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Fail of Your Day



  • About eight times out of ten, if you wake me up even by saying my name quietly, I immediately startle and go into fight-or-flight response. I'd probably punch the person that did it if they were standing close enough.
  • I either wake up and am alert of the bat. Or the more likely I flail around usually hurling myself from bed. To defuse this the ball and chain now points me at a wall when she wakes me, mainly for her own amusement. The real golden moments with me are the sleep talking. I have full conversations with people that make no sense and I have no memory of them.

    Today was one of those example. I woke up with two really sore arms, according to my girlfriend I spent the night running and trying to pull something.
  • edited September 2011
    Do you guys have some sort of PTSD or something?
    Not impossible, but I don't really know. Never really bothered mentioning it to anyone professional, and not much point really, I get by. To be honest, I really doubt it, though, I think I'm just twitchy.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Mouse in the house!

    I put traps out last night and snapped one. Then during breakfast, we saw another mouse running along the back of the couch in the dining room, jumping onto my guitar cases, and scampering out of sight. Time to reset the traps.
  • edited September 2011
    Do you guys have some sort of PTSD or something? The only other person I know who will throw punches if you wake him is my Vietnam Vet uncle.
    A decade or more of FPSs will do that to ya.
    War... war never changes...

    Edit: Man I miss playing tribes so much I had dreams about it. The speed! The flying! The Skiing!
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • Landlady is talking to the belligerent room mate today. I expect fireworks to erupt when I get home. Must keep eye on the prize and not engage.
  • Landlady is talking to the belligerent room mate today. I expect fireworks to erupt when I get home. Must keep eye on the prize and not engage.
    Have you taken the necessary precautions to protect your valuables?
  • Have you taken the necessary precautions to protect your valuables?
    Two magazines of 7.62x39.

    In all seriousiness I'm not expecting property damage, just immature yelling.
  • Have you taken the necessary precautions to protect your valuables?
    Two magazines of 7.62x39.

    In all seriousiness I'm not expecting property damage, just immature yelling.
    How handy - as an experienced shooter, you probably have ear protection available.
  • I think I've gotten the Costume Shop plague... there was some sick going around the shop that included post-nasal drip, runny nose, fever, aches, sore throat, and a cough. Between visiting my folks for the weekend (the house is gross, I pretty much always come back to my place sick) and not being careful enough around the people in the shop who were/are sick, I woke up this morning really late with a nasty cough and a fever. Oh well, the bright side is I needed to go to the doctor to talk to them about how my medication is working anyway...
  • How handy - as an experienced shooter, you probably have ear protection available.
    None that I could put in quickly enough. I'm not reaching for my gun unless I fully intend to let rounds fly. I'm not scared of Christa (unless she gets one of my sharp kitchen knives), but I am scared of her physical trainer boyfriend cause he could mess up my scrawny white ass.
  • None that I could put in quickly enough. I'm not reaching for my gun unless I fully intend to let rounds fly. I'm not scared of Christa (unless she gets one of my sharp kitchen knives), but I am scared of her physical trainer boyfriend cause he could mess up my scrawny white ass.
    Derp, I meant to exclude the top line - I mean, to block out the yelling, I'm not suggesting you shoot the mad bint.
  • I'm not suggesting you shoot the mad bint.
    Granted that is indeed one way to block out the yelling.
  • Derp, I meant to exclude the top line - I mean, to block out the yelling, I'm not suggesting you shoot the mad bint.
    Oh, LOL! Yeah I have hearing protection, but I'm worried if there was a fire I wouldn't here the smoke alarm.
  • I think I've gotten the Costume Shop plague... there was some sick going around the shop that included post-nasal drip, runny nose, fever, aches, sore throat, and a cough. Between visiting my folks for the weekend (the house is gross, I pretty much always come back to my place sick) and not being careful enough around the people in the shop who were/are sick, I woke up this morning really late with a nasty cough and a fever. Oh well, the bright side is I needed to go to the doctor to talk to them about how my medication is working anyway...
    Man, getting sick sucks. Tea and sympathy, aye.
    Oh, LOL! Yeah I have hearing protection, but I'm worried if there was a fire I wouldn't here the smoke alarm.
    Wait, would she actually set shit on fire? Jesus fuck, dude.
  • Wait, would she actually set shit on fire? Jesus fuck, dude.
    Not on purpose, but could there be a drunken accident fire late at night? Absolutely.
  • Not on purpose, but could there be a drunken accident fire late at night? Absolutely.
  • Getting sick really, really sucks. This is the downside of living with other human beings in the same area, I am more likely to get sicknesses.
  • I am also feeling the beginnings of the plague. Had a scratchy throat last night. Woke up with one. I went to the store and bought lemon tea to drink with honey. I really don't like tea, but I hear it helps. I also noticed some body aches this morning. I hope this doesn't get worse.
  • I don't think I'm getting sick, but my knees hurt a bit from all the cha-cha and swing dancing I did last night.
  • I am also feeling the beginnings of the plague. Had a scratchy throat last night. Woke up with one. I went to the store and bought lemon tea to drink with honey. I really don't like tea, but I hear it helps. I also noticed some body aches this morning. I hope this doesn't get worse.
    Tea DOES help, from my experience, and honey and lemon helps probably the most. My choice for the day is an orange spiced tea, but my taste buds are already so off that it tastes like nothing. I'm trying to fend off whatever getting-worse I can, so I'm also stocked up on soups and make sure I eat. My appetite is next to nothing for the past week or so anyway, so the not-really-eating probably hasn't helped my case much either. I hope I get better quickly though, I'm supposed to go get my new bunny this weekend!
  • I laugh at your meager immune systems. Try teaching elementary school for a year. You'll come out immune to everything because you'll have contracted everything in that year.

