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Fail of Your Day



  • Fail room mate has crossed lines that should never have even been approached. She is no longer a person to us, merely a broken appliance. A problem for management, not us.
    Details? Or rather not say?
  • edited September 2011
    She woke my friends, got into a minor scuffle with them, and proceeded to have Mardi Gras upstairs until 430 in the morning.

    I've already talked to a friend out in Manassas about moving in with him. It's a hike for work, but I'm now ready to abandon ship at a moments notice.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Damn dude. I'd have cut a bitch. I don't deall with disturbed sleep very well.
  • I've already used google voice to send her phone calls to voice mail. We're cutting her out of our lives like a cancer.
  • Apparently my neighbors, unable to steal wireless from me (duh) or anyone else around have decided to try to steal wired internet access from me. By rewiring the cables going into my apartment to also go into theirs. Which is apparently a felony.
  • Apparently my neighbors, unable to steal wireless from me (duh) or anyone else around have decided to try to steal wired internet access from me. By rewiring the cables going into my apartment to also go into theirs. Which is apparently a felony.
  • edited September 2011
    Damn you professor, putting October 21st as the due date when you meant SEPTEMBER 21st. Great now I have two days to write a paper I have done zero research for.
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • Apparently my neighbors, unable to steal wireless from me (duh) or anyone else around have decided to try to steal wired internet access from me. By rewiring the cables going into my apartment to also go into theirs. Which is apparently a felony.
    Is that the same as saying you don't know what to say? Because that's where I'm at...
  • Damn you professor, putting October 21st as the due date when you meant SEPTEMBER 21st. Great now I have two days to write a paper I have done zero research for.
    If they put October 21st on the syllabus and did not give you a formal written correction, you can go to the department office and request that the terms of the syllabus be upheld as most universities consider a syllabus to be a formal agreement between the Professor and the student.
  • If they put October 21st on the syllabus and did not give you a formal written correction, you can go to the department office and request that the terms of the syllabus be upheld as most universities consider a syllabus to be a formal agreement between the Professor and the student.
    Talk to your ombudsman for more information on this.
  • Damn you professor, putting October 21st as the due date when you meant SEPTEMBER 21st. Great now I have two days to write a paper I have done zero research for.
    If they put October 21st on the syllabus and did not give you a formal written correction, you can go to the department office and request that the terms of the syllabus be upheld as most universities consider a syllabus to be a formal agreement between the Professor and the student.
    It wasn't on the syllabus, just on the assignment .doc she emailed us the other day.
  • Your syllabus doesn't have a course schedule?
  • It says we will have a certain amount of papers and a general outline, but the individual assignments aren't.
  • She woke my friends, got into a minor scuffle with them, and proceeded to have Mardi Gras upstairs until 430 in the morning.

    I've already talked to a friend out in Manassas about moving in with him. It's a hike for work, but I'm now ready to abandon ship at a moments notice.
    I'm in the "I will cut you" camp.
  • If anyone wakes me up THAT early in the morning and it isn't an emergency, I would mess them up in ways they wouldn't think I was capable of doing.
  • Am I the only person who doesn't get violently angry when I'm woken up in the middle of the night?
  • Am I the only person who doesn't get violently angry when I'm woken up in the middle of the night?
  • edited September 2011
    If anyone wakes me up THAT early in the morning and it isn't an emergency, I would mess them up in ways they wouldn't think I was capable of doing.
    I actually tell that to anyone who I either ask to wake me up, or has the potential to wake me up for some reason - if they must touch me, grab a foot or something, preferably at arm's length. If you wake me up suddenly, particularly by touching me anywhere within arm's reach(and usually maintaining that touch) or by looming over me, I'm not adorably confused and sleep-addled, I just start firing punches. It's not an angry thing, it's just pure reaction, I am, for all intents and purposes, not really conscious or aware of what I'm doing. While I don't exactly enjoy being woken up, a broken nose from a confused sleepy man is probably too high of a price to pay for your sins.

