you find one without the latex).
    Seriously. Having 2 colposcopies in year for 2 years was not fun at all. The first time was the worst because I had no idea about HPV and was so freaked out and scared.

    Everything is fine now.
  • So every year my town holds one of those small fairs where they shut down part of Main Street and all the local businesses set up booths. You probably know the sort. There's not much for a 17yo to do after hitting up the library book sale, so I decided that I would screw with the reflexologist that always has a booth. Fortunately there were no reflexology booths, but there were no fewer than four chiropractors. One of then even had the gall to claim that chiropractic was an effective treatment for children's mental disorders (which can be caused by vaccines) such as AD(H)D. But don't worry, they had research. Sure, the word "blind" (let alone "double-blind") doesn't come up once in the entire pamphlet. But that doesn't mean that their "Eight studies... with a total of 25 anecdotal reports" are any less valid, right? And I'm sure that there was no chance of bias in the study with 244 Kentucky school children. I mean, it's not like you need to test multiple schools to get good results, amiright? And look at this other study with 9 whole patients! Nine! One more and you'd have ten. Ten is a lot of patients. It's almost eleven! "After 2 months of care, all patients had a significant change in ADHD score with 88% completely normalized." And that one person who didn't normalize? He experienced a "significant change in ADHD score". There's a 50% chance that that's a good thing. And if that's not enough to convince you, there are two (2) anecdotes about a couple of children and the vague improvements they had after chiropractic.

    So anyways, I'm gonna do my research and send these guys an email explaining the error of their way. Which they will then promptly ignore. I will then post it all over the internet. Is there any political force on Earth greater than a bored teenager?
  • edited September 2011
    children's mental disorders (which can be caused by vaccines)
    Bitch, you best be quoting him, or have a primary source with a PubMed ref. ID and, if available, a Cochrane meta-analysis.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited September 2011
    That is fucking manly. And I hear tell it gives you the closest shave ever.
    They do.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I'm going to try to buy one whilst abroad. Oh yes.
  • I'm going to try to buy one whilst abroad. Oh yes.
    They're a series of stores here in the states called "The Art of Shave" that I ran into in Seattle the last time I was out. Expensive stuff but so very tempting.
  • I will say this again. Man up grow a beard. WUB I'm looking at you, you will need one when you come over lest you want to look like one of these new fangled trendies!

    I am now sick, it sucks. My internet is broken, it sucks. My room is dick cold, it sucks. Bah! I say Bah! I am going into hibernation wake me when it is warmer.
  • My Latin teacher has a neck beard... He also has outbursts about how he wishes he was an author instead of a high school teacher via example translations.
  • edited September 2011
    I will say this again. Man up grow a beard. WUB I'm looking at you, you will need one when you come over lest you want to look like one of these new fangled trendies!
    It's growing.
    I'm going to try to buy one whilst abroad. Oh yes.
    They're a series of stores here in the states called "The Art of Shave" that I ran into in Seattle the last time I was out. Expensive stuff but so very tempting.
    Overpriced, IMO. You can just buy a secondhand cutthroat, have it professionally sharpened, and then get someone to autoclave it.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • children's mental disorders (which can be caused by vaccines)
    Bitch, you best be quoting him, or have a primary source with a PubMed ref. ID and, if available, a Cochrane meta-analysis.
    Why are these diseases so prevalent? Medical historian Harris Coulter, PhD and a growing number og scientists, medical doctors and parents claim that this increase is largely due to childhood vaccinations that are neurotoxoc (poisonous to the brain):
    A large proportion of the millions of U.S. children and adults suffering from autism, seizures, mental retardaton, hyperactivity, dyslexia, and other... "developmental disabilities." owe their disorders to onw or another of the vaccines against childhood diseases.
  • I want to Falcon Punch Harris Coulter, "PhD" into a dimension of pure suffering.
  • edited September 2011
    children's mental disorders (which can be caused by vaccines)
    Bitch, you best be quoting him, or have a primary source with a PubMed ref. ID and, if available, a Cochrane meta-analysis.
    Why are these diseases so prevalent? Medical historian Harris Coulter, PhD and a growing number og scientists, medical doctors and parents claim that this increase is largely due to childhood vaccinations that are neurotoxoc (poisonous to the brain):
    A large proportion of the millions of U.S. children and adults suffering from autism, seizures, mental retardaton, hyperactivity, dyslexia, and other... "developmental disabilities." owe their disorders to onw or another of the vaccines against childhood diseases.
    Harris Coulter does not have a Wikipedia page. The first website I found from a Google search asserts that he is, after not having gone to medical school, a major defendant of homeopathy as well as an opponent of vaccination. Moreover, the citation from the pamphlet is from a book, which means it was never peer reviewed.

    You'll have to try a shitton better than that.

    EDIT: Also, I am ashamed that that man is a graduate of my alma mater.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Ikatono isn't defending him. He's just quoting the woo-woo witch doctor's pamphlet of lies.
  • Ikatono isn't defending him. He's just quoting the woo-woo witch doctor's pamphlet of lies.
    I misread Ikatono's post, thinking that the "caused by vaccines" statement was something he inserted himself. My apologies.
  • I did the same thing; that's why I asked for him to either cite a source or quote the pamphlet.
  • This link about 'Dr.' Coulter says everything one needs to know about him.
    That being he is an anti-intellectual lunatic.
  • I can't fathom if my AK is legal in the state of NY.
  • I can't fathom if my AK is legal in the state of NY.
    And You think you got gun problems.
  • I can't fathom if my AK is legal in the state of NY.
    Almost certainly not.
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