    Yeah. Children are filthy.
  • Tea DOES help, from my experience, and honey and lemon helps probably the most.
    My favorite discovery from this past month is hot honey lemon water. If you use good, strong honey, it's like mulled lemon cider. It's freaking AWESOME.
  • Tea DOES help, from my experience, and honey and lemon helps probably the most.
    My favorite discovery from this past month is hot honey lemon water. If you use good, strong honey, it's like mulled lemon cider. It's freaking AWESOME.
    A tiny tot of brandy in that is heaven.
  • You mean I'll have to give up the free Lipton decaf tea at work? And replace it with something real?
  • Didn't do good on my first test in the new Communications Class. I'm going to set up an appointment with my advisor, just in case for the most part. Fucking hell, I know it's dedicated to hold your class after having emergency, dangerous surgery ON YOUR EYE, but he completely cancelled the study lab where everyone was going to meet, and kept the test as normal. Stupid theories, being so god damn pointless to study and difficult for the constant use of the same vocabulary.
  • Kid suffering serious heart condition gets interviewed on TV holding a flashcart DS.
    Mother's blog promptly gets hate machined.
  • My favorite discovery from this past month is hot honey lemon water. If you use good, strong honey, it's like mulled lemon cider. It's freaking AWESOME.
    Put a shot of rum in it and you have Grog!
  • I thought grog was just nasty grey-water that they added rum to so it was actually drinkable?
  • edited September 2011
    It was some various combination of lemon/lime, rum, and water that prevented pirates from getting scurvy. It is also this nice honey lemon hot drink that they serve at a local French cafe I go to a lot. They call Citroen Chaud with Rum "Grog."
    The word grog refers to a variety of alcoholic beverages. The word originally referred to a drink made with water or "small beer" (a weak beer) and rum, which British Vice Admiral Edward Vernon introduced into the Royal Navy on 21 August 1740. Vernon wore a coat of grogram cloth and was nicknamed Old Grogram or Old Grog. Modern versions of the drink are often made with hot or boiling water, and sometimes include lemon juice, lime juice, cinnamon or sugar to improve the taste. Rum with water, sugar and nutmeg was known as bumbo and was more popular with pirates and merchantmen.
    Fun Fact, the cafe is at Vernon-Jackson, which is named for Admiral "Old Grog" Vernon.
    Post edited by gomidog on
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