    Edit - When I'm actually fully awake, afterward, I'm usually not angry at all, if anything, I'm oddly compassionate and caring, and will immediately administer treatment if I've hurt you, generally while apologizing profusely - but I simply don't know what I'm doing in that first couple of moments.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Am I the only person who doesn't get violently angry when I'm woken up in the middle of the night?
    No. I stumble around like a zombie/drunk person acting all confused, too groggy to process emotions like anger.
  • I only rage when I'm in that stage of almost about to fall asleep and something happens to cause me to get out of that state. That's when I will get up and choke you. Rorschach the cat is notorious of being the #1 offender in the house of Ro. He's lucky that he's too adorable to choke.
  • edited September 2011
    I generally wake up terrified, but in my terror I'm pretty dangerous. Animal backed into a corner and all that.

    There's a horrible but hillarious moment in my life my sophomore year of college when a girl openned up my (99% of the time locked) bedroom door. Still asleep, but somehow cognizant of the noise, I leaped out of my bed in my underwear and brought down an elbow into her face like a pissed off Randy Savage, knocking her onto the ground and waking up everyone else in the apartment including my indian roomate who couldn't express himself in english at three AM. I'm pretty sure my brain only kicked on while I was in the air and it was too late to stop.

    I still feel pretty terrible about it, but I can't stop laughing about it either.

    This is the same reason I make sure my alarm clock is more than five feet away from me. Not that it matters... I'm so scared of being woken up that I wake up before the alarm can go off and always end up having to turn it off anyway. But I'm too scared of oversleeping to not have an alarm clock.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • When I'm actually fully awake, afterward, I'm usually not angry at all, if anything, I'm oddly compassionate and caring, and will immediately administer treatment if I've hurt you, generally while apologizing profusely - but I simply don't know what I'm doing in that first couple of moments.
    Yes. This.
  • Am I the only person who doesn't get violently angry when I'm woken up in the middle of the night?
    Nope. If I reacted that way, I wouldn't be able to sleep with anyone in the same bed since I wake up easily to nearby movement. I would only get angry if someone tried to wake me up just to mess with me. Noises that my neighbors make don't bother me in the least.
  • Nope. If I reacted that way, I wouldn't be able to sleep with anyone in the same bed since I wake up easily to nearby movement. I would only get angry if someone tried to wake me up just to mess with me. Noises that my neighbors make don't bother me in the least.
    My main problem is that my dreams are - most of the time - vastly unpleasant, so when I'm still in a vastly unpleasant dream, but you remove the sleep Paralysis that prevents me from thrashing around when I'm asleep, naturally I will immediately start lashing out at whatever I can sense.
  • Do you guys have some sort of PTSD or something? The only other person I know who will throw punches if you wake him is my Vietnam Vet uncle.
    I just go "mrrrrrg" and try to talk, half conscious, until whoever is causing the noise will be satisfied.
  • Do you guys have some sort of PTSD or something?
    I don't have anything serious to be post-traumatic about, so in my case it's just how I've been pieced together. For me, it's just that brief couple seconds before my concious thought processes reboot the system and take control.
  • When I wake up, I'm basically completely aware relatively quickly. The only times I've ever woken up and been super, super out of it were times when I fell asleep on accident.
  • Do you guys have some sort of PTSD or something? The only other person I know who will throw punches if you wake him is my Vietnam Vet uncle.
    A friend of mine does that, or at least he used to. He gets in a lot of fights, though. I always figured that violence is just his default setting.
  • The only person I've known to be violent just as they wake up was raised in a tribal society within a third world country where he was the only white kid for many miles. Fairly soon after he moved to the states he almost broke a kid's leg because of a rude awakening. Personally I wake up and get really sad, either because I was dreaming about something I really want, or because I'd rather be unconscious than face the day. On a good day it fades pretty quickly, though.
  • Do you guys have some sort of PTSD or something? The only other person I know who will throw punches if you wake him is my Vietnam Vet uncle.
    A decade or more of FPSs will do that to ya.

    Seriously, I dunno. I mean, if I was gently roused I'd be all "murr-leave-me-alone-fuck-off" but If someone startled me then I'd be all "GRAGHIMMAGONNAMESSYOUUP!!!"
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