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Fail of Your Day



  • Went to the doctors to be diagnosed with piriformis syndrome. I will be going through physical therapy next week.

    I more than likely got this due to sitting too long knitting with a cat in my lap and didn't want to move because the cat was in my lap. D'oh!
    Yup, I have that problem too. My PT releases the muscle by sticking her elbow in it really hard. Then, if she doesn't release the nerve too, the muscle clenches right back up.

    On the plus side, I have taught Pete the location of the piriformis and how to release it.
    I've got the same thing from slouching too much in my computer chair.
  • edited November 2011
    I nearly fainted on the train this morning and I have no idea why. Some lady was really nice and when she saw me start to hunch down, she let me have her seat. I made it to work okay. It was one of the nasty episodes like you get when you have a shot, where you get all cold and sweaty, your eyes go dark, and your head feels very light and far away. I still feel slightly woozy. Anemia perhaps? Low blood sugar?
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Went to the doctors to be diagnosed with piriformis syndrome. I will be going through physical therapy next week.

    I more than likely got this due to sitting too long knitting with a cat in my lap and didn't want to move because the cat was in my lap. D'oh!
    Yup, I have that problem too. My PT releases the muscle by sticking her elbow in it really hard. Then, if she doesn't release the nerve too, the muscle clenches right back up.

    On the plus side, I have taught Pete the location of the piriformis and how to release it.
    I've got the same thing from slouching too much in my computer chair.
    Could be worse. You could've gotten a pulmonary embolism by sitting too long in your computer chair (happened to me a couple years back).
  • Went to the doctors to be diagnosed with piriformis syndrome. I will be going through physical therapy next week.

    I more than likely got this due to sitting too long knitting with a cat in my lap and didn't want to move because the cat was in my lap. D'oh!
    Yup, I have that problem too. My PT releases the muscle by sticking her elbow in it really hard. Then, if she doesn't release the nerve too, the muscle clenches right back up.

    On the plus side, I have taught Pete the location of the piriformis and how to release it.
    I've got the same thing from slouching too much in my computer chair.
    Could be worse. You could've gotten a pulmonary embolism by sitting too long in your computer chair (happened to me a couple years back).
    I move around entirely too much to get that. :P
    I nearly fainted on the train this morning and I have no idea why. Some lady was really nice and when she saw me start to hunch down, she let me have her seat. I made it to work okay. It was one of the nasty episodes like you get when you have a shot, where you get all cold and sweaty, your eyes go dark, and your head feels very light and far away. I still feel slightly woozy. Anemia perhaps? Low blood sugar?
    Might wanna ask a doctor, but don't go to the ER. They're only good at stopping you from dying immediately. If you aren't dying right then (or have a broken arm) then they have no idea what to do.
  • I nearly fainted on the train this morning and I have no idea why. Some lady was really nice and when she saw me start to hunch down, she let me have her seat. I made it to work okay. It was one of the nasty episodes like you get when you have a shot, where you get all cold and sweaty, your eyes go dark, and your head feels very light and far away. I still feel slightly woozy. Anemia perhaps? Low blood sugar?
    Might wanna ask a doctor, but don't go to the ER. They're only good at stopping you from dying immediately. If you aren't dying right then (or have a broken arm) then they have no idea what to do.
    Too true. Go see your doctor and, in the mean time, ride safe.
  • I nearly fainted on the train this morning and I have no idea why. Some lady was really nice and when she saw me start to hunch down, she let me have her seat. I made it to work okay. It was one of the nasty episodes like you get when you have a shot, where you get all cold and sweaty, your eyes go dark, and your head feels very light and far away. I still feel slightly woozy. Anemia perhaps? Low blood sugar?
    Never had that happen when taking shots, only when standing up too fast from being prone, and even then I was fine after a few seconds.

    It sort of sounds to me like a syncope episode, and the sweatiness and visual artifacts definitely sound like NMS, though I can't be sure. Definitely go see a doctor, though; you don't want another episode to occur at a bad time. Also, like George said, don't go to the ER. They *could* probably figure it out, but you're wasting time and money.
  • edited November 2011
    I nearly fainted on the train this morning and I have no idea why. Some lady was really nice and when she saw me start to hunch down, she let me have her seat. I made it to work okay. It was one of the nasty episodes like you get when you have a shot, where you get all cold and sweaty, your eyes go dark, and your head feels very light and far away. I still feel slightly woozy. Anemia perhaps? Low blood sugar?
    Vasovagal syncope. Probably.

    Can be brought on by low blood sugar, from my experience.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • I nearly fainted on the train this morning and I have no idea why. Some lady was really nice and when she saw me start to hunch down, she let me have her seat. I made it to work okay. It was one of the nasty episodes like you get when you have a shot, where you get all cold and sweaty, your eyes go dark, and your head feels very light and far away. I still feel slightly woozy. Anemia perhaps? Low blood sugar?
    Vasovagal syncope. Probably.

