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Fail of Your Day



  • My brother is such an unbearable dick. I know I'm going to have a falling out with him sometime soon, I just know it's going to happen. I'm going to try and bare through it, because his birthday is Thursday, and for Friday, I'll be playing D&D with him and (hopefully) take him to a Sing/Quote Along of "This is Spinal Tap" (Yes, it'll be 11/11/11)

    So yesterday, I got a flat tire. Was a real pain in the ass to fix, because it happened at 4 and mechanics where I live close at 5. So luckily one mechanic came by and screwed on the spare tire. (Fix-a-Flat failed, no jack or wrenches in car, and my dad's jack was too old and big) But I couldn't drive it to compute to campus because spare tires are very weak and I'd have to go on the highway too. My mom also requires a car to visit her father who's in the hospital an hour away, so between our four vechicles, one was incapacitated. And I totally expected my brother to completely block her uses because he hates his grandfather so much.

    So skip forward to today, I get a call from my brother after class, saying that I should drive back home and take my car to the shop, because it's my responsibility to get the tire changed. (Which it rightfully is) I have to leave the town by the time any shop is open in order to make it to my classes on time and I politely told my mom over and over to take my car to the early shop while waiting. But it turns out, she never took it, but took my brother's car to visit her father. He tells me to do all this, but just tell me. "You won't be doing jack shit else other than sit in front of your computer" and he sounds more like he'd rather have me do all this work than simply ask dad for help taking it to a shop that's within town and takes only 5-10 minutes to get to.

    After an agreement where I'll call the shop to set up an appointment and they decide they will take my car to the auto shop to hopefully get a new tire. After the event, because most of my responses have been short and quiet like. "...okay." I explain to him, I've been feeling stressed because as expressed, I'm consoling some friends who had someone close to them die. (The college here is doing a memorial service for him) But after I tell him, his response is as so.

    "Well, you take care of that there. Just realize that your stress is your manifesting as a gigantic dick."

    I know I'm going to have a falling out with my brother if this shit keeps up. His life is so non-stressed and easy and yet he is so pissed off about everything.
  • You know a great time to rationally discuss issues surrounding abortion? During a children's Halloween festival. The biggest fail is the statement from the jackass handing out dolls of fetuses like these:
    to three-year olds is as follows:
    "We're still trying to understand where the offense is at," Edmonds said. "We think it's with the assumption that when we talk about life in the womb, it's about abortion. But the whole point of the event, point of the models, is we should respect life."
    He says it would be no different from having an anti-bullying message for children, and added that he gave candy to all, but dolls only to those whose parents approved.
    Really? You can't understand why bringing up abortion to a three year old at a Halloween festival using lifelike dolls is wrong? You can't see how abortion is different from bullying? Are you fucking retarded? Clearly everyone you gave it to DIDN'T approve. And seeing as you're conniving enough to slip your political agenda into a children's party, I'd say you probably were eager to drop those in the bags of kids who weren't paying attention.
    I also love his obvious attempt to say that it wasn't about abortions. What, was it sex ed for kindergarteners?

    Holy shit, where do you live? I'm in SC and people don't pull that sort of crap.
  • I don't live near the incident, though apparently it happened in Georgia.
  • edited November 2011
    But I couldn't drive it to compute to campus because spare tires are very weak and I'd have to go on the highway too.
    Only Space-savers and Donuts. Do you have one of those? I've honestly never owned a vehicle other than a motorbike that didn't have a full-sized regular tyre as a spare.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • A lot of cars have donuts nowadays. My past few cars have had: A donut, no spare at all, and another donut.
  • A lot of cars have donuts nowadays. My past few cars have had: A donut, no spare at all, and another donut.
    To be fair, I suppose, the newest vehicle I've owned is the Mighty Van, and it's not exactly a young beast.

  • I have driven tens of miles on freeways on donuts. I once went almost 200 miles on one. So long as it's not a drive wheel and you don't speed, it's mostly fine for a crappier car.
  • I arrived at work today to the sight of a firetruck blocking the road, with more trucks and a bunch of gas company vans further down. The gas company had been directing digging at a construction site near the warehouse and they managed to hit their own pipe. Mind you, they hit the pipe at 10 AM and didn't find the shutoff (which was across the highway) for another three or four hours. Eventually, they let me through and I came to find out that they shut power off to the industrial complex I work in as a safety precaution against the leak. So, everyone got to sit around outside for an hour or two while we waited for power to come back on, but the gas was still shut off at that point. A bakery warehouse without gas to power the ovens is not a good thing. Fortunately, it also turns out that the way the product is distributed, it's technically already baked and is just frozen for shipping purposes. The ovens are only used to thaw the bread out faster.

