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Fail of Your Day



  • Pete will attest to this.
    It's fucked up.
  • I am totally late to the conversation, but I would just like to say that I am really tired of people bashing on HTML/CSS because its "not real coding" and "its easy," etc. Of course is not coding or scripting, its something different. But that doesn't mean its stupid and worthless! Almost every single "elite" programmer out there (disclaimer: in my experience) has really horrible, atrocious, and inefficient CSS skills. They think because its "easy" that they don't need to pay attention to it or give credit to those who are good at it. Well I would just like to say that it takes time to learn how to make it efficient and beautiful and to do it RIGHT. I've spent most of my time since college perfecting my CSS skills, and everyone wants to hire me because of it. And believe it or not, just like "real" coding, it is something that continuously changes and you can never be perfect at, and can always learn new things with it. Especially to be able to do many things with pure HTML/CSS and no JS. To be able to achieve some of the things our designers go crazy making up is an admirable feat.

    So to those naysayers out there, I say harrumph. I am good at what I do and I'm proud of it.
    Reminds me of when I was made fun of for not being able to code anything more than the most basic HTML/CSS, because it's so fucking easy. I took them by the hand, lead them outside, popped the lid on my Carolla, pointed at the engine and said "Disassemble and reassemble this. Now. I want to laugh at you and make you feel stupid when you fuck up. And No, I'm not going to help you, because to me, this is really fucking easy."

    Naturally, he didn't touch my car, but the point was made none-the-less.
    I'm going to carry a pocket knife and a piece of thread so I can do the same thing after med school.
  • I'm going to carry a pocket knife and a piece of thread so I can do the same thing after med school.
    That sounds a tad illegal.
  • Down to about a meal a day some days. Wake up feeling exhausted. Blood test came back saying I'm deficient in Vit B12.
  • Down to about a meal a day some days. Wake up feeling exhausted. Blood test came back saying I'm deficient in Vit B12.
    Isn't there a fairly easy fix to that?
  • The doctor recommends trying to work it in through diet rather than supplements. Supplements might be needed though.
  • The doctor recommends trying to work it in through diet rather than supplements. Supplements might be needed though.
    Diet it what I was thinking about, from what I understand the body doesn't absorb supplements as efficiently as it does vitamins included in food.
  • I'm going to carry a pocket knife and a piece of thread so I can do the same thing after med school.
    Fair plan, though I should warn you, I can do pretty good stitches.
  • I'm going to carry a pocket knife and a piece of thread so I can do the same thing after med school.
    That sounds a tad illegal.
    Not really. When you have an MD, you can carry an emergency tracheostomy kit through the airport and most TSA agents don't bat an eye. My grandfather got away with it for several *years* after 9/11. It consisted of a surgical steel folding scalpel with a sharpened stainless tube to insert into an emergency incision in case of choking.
    I'm going to carry a pocket knife and a piece of thread so I can do the same thing after med school.
    Fair plan, though I should warn you, I can do pretty good stitches.
  • Wait, since when are pocket knives illegal?
  • Cholecystectomy
    Fuck that, I'm not pulling out anyone's gall bladder. That shit is best left to professionals.
  • I'm going to carry a pocket knife and a piece of thread so I can do the same thing after med school.
    That sounds a tad illegal.
    Not really. When you have an MD, you can carry an emergency tracheostomy kit through the airport and most TSA agents don't bat an eye. My grandfather got away with it for several *years* after 9/11. It consisted of a surgical steel folding scalpel with a sharpened stainless tube to insert into an emergency incision in case of choking.
    I was more picturing you cutting a motherfucker and saying "Its time to put your money where your mouth is, bitch!"
  • Once again I had to go to two different grocery stores to get everything I needed. When the store manager of the Hanniford happened by and asked me if I could find anything, I told him I was having trouble with a particular item. He said he was pretty sure they didn't have it. I had to hold my tongue, but what almost came out of my mouth was "Do you realize that most times I shop here, there are at least two or three items you guys don't have, and I have to go to Price Chopper. Then, if I go there first, they don't have things I need and I have to come here. Once there's a Wegman's around here, you'll never see me again."
    Fail for me not saying anything.
  • As shitty as they are, Walmart has its upsides.
  • edited September 2011
    I was more picturing you cutting a motherfucker and saying "Its time to put your money where your mouth is, bitch!"
    I think displaying the items and saying "I could take out your gall bladder right now an you'd be fine" would get the point across.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • As a result of not being in the engineering school, if I get a degree in CS, it will only be a concentration, not a major.
  • As shitty as they are, Walmart has its upsides.
    Related to my FoyD: They refused to take my check, despite the fact I was buying office supplies for my business (Document Frames and a Swiffer Duster) They demanded ID, Sign the back, and because it didn't match, they would not take it. Wanted to really call the woman behind the counter a dumb bitch because I had to go outside to get my driver's license.
  • As shitty as they are, Walmart has its upsides.
    Related to my FoyD: They refused to take my check, despite the fact I was buying office supplies for my business (Document Frames and a Swiffer Duster) They demanded ID, Sign the back, and because it didn't match, they would not take it. Wanted to really call the woman behind the counter a dumb bitch because I had to go outside to get my driver's license.
    No corporate/business credit card? You can get them free or nearly so from any bank.
  • Related to my FoyD: They refused to take my check, despite the fact I was buying office supplies for my business (Document Frames and a Swiffer Duster) They demanded ID, Sign the back, and because it didn't match, they would not take it. Wanted to really call the woman behind the counter a dumb bitch because I had to go outside to get my driver's license.
    How is that fail? I thought it was standard to require a license when writing a check. It's such an archaic method and with all the check forgery, businesses have to make those precautions by entering your license number into the system to make sure there are no records.

