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Fail of Your Day



  • I've been taking my medicine in the afternoon in order to use it's hunger reducing side-effects to counter the often painful hunger I feel due to my parents' 9pm cooking habits. Not sleeping well as a result.

    This is an improvement, by the way.
    Can you pick up some cheap, non-perishable snacks to keep on you/in your bag/in your room to tide you over?
  • Today I reheated my coffee in the microwave at work. I didn't realize the cup was nearly empty. Instead of getting warm coffee I ended up with a mouthful of scalding hot brown liquid. Said liquid burned my mouth and tongue before spitting it all out on the floor.
  • On an impulse, would have spent $60 on pony shirts. Gift for my brother, matching gift for his daughter, and something for myself. But their website isn't working very well, and I've managed to drift out of the impulse state (because another impulse hit me, I decided to commit to getting The Old Republic).
  • Dicked around low-balling a dream house that I could have afforded to give them a realistic bid and in the end, lost the bidding war.
  • What the fuck; New Kenshin. Told from Misao's POV? >_< Do not know if want.
    I have the same thought as you, but knowing they got most of the original seiyuu back, it won't be that bad.

    Also, Narita Ken taking over Suzuoki Hirotaka's role is surprisingly interesting.

  • What the fuck; New Kenshin. Told from Misao's POV? >_< Do not know if want.
    I kinda like this idea.
  • What the fuck; New Kenshin. Told from Misao's POV? >_< Do not know if want.
    I kinda like this idea.
    It reminds me that Stephenie Meyer, author of the Twilight Saga, is doing a prequel from the point of view of Edward Cullen called Midnight Sun. I don't think anything good will come from either of these two things.

  • I'm out of paid leave days for the year, but I am sick. Blech.
  • What the fuck; New Kenshin. Told from Misao's POV? >_< Do not know if want.
    I kinda like this idea.
    It reminds me that Stephenie Meyer, author of the Twilight Saga, is doing a prequel from the point of view of Edward Cullen called Midnight Sun. I don't think anything good will come from either of these two things.
    I think that's a bit unfair, nothing good really comes from Stephanie Meyer.
  • I was most saying it in jest, however I really don't know if I can handle more Kenshin when it's not that much different.

    Also upon further investigation, I mistook Misao to be Kaoru. I don't know why. So when I think about it more, that might be somewhat interesting.
  • Also upon further investigation, I mistook Misao to be Kaoru. I don't know why. So when I think about it more, that might be somewhat interesting.
    Wait, then who the fuck was Misao?
  • edited November 2011
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Dicked around low-balling a dream house that I could have afforded to give them a realistic bid and in the end, lost the bidding war.
    Aww, you lost out on the house? Too bad.

  • What the fuck; New Kenshin. Told from Misao's POV? >_< Do not know if want.
    I can dig it.
  • Damn, Patrice O'Neal died...
  • edited November 2011
    So I'm somewhere between rather and very fucked (I'll know in about an hour). Seriously, it's like something out of a sitcom.

    I had a theology assignment due today which I sort of forgot, sort of chose not to, do. Since it was really easy, I asked my art teacher if I could go to the bathroom and instead went to the computer lab and did my assignment. Because I didn't want to walk into class holding papers, I put the papers on the ground by a trash bin in the hall, planning to pick them back up between classes. When I walked out of class, I noticed one of the schools administrators standing where I dropped the assignment holding some papers. I stupidly assumed that he would know that I did the assignment during class (probably a stupid assumption) and decided to take a roundabout route, and see if his standing there was just a coincidence. When I checked, he was gone, as was the assignment. At this point, I decided just to admit that I didn't have it. When my teacher asked me why I didn't have the assignment, I told him that I did it on a school computer and forgot to print it. He said "no you didn't" and showed me the papers. He was extremely mad at me for lying, and already hated our class for other bullshit. I need to talk to him about something else after school today, so he's almost definately going to bring this up. Thing is, I'm not sure what he knows, or more importantly, what he assumes. If he just thinks that I dropped the assignment or something and said that I didn't print it (doesn't seem likely) then I might be alright. If he finds out that I had a class and did it then, then I'm very fucked. It feels like a sitcom ending where the lies all come crashing down. Oh well, live and learn hope he lets me live.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • That is a whole lot of stupid right there. Just fess up. Don't try to bullshit your way through it.
  • Yeah, pretty much.
  • He's mad at you for having done an assignment and not wanting to explain why you didn't have it?
  • edited November 2011
    Also upon further investigation, I mistook Misao to be Kaoru. I don't know why. So when I think about it more, that might be somewhat interesting.
    Wait, then who the fuck was Misao?
    Only the best character in the whole show. Also, she doesn't appear until the Shishio story arc, so if you never saw that far then you have no idea.

    Post edited by Nuri on
  • Also upon further investigation, I mistook Misao to be Kaoru. I don't know why. So when I think about it more, that might be somewhat interesting.
    Wait, then who the fuck was Misao?
    Only the best character in the whole show. Also, she doesn't appear until the Shishio story arc, so if you never saw that far then you have no idea.
    I'm drawing a total blank on this character. I can picture everyone but her.
  • Man, I so massively bombed on my last test...I'll have to get an A on the Final Exam to even PASS. I don't know if passing or failing will drop my GPA enough, but I'm scared shitless. God, just as I figured what to finally do within college, I have the risk of really getting shafted and colossally failing, because it wouldn't allow me to drop all my classes. And I know my parents will be so disappointed in me to no end getting on Academic Suspension.
  • He's mad at you for having done an assignment and not wanting to explain why you didn't have it?
    Odds are he figured out I did it during a class. I'm not sure though. When I went to talk to him after school, he said more-or-less "I'm very disappointed in you. I don't want to get into it right now, but you know why." So, I don't in fact know why, but I'm not too worried about it, because he can never really keep straight whom he likes and whom he's mad at.
  • Weather or not he knows, he is an expert at playing teacher-type mind games.
  • Weather or not he knows, he is an expert at playing teacher-type mind games.
    Not to mention more than likely not naive to the bullshit you're doing.

    You're not the first punk kid to try to pull a fast one on him in regards to turning in/finishing assignments.
  • edited November 2011
    Weather or not he knows, he is an expert at playing teacher-type mind games.
    He's very good at them. I would not call him charismatic, but he'd have a high CHA, if you know what I mean.
    Weather or not he knows, he is an expert at playing teacher-type mind games.
    Not to mention more than likely not naive to the bullshit you're doing.

    You're not the first punk kid to try to pull a fast one on him in regards to turning in/finishing assignments.
    Exactly. He almost certainly knows, I'm getting a 0 on the assignment, and I'm probably going to apologize after school. I'm not gonna try bullshitting out of this.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • I cut my thumb today by being incredibly dumb.

  • Wasn't paying attention, and drank some water from a cup that I might have sprayed degreaser into. Poison control said not to worry, but I worry anyway. And I know that this is going to be one of those things that I will remember forever; why is it that people always remember the fuck ups they make more often than their successes?
  • edited November 2011
    Non-toxic, biodegradable, Simple Green degreaser; or big-time, fuck-your-guts-up, highly-alkaline organic solvent degreaser?
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
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