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Fail of Your Day



  • Luckily my advisor and I are on a first name basis.
  • I'd loathe to have to call someone "Brother".
    Perhaps since is theology, the professor is a cleric? so it's like "brother Harris"
  • I'd loathe to have to call someone "Brother".
    Perhaps since is theology, the professor is a cleric? so it's like "brother Harris"
    I just thought he was trying to be like Hulk Hogan.
  • Brother? That reminds me of something...
  • Well, etsy sure isn't the greatest e-commerce solution. Fucking lucky it was fast and I was desperate.
  • What's wrong with it?
  • edited October 2011
    What's wrong with it?
    Well, while the transaction fees are quite reasonable, and they provide some handy services, they cost 20 cents per saleable item to list (which can be a problem if you make to order like I do - so that I'd have enough that it wouldn't list as out of stock for a while, I listed 100 - a good idea, considering I have at least sixty people who have registered a firm interest in purchasing them when the store went live - at a cost of twenty bucks), and they've got absolutely no way to ship in bundles unless you list a bundle as a separate item - at a cost of Twenty cents per item, per listing - which means that I'm scrambling to make up on shipping, because it charges separate shipping per item, on an item where I can fit 12 of them to a shipping bag - so if someone orders two, they're essentially getting charged twice for shipping. Which, while my wallet likes it, doesn't sit right with me, because the person buying something from me is getting less than they pay for, and that's not doing right by my customers.

    In retrospect, sure, it was convenient, and I'm probably being a little harsh, but in future, I'm going to pick a different service, simply because Etsy doesn't suit my needs, since I mostly plan to make things to order, rather than sell items on a unique basis.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Battlefield 3 is now officially named Battlefuckup EA Edition. Not only were they stupid enough to have an external matchmaking for the game in Firefox, but they also force you to download beta versions of nVidia drivers in order to play the game. Matchmaking is broken, showing games that are full as not-full, and the 360 version looks shitty with pointless debris floating around. Also, the laser and tactical lights on the guns for blinding opposing players is severely unbalanced, since if anyone points a gun anywhere near you, you can't see where they are at all. This game gets ONE more chance on my PC, and if it's as terrible and laggy as the Xbox version, the game is dead to me and I'll have shed no tears.
  • Battlefield 3 is now officially named Battlefuckup EA Edition. Not only were they stupid enough to have an external matchmaking for the game in Firefox, but they also force you to download beta versions of nVidia drivers in order to play the game. Matchmaking is broken, showing games that are full as not-full, and the 360 version looks shitty with pointless debris floating around. Also, the laser and tactical lights on the guns for blinding opposing players is severely unbalanced, since if anyone points a gun anywhere near you, you can't see where they are at all. This game gets ONE more chance on my PC, and if it's as terrible and laggy as the Xbox version, the game is dead to me and I'll have shed no tears.
    Hey, maybe you should wait until the game isn't under active development. HERP DERP If you want a balanced game without any artifacting, maybe playing the beta isn't the best idea.
  • Battlefield 3 is now officially named Battlefuckup EA Edition. Not only were they stupid enough to have an external matchmaking for the game in Firefox, but they also force you to download beta versions of nVidia drivers in order to play the game. Matchmaking is broken, showing games that are full as not-full, and the 360 version looks shitty with pointless debris floating around. Also, the laser and tactical lights on the guns for blinding opposing players is severely unbalanced, since if anyone points a gun anywhere near you, you can't see where they are at all. This game gets ONE more chance on my PC, and if it's as terrible and laggy as the Xbox version, the game is dead to me and I'll have shed no tears.
    Hey, maybe you should wait until the game isn't under active development. HERP DERP If you want a balanced game without any artifacting, maybe playing the beta isn't the best idea.
    [] Told
    [] Untold
    [X] Battletolds
  • Related to my FoyD: They refused to take my check, despite the fact I was buying office supplies for my business (Document Frames and a Swiffer Duster) They demanded ID, Sign the back, and because it didn't match, they would not take it. Wanted to really call the woman behind the counter a dumb bitch because I had to go outside to get my driver's license.
    As a former cashier, fuck checks!
    As a cashier, fuck checks!
  • My favorite are the people who use checks, then take the time to write down this latest transaction in that little journal thing included with checkbooks. At my register. While I have a line growing, and no backup. image
  • Battlefield 3 is now officially named Battlefuckup EA Edition. Not only were they stupid enough to have an external matchmaking for the game in Firefox, but they also force you to download beta versions of nVidia drivers in order to play the game. Matchmaking is broken, showing games that are full as not-full, and the 360 version looks shitty with pointless debris floating around. Also, the laser and tactical lights on the guns for blinding opposing players is severely unbalanced, since if anyone points a gun anywhere near you, you can't see where they are at all. This game gets ONE more chance on my PC, and if it's as terrible and laggy as the Xbox version, the game is dead to me and I'll have shed no tears.
    Hey, maybe you should wait until the game isn't under active development. HERP DERP If you want a balanced game without any artifacting, maybe playing the beta isn't the best idea.
    [] Told
    [] Untold
    [X] Battletolds
    Yes, it's beta, but the game's release is in a couple of weeks. If there are glaring issues this far into development, there's a problem.
  • edited October 2011
    Yes, it's beta, but the game's release is in a couple of weeks. If there are glaring issues this far into development, there's a problem.
    Eh, It'll work out fine. BC2 was fucking abysmal when it was first released, and look at it now. Shit, During the BFBC2 beta, it was pretty much entirely unplayable, the entire PC frontend was broken, the map was wildly unballanced, glitches everywhere, you could blow up an Mcom with two blocks of C4, all sorts of shit like that.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Related to my FoyD: They refused to take my check, despite the fact I was buying office supplies for my business (Document Frames and a Swiffer Duster) They demanded ID, Sign the back, and because it didn't match, they would not take it. Wanted to really call the woman behind the counter a dumb bitch because I had to go outside to get my driver's license.
    How is that fail? I thought it was standard to require a license when writing a check. It's such an archaic method and with all the check forgery, businesses have to make those precautions by entering your license number into the system to make sure there are no records.