    Can be brought on by low blood sugar, from my experience.
    Yeah, it's probably nothing serious.
  • Never had that happen when taking shots, only when standing up too fast from being prone, and even then I was fine after a few seconds.

    It sort of sounds to me like a syncope episode, and the sweatiness and visual artifacts definitely sound like NMS, though I can't be sure. Definitely go see a doctor, though; you don't want another episode to occur at a bad time. Also, like George said, don't go to the ER. They *could* probably figure it out, but you're wasting time and money.
    Totally syncope episode, but no way is it Neuroleptic malignant syndrome or serotonin. I am not taking any drugs except the pill, and I have had low blood pressure and borderline anemia ever since I was little. I've had this happen after soccer games, in the hallway at school, and after encounters with needles (phobic vasovagal attack) I may go see a doc if it happens again but chances are 10 to 1 that he will just tell me to eat my spinach with salt.
  • edited November 2011
    I have had low blood pressure and borderline anemia ever since I was little.
    Oh...yeah, then you're fine. Feel better.

    I wish I had those problems, I have the inverse. :(
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Never had that happen when taking shots, only when standing up too fast from being prone, and even then I was fine after a few seconds.

    It sort of sounds to me like a syncope episode, and the sweatiness and visual artifacts definitely sound like NMS, though I can't be sure. Definitely go see a doctor, though; you don't want another episode to occur at a bad time. Also, like George said, don't go to the ER. They *could* probably figure it out, but you're wasting time and money.
    Totally syncope episode, but no way is it Neuroleptic malignant syndrome or serotonin. I am not taking any drugs except the pill, and I have had low blood pressure and borderline anemia ever since I was little. I've had this happen after soccer games, in the hallway at school, and after encounters with needles (phobic vasovagal attack) I may go see a doc if it happens again but chances are 10 to 1 that he will just tell me to eat my spinach with salt.
    NMS can also mean Neurally Mediated Syncope, where a specific neural trigger causes a syncope episode. Needle faints and fainting in response to other seemingly innocuous stressors usually tie into NMS.

  • Gotcha. I did not know that. Viva la Med Students!
  • edited November 2011
    I was checking out ACLJ, a non-profit organization that claims to protect religious freedom. For the most part, they seemed to be ok. They rallied against PROTECT IP, for example. I was reading remarks on religious liberty in America, which was good for a while, until it mentioned Christian Legal Society v. Martinez, Truth v. Kent School District, and Alpha Delta Chi-Delta Chapter v. Reed, all of which are decisions that allow public schools to refuse to recognize student organizations that discriminate based on religion. Seriously, when will people stop trying to pull this shit?

    EDIT: It gets worse. I'll have to post again with all the shit they're throwing around.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • edited November 2011
    Oh, I should probably clarify that last post. When i said "mention", I meant "complain about", and when I said "pull this shit", I meant "try to argue that they are entitled to government funding to be bigoted fucks". I'm all for these court rulings.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • edited November 2011
    Gotcha. I did not know that. Viva la Med Students!

    Fail of my day: So, although it seemed like things were going alright with that artist girl, they didn't. Everything kind of went to shit, in fact. When I asked her about when she wanted to do dinner, she said, "Oh. You mean...Just you and me?" and then dodged answering for over an hour. Finally, I said, "Let's get something on Saturday, and just see what happens. Not a date, no obligations, nothing." She reticently agreed. I don't give a fuck if it falls through; we were both wasted and I'm really kind of shocked that she couldn't understand that if someone asks you to dinner while you two are alone, chances are he or she only wants to have dinner with you.

    I'm seriously wondering why I even bother.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I'm seriously wondering why I even bother.
    Why are you bothering? She seems uninterested in that sort of thing. Sucks, but persisting probably not gonna change her mind.
  • edited November 2011
    Sweet fucking Prometheus, apparently lunatics around the U.S. have taken up the practice of getting other people to send them chickepox by mail in order to infect their children with it. Apparently they aren't content enough with being fucking anti-vaccine nutcases, now they have to add bioterrorism to the list.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • I'm seriously wondering why I even bother.
    Why are you bothering? She seems uninterested in that sort of thing. Sucks, but persisting probably not gonna change her mind.
    I was talking about bothering with dating in general.

  • I'm seriously wondering why I even bother.
    Why are you bothering? She seems uninterested in that sort of thing. Sucks, but persisting probably not gonna change her mind.
    I was talking about bothering with dating in general.
    Yeah, why are you bother with that either?
  • edited November 2011
    I'm seriously wondering why I even bother.
    Why are you bothering? She seems uninterested in that sort of thing. Sucks, but persisting probably not gonna change her mind.
    I was talking about bothering with dating in general.
    Yeah, why are you bother with that either?
    Go figure. Forevercynical.jpg.