    So, if you live in Rhode Island or eastern Massachusetts, I'd be wary of buying any of the fancy artisan bread from Stop & Shop, tomorrow.
  • If they make it illegal to kill a non-viable fetus, it should also be illegal to remove tumors. ITS MADE OF LIVING HUMAN CELLS!
  • I failed to vote for the independent. I feel dirty having voted for more of the same.
  • If they make it illegal to kill a non-viable fetus, it should also be illegal to remove tumors. ITS MADE OF LIVING HUMAN CELLS!
    If the goverment decides that life begins at conception, wouldn't everyone be 9 months older?
  • I accidentally got the raisin bagel. Fail.
  • If they make it illegal to kill a non-viable fetus, it should also be illegal to remove tumors. ITS MADE OF LIVING HUMAN CELLS!
    It is probably a bad thing that the only thing I got from this, earlier this morning was "OH MY GOSH TUMOR BABIES", and that's what made me say "Okay, back to bed."
    In all seriousness, abortions are still kinda morally sketchy to a lot of people, and since I don't want to be the origin of an abortion debate, let me just say that the potential illegalization of contraceptives is RIDICULOUS. Some of us don't take birth control as, you know, BIRTH control, so much as hormone control.
    If the goverment decides that life begins at conception, wouldn't everyone be 9 months older?
    I don't know if that's awesome or daunting to think about. I guess in the instance of relative to EVERYONE it wouldn't be any different, but it's still weird to think about.

  • If they make it illegal to kill a non-viable fetus, it should also be illegal to remove tumors. ITS MADE OF LIVING HUMAN CELLS!
    If the goverment decides that life begins at conception, wouldn't everyone be 9 months older?
    If life began at conception, then would miscarriages be considered manslaughter?

  • If the goverment decides that life begins at conception, wouldn't everyone be 9 months older?
    I don't know if that's awesome or daunting to think about. I guess in the instance of relative to EVERYONE it wouldn't be any different, but it's still weird to think about.
    It's a bit of both. It wouldn't matter to most people; but it would make a difference for anyone close to being able to vote, drink or retire.

    This is why Vikings were always mad. Nobody knew what anyone was saying.
  • If life began at conception, then would miscarriages be considered manslaughter?
    Some states have already tried to do this. 38 states have fetal homicide laws that could be interpreted to prosecute women who miscarried, or women that endangered their pregnancy.

    Utah passed a bill in 2010 that still has the vague "caused by an intentional or knowing act of the woman" wording. It was even worse before it was passed.

    Georgia proposed a bill (I have no idea if it was passed or thrown under a bus) that said prenatal murder meant anything that didn't result in the live birth of the fetus except miscarriages, as long as you could prove there was no human involvement. Also, miscarriages at home must be reported by the proper investigating official within 30 days to determine the cause of fetal death.

    Mississippi tried to give fertilized eggs, things that haven't even implanted yet, all the rights of a person in Amendment 26. Thankfully that failed.

    Its bad enough to go through miscarriages and deal with all the crap and guilt from family and friends, women don't need to be prosecuted by the government as well.

  • Jeez, you would guilt someone over a miscarriage? They need to be smacked upside the head.
  • So, for National Merit scholarships from colleges, you have to list one school as your top choice, and only that school will offer you scholarships. This makes sense, because it prevents many schools from offering their money to one student, who will only go to one school. Instead, schools will only offer money to National Merit kids who will probably go there. Where this gets stupid is guaranteed scholarships. WPI guarantees $20,000 to any National Merit finalist who lists them as their top choice. They are clearly willing to offer this money to any number of students. So why should I have to list them as my top choice, forgoing NM scholarships from any other schools, to get money THEY ARE GUARANTEEING ME? I figure it's either:

    1. NM rules prevent them from offering scholarships to students who didn't list them as their top choice. If this is the case, they should make an exception for guaranteed scholarships.