    Many businesses give you your check back because they do an automatic debit from your banking account from the information on the check. People still think they can try to do the "beat the bank" method or write a check a day before you get paid when there are no funds in your account, but most major businesses do the auto debit.

    I only write a check for rent and that's about it. There are very rare occasions where I deal with a smaller business that may need me to write a check if they don't accept cash or charge.

    Seriously, if you have a business, take Rym's advice and get a business check card. Talk to your banker about it.
  • Related to my FoyD: They refused to take my check, despite the fact I was buying office supplies for my business (Document Frames and a Swiffer Duster) They demanded ID, Sign the back, and because it didn't match, they would not take it. Wanted to really call the woman behind the counter a dumb bitch because I had to go outside to get my driver's license.
    As a former cashier, fuck checks!
  • So the homework for my bullshit theology class today was to bring in a blindfold. So today I brought in a tie, thinking as a long, wide piece of cloth that blocks light it would work perfectly. My teacher walked through the rows of desks to make sure everyone had a blindfold, making comments on a lot of them. Whenever he got to someone with a tie, he just said "tie". So when it was time to do the exercise (one of those shitty trust things) I went through and did it, then started to blindfold my partner. That's when the teacher walked into the room and yelled at everyone who used a tie, saying that he had said only blindfolds he had approved could be used. He yelled at us to "listen to directions". I replied "Brother, I didn't know I wasn't allowed to use it. You only said 'tie'; you didn't say whether or not they were approved." So of course he flips out. He gives some sort of "answer only when asked a question" spiel. Now, to make matters worse, it turns out we have to write a hundred-point assignment on the exercise. He told us to see him on Monday about whether or not he'll let us make it up. If he gives anything less than full credit I am going straight to the fucking administration, not that they care. I'm am not going to fucking take this shit.

    Also, we had a quiz yesterday. The first answer was "Mantra". Not "mantra", "Mantra". Putting "mantra" is wrong, meaning not a single person got credit. Because apparently it's a proper noun, despite what certain people might say X X X X X. I told him, and his answer was something like "Well, I'll have to write a letter to those folks at Webster." It doesn't help that he never wrote that word anywhere, so there is absolutely no fucking way we could have known that he wanted it capitalized.
  • Sucks, dude. Sounds like you have Prof. Power Trip. :-\
  • edited September 2011
    Wow. And I thought my Government teacher was bad because she grades notes and gives madly ambiguous multiple-choice tests.
    Post edited by Snickety-Snake on
  • Sucks, dude. Sounds like you have Prof. Power Trip. :-\
    Yeah, I had the pleasure of having him last year too. He's been pulling this kind of shit for years and the administration doesn't care.
  • Once again I had to go to two different grocery stores to get everything I needed. When the store manager of the Hanniford happened by and asked me if I could find anything, I told him I was having trouble with a particular item. He said he was pretty sure they didn't have it. I had to hold my tongue, but what almost came out of my mouth was "Do you realize that most times I shop here, there are at least two or three items you guys don't have, and I have to go to Price Chopper. Then, if I go there first, they don't have things I need and I have to come here. Once there's a Wegman's around here, you'll never see me again."
    Fail for me not saying anything.
    I go through the same thing here. I'm just out side of Wegman's range and have to deal with Hanniford, Price Chopper or Walmart, either of which never seem to have exactly what I need/want. Walmart always seems to have one or two flavors of whatever the hell I'm looking for but nothing else.

    A cousin of mine is a manager at one of the stores in Rochester and during the conversation of their new store in Boston I asked about any plans to push out where I am, half way between Albany and Syracuse. I was told in no uncertain terms that it's never going to happen, not unless either Price Chipper or Hanniford goes out of business.

    I was so sad for the rest of the day.
  • My classmates make me simultaneously sad and angry, like for example today, when we where suppose to come up with a solution to some problem, and my partner tells me "I say that we should split McDonald's into two different branches of fast food restaurants, one of which will be healthy, the other is normal. Doing this will make more jobs and give people a healthy option to eat"
    "...Are you trolling me?"
    "What do you mean?"
  • And now it gets worse. I went to the teacher after school about the quiz.
    "Brother, about the quiz, I looked in 5 different..."
  • I'd loathe to have to call someone "Brother".
  • I'd loathe to have to call someone "Brother".
    It's easier with Sir - at least then, you have the option of saying "Cur" instead, and they rarely notice.
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