    Also, presumably I thought she still harbored some interest after she decided to grab me by the junk (multiple times) in a club last night. I mean, call me old-fashioned, but if a pretty lady decides to inspect my gear, I think it's a fair assumption that she may want to be more than chaste friends.
    Sweet fucking Prometheus, apparently lunatics around the U.S. have taken up the practice of getting other people to send them chickepox by mail in order to infect their children with it. Apparently they aren't content enough with being fucking anti-vaccine nutcases, now they have to add bioterrorism to the list.
    Jesus H. Christ. I got Chickenpox when I was 16, and the doctor told me if I got it when I was 18 I could have died. Fuck anyone who thinks that purposefully infecting your kids is a bad idea. There's a reason Edward Jenner was hailed as a fucking hero for doing away with variolation, roughly the smallpox equivalent of a pox party.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited November 2011
    Accidentally double-posted. No whispers. We need a delete post button.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Sweet fucking Prometheus, apparently lunatics around the U.S. have taken up the practice of getting other people to send them chickepox by mail in order to infect their children with it. Apparently they aren't content enough with being fucking anti-vaccine nutcases, now they have to add bioterrorism to the list.
    I had the chicken pox when I was in first grade. It was excruciating. The idea that kids today could exchange a prick in the arm for this pain is a wonderful thing, and even through my hatred of shots I would have chosen that way 100 times over. These anti-vaccine people aren't just stupid, they are cruel enough to torture their children and open them up to complications later on down the line. I would say that even if vaccines did provide complications, I doubt those complications would be as bad or as painful as freaking shingles, brought on years later when the dormant pox virus in your nerves decides to get frisky.
  • Yeah, I got the flu once when I was 16 or 17 and it sucked hard core. Now I line up every year for the flu shot. ^_^
  • Not to take anything away from the "Pox Parties" which is an outrage in and of itself. However, the sending by mail is far worse. At least these "pox parties" show some, if misguided, concern about the health of children and will be somewhat supervised, as will the children after contracting the disease.

    However, knowingly sending a pathogen per mail is a federal crime and for good reason. It is uncontrolled and puts many, many people in harms way through it. It could easily be the case that a postal worker or people in their immediate environment who aren't vaccinated or can't be vaccinated get infected by this. While this is of course not the intend, the action is essentially identical to bioterrorism.
  • Not to take anything away from the "Pox Parties" which is an outrage in and of itself. However, the sending by mail is far worse. At least these "pox parties" show some, if misguided, concern about the health of children and will be somewhat supervised, as will the children after contracting the disease.

    However, knowingly sending a pathogen per mail is a federal crime and for good reason. It is uncontrolled and puts many, many people in harms way through it. It could easily be the case that a postal worker or people in their immediate environment who aren't vaccinated or can't be vaccinated get infected by this. While this is of course not the intend, the action is essentially identical to bioterrorism.
    I'm well-aware; that's why I shared my story about the danger of getting chickenpox late in life. I doubt USPS requires chickenpox vaccinations for its workers, and the fact that the virus is relatively hardy and extremely contagious doesn't help matters.
    I would say that even if vaccines did provide complications, I doubt those complications would be as bad or as painful as freaking shingles, brought on years later when the dormant pox virus in your nerves decides to get frisky.
    Fun fact: when I had chickenpox, I was old enough that I developed a complex of symptoms nearly identical to those of shingles in ADDITION to the already horrible advanced-age chickenpox shit. This included a rash of blisters along my scalp (hidden, thankfully, by my hair), as well as the worst pain I have ever experienced in my entire life. It was like someone was scalping me with a knife made of salt. The pain was so intense that my vision went black, and I crumpled into a ball and couldn't stop screaming. I can remember my mom being so disturbed she started crying, at which point I got to the ER and they pumped me full of morphine.

    I was sedated so much that I was hallucinating and couldn't be bothered to care about anything at all, but that pain was still so bad that I could feel light pinpricks along my head through the morphine. My scalp still crawls just thinking about that day.

    So yeah, fuck these antivax guys sending chickenpox through the mail. I hope they all get tremendous federal prison sentences under bioterrorism laws and get shipped off to some no-name CIA dungeon somewhere. I am always against advanced interrogation techniques, but I could make an exception here. There's no amount of stress positions, waterboarding, or sensory isolation that would be enough for these motherfuckers.

  • Jesus H. Christ. I got Chickenpox when I was 16, and the doctor told me if I got it when I was 18 I could have died.
    I know that feel bro. I got it when I was 17.

  • I wonder if they'll be charged with manslaughter if someone dies from unintentional exposure to varicella.
  • I wonder if they'll be charged with manslaughter if someone dies from unintentional exposure to varicella.
    One can only hope the legal system is that just.
  • Doc prescribed me antibiotics, nasal spray, an inhaler, and two other sets of pills. My seasonal allergies have now achieved legendary proportions.
  • Jesus H. Christ. I got Chickenpox when I was 16, and the doctor told me if I got it when I was 18 I could have died.
    I know that feel bro. I got it when I was 17.

    My wife got it a couple years back when she was pregnant with my son, it was pretty bad. Luckily it was a really mild case, according to the doctor, or it could have been bad. Even with it being mild though I remember it not being a fun time.

    I was lucky to get it when I was a kid, although I caught it twice.

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