    2. If students got scholarships from other schools, then they would be more likely to go there. Because scholarships from other schools are uncertain, students won't take the chance. If this is the case, FUCK YOU WPI!
  • OH MY GOD YES. For the life of me I can't realize why people think that him losing his job before the season ends is a terrible thing worth protesting about. It's a fucking GAME. The man covered for another man who was abusing CHILDREN. Get some fucking perspective.
  • Went to the doctors to be diagnosed with piriformis syndrome. I will be going through physical therapy next week.

    I more than likely got this due to sitting too long knitting with a cat in my lap and didn't want to move because the cat was in my lap. D'oh!
  • Went to the doctors to be diagnosed with piriformis syndrome. I will be going through physical therapy next week.

    I more than likely got this due to sitting too long knitting with a cat in my lap and didn't want to move because the cat was in my lap. D'oh!
    Uh oh. o_o Looks like I need to start becoming immune to cuteness so this doesn't happen to me. ;-;

    Hope you get better so you can continue to have lots of snuggles with the kittehs!
  • Indeed. Rorschach also loves sleeping in my lap/legs area when I sleep too. I subconsciously know he's there, so I don't move when I sleep. That's more bad than good.

    It was fairly a new experience having a dull aching pain radiating all the way down my left leg.
  • OH MY GOD YES. For the life of me I can't realize why people think that him losing his job before the season ends is a terrible thing worth protesting about. It's a fucking GAME. The man covered for another man who was abusing CHILDREN. Get some fucking perspective.
    It's not just a game, it's college football! Geez. >_>

    (Yes, I hate people too, and I'm a PSU grad)
  • 2010 - Payroll at school screws up payroll to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars. They overpay the staff despite three different people from three different departments telling them they've screwed up and acting like everyone else can't do math. They demand money back. Staff complies. This was just before I started working there.
    No one is fired, teachers get screwed. Doesn't affect me.
    October 2011 - Teachers are overpaid again, since September. Same woman in charge of payroll says they used the wrong number of days to pay teachers, says woman who used to be in the office did it that way, says that she was given an incorrect calendar from principal. Forces staff to sign documents saying they will pay back overpayment. I didn't know I could say 'no' and not sign, after she insists I HAVE to make a decision right then, having pulled me from my class to do it.
    Upon further investigation, I discovered she tried to fix problem by making teachers pay back a full day of pay from a day they already worked (illegal, btw). As a bonus, her math is completely wrong and she had me sign to pay back almost double what I should have. I e-mail her and tell her to throw away the thing I signed as her math was wrong and I would not honor it. Union says anything we signed was null and void as well.
    I get an e-mail from my union rep, who meets with me, and says they'll be e-mailing me a new amount that I owe them (for working for them) and that they said they'll take paybacks over an 18 paycheck period. Number seems correct this time. I sign ze paypers.
    Get newest paycheck. Rate of pay is decreased correct amount. Surprise! There's additional money taken out of the paycheck as well. Labeled as "Misc.". It's the amount per-pay I signed for, that was then voided, before they gave me the right number the second time.
    So now, they've fucked up pay a total of five times, four in just this last incident, overpaid me, made me pay them back, tried to get me to sign shit illegally, came to an agreement with me, and they FUCKED THE FUCKING SHITFUCK UP A-FUCKING-GAIN. So NOW they try to cut me a check for the pay they took out that they shouldn't have...AND THEY TAXED ME ON IT. AGAIN. AND SOMEHOW THE STUPID CUNTS STILL HAVE JOBS.

  • We have an accounting department here, they don't make these sorts of mistakes. And they definitely never over pay us.
  • Welcome back to my Shit List, EA.

  • Went to the doctors to be diagnosed with piriformis syndrome. I will be going through physical therapy next week.

    I more than likely got this due to sitting too long knitting with a cat in my lap and didn't want to move because the cat was in my lap. D'oh!
    Yup, I have that problem too. My PT releases the muscle by sticking her elbow in it really hard. Then, if she doesn't release the nerve too, the muscle clenches right back up.

    On the plus side, I have taught Pete the location of the piriformis and how to release it.

  • On the plus side, I have taught Pete the location of the piriformis and how to release it.
    Oh baby, you know when I'm releasing the's business time.

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