    Many businesses give you your check back because they do an automatic debit from your banking account from the information on the check. People still think they can try to do the "beat the bank" method or write a check a day before you get paid when there are no funds in your account, but most major businesses do the auto debit.

    I only write a check for rent and that's about it. There are very rare occasions where I deal with a smaller business that may need me to write a check if they don't accept cash or charge.

    Seriously, if you have a business, take Rym's advice and get a business check card. Talk to your banker about it.
    It's funny actually, we have a business credit card, but we only seem to use it for gas. Due to recent developments, she was probably flustered and didn't think to use that and just wrote a check, but generally, everywhere else here will take the check and not ask. When you get that one moment where it happens for the first time and it delays everything by 15 minutes, while in a hurry, it just gets you irritated.
  • edited October 2011
    I would totally weigh in on that game if Origin would download the entire thing. Instead, it misses files and tells me to re-download and re-install. Twice.

    Scratch that, it only did it once. Now it has downloaded "5.5 of 3.9 GB".
    Post edited by Walker on
  • I would totally weigh in on that game if Origin would download the entire thing. Instead, it misses files and tells me to re-download and re-install. Twice.

    Scratch that, it only did it once. Now it has downloaded "5.5 of 3.9 GB".
    Origin cock-ups are more EA's fault than DICE's. They're trying to be their own Steam. I agree with your distaste for Origin though.
  • Origin cock-ups are more EA's fault than DICE's. They're trying to be their own Steam. I agree with your distaste for Origin though.
    The only thing I can say that's positive about Origin so far, is that they have really, really fucking fast downloads for me. Steam usually maxes out at about one meg per second, origin gave me a solid two, often up to 2.5 or sometimes 3 megs a second. I had the beta downloaded in under half an hour, which was quite novel for me.
  • I would totally weigh in on that game if Origin would download the entire thing. Instead, it misses files and tells me to re-download and re-install. Twice.

    Scratch that, it only did it once. Now it has downloaded "5.5 of 3.9 GB".
    Origin cock-ups are more EA's fault than DICE's. They're trying to be their own Steam. I agree with your distaste for Origin though.
    I'm not judging the game by any means. In fact, I said that I can't judge the game because Origin is a buggy piece of shit.
  • Thanks to working stupidly late last night on my useless Interactive Programming project, I overslept and missed the two classes that *actually* matter. Fuck you, IP, now you're interfering with classes that actually are relevant in the real world.
  • Ugh. I think I'm sick again. This is the 6th day I've missed. Great way to start off the grading period.
  • Ugh. I think I'm sick again. This is the 6th day I've missed. Great way to start off the grading period.
    Tell me about it son. I've got Freshers Flu and I'm no happy camper.
  • edited October 2011
    So I've been having a fail week, starting with a bad cold last Monday, not enough sleep, not getting an assignment in on time, missing part of my favorite club due to sleeping, and not getting the job I wanted. Then a girl broke my heart Friday. I thought that was going to be the worst of my problems.

    Now, to top it all off, my dog died about five hours ago.

    How bad does it have to get before I can use it as an excuse to never go outside again?
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Sparky...:(

    I'm sorry, d00d. Maybe we should trade life outlooks, if you're gonna stop being an optimist...
  • Wanna be sick buddies?

    ...Now we should wash hands.
  • I kept wondering why I've been so tired. I then suddenly noticed I've not drank any tea in several days.

    Fucking caffeine withdrawal, man!
  • Try food withdrawal some time. Just when you think you've got it solved, you spend an entire day asleep.
  • Fucking caffeine withdrawal, man!
    Oh no, not mild caffeine withdrawal. How ever will you cope?
  • By drinking tea.

    Hey, not all of them can be winners!
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