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Fail of Your Day



  • edited November 2011
    Er, no idea. I work at Subway right now, so it was whatever their special brand is.
    Post edited by Banta on
  • Wasn't paying attention, and drank some water from a cup that I might have sprayed degreaser into. Poison control said not to worry, but I worry anyway. And I know that this is going to be one of those things that I will remember forever; why is it that people always remember the fuck ups they make more often than their successes?
    Because the many moons ago, the humans that remembered the fuck ups are the ones that kept living.
  • Wasn't paying attention, and drank some water from a cup that I might have sprayed degreaser into. Poison control said not to worry, but I worry anyway. And I know that this is going to be one of those things that I will remember forever; why is it that people always remember the fuck ups they make more often than their successes?
    Because our minds like to fuck with us and play dirty tricks like those.

  • edited November 2011
    My girlfriend lost her job because her former boss is a gormless bitch. Now she's probably going to break up with me a leave town.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • My girlfriend lost her job because her former boss is a gormless bitch. Now she's probably going to break up with me a leave town.
    How are those two things linked?
  • My girlfriend lost her job because her former boss is a gormless bitch. Now she's probably going to break up with me a leave town.
    How are those two things linked?
    Clearly Gunter is her boss.

  • This makes two days in a row where plans to see The Muppets fell through. And now I have to wait until Sunday to try again.
  • Not having a rad week.

    So my main internal hard drive went tits up, and I had to reinstall Windows 7. Post-reinstall, I couldn't access the data on my other hard drives. Instead of trying to fix it from where I was, I attempted to partition the drive so I could dual boot with an ol Ubuntu distro I had lying around (7.9), but that didn't work the way I wanted it to. At all. End result is that I sent my HD tits up again.

    Thankfully I've got a newer distro of Ubuntu installed, and I'll probably be able to partition the drive properly before attempting another W7 reinstall. But yeah. Today, I am a dumbass.

    On the bright side, I'm using Ubuntu for the first time in forever, and I can finally get at the files I needed. So I suppose everything isn't a total loss.
  • edited December 2011
    My girlfriend lost her job because her former boss is a gormless bitch. Now she's probably going to break up with me a leave town.
    How are those two things linked?
    If she's going to pay half her rent she won't be able to eat. She's unemployed and borderline homeless again. She said that she had the opportunity to leave town and live with her aunt and uncle in another state, where they would put her through school, or she could soldier through here and we could move in together when I leave for college. When I said that, even though I loved her, I couldn't watch her starve again, I wasn't sure about us moving in together, and it was best to let her go and let her live a better life, she stormed off. It turns out that was a lie to see if would ask her to stay or not.

    Later, during a crying fit that eventually lead to a psychotic breakdown, she insisted that I was a liar, evil, spineless, and that I never loved her in the first place. When she started talking about killing herself I started to look for help, but nobody would even talk to her. She called her dad to see if she could move back in with him, but he said no because his second wife hates her. After that she called her ex boyfriend for help, who also snubbed her. When we got back to her house she locked herself in the bathroom and cut herself with a razor blade. I convinced her to open the door and took it away from her, stayed long enough to calm her down, and left because I couldn't handle it anymore. This morning she sent me a message on Facebook breaking up with me and saying that she "won't be my training wheels", and that she wouldn't have left me alone if I was having a breakdown like that.

    Suffice it to say, I'm extremely rattled and depressed right now.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Sorry to read that, Günter. Can't think of anything to say, so all I can do is just send a hug via the Net.
  • edited December 2011
    A student decided to break a school rule and go on Facebook...using my computer...when she was supposed to be doing some work on her project.
    She also left herself logged in.
    She also lied about a death in the family for her rule breaking.
    What do I do that will be amusing and also freak her out enough to not use it in my class again, aside from the loss of computer privileges that is already coming down the pipe?
    I was thinking of putting her status to "Very soon, I am going to learn why I should never go on Facebook on my teacher's computer during class time."
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Post on her FB saying that this is her teacher and how she lied to you about it and what she did?
  • Sadly, do nothing with her FB as it will only serve to bite you in the ass if anything comes of this later.
  • Yeah, just...Discipline her somehow. Using her Facebook could probably get you in a lot of trouble.
  • Man, you guys have MARBLES!


    She could easily delete the post afterwards. While, I don't want GT MacRoss to get in trouble, that status update is the best solution, in my opinion. Out of curiosity, what exactly could that student do to get him in trouble?
  • edited December 2011
    Randomly change her relationship status without telling anyone.

    Better: Start editing or delete+reposting her status updates with corrected spelling.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited December 2011
    She could easily delete the post afterwards. While, I don't want GT MacRoss to get in trouble, that status update is the best solution, in my opinion. Out of curiosity, what exactly could that student do to get him in trouble?
    Teachers at my high school could be fired for being friends with students. I had to wait until I graduated to friend any of them. Mind you, you can control what's visible to whom on your profile. If someone had access to your profile, they could just peruse your pics at their leisure. Posting a status update and leaving proof that you had that access? That's a bad idea. Just log her out and rain down teacher hellfire on her later.

    Just leave it alone. Facebook stores all of those status updates anyway; the school could probably just request it if they decided to take action against him. Better safe than sorry.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Yeah, don't touch her Facebook page. Log out and never look back. The last thing you need is anything on the record that indicates you might be a creepy stalker man. Do whatever is the standard discipline for her rulebreaking.
  • edited December 2011
    She now only has a message in her inbox from herself telling her that she is going to be in deep doody. That is all.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • She now only has a message in her inbox from herself telling her that she is going to be in deep doody. That is all.
    That sounds dangerous. She could tell people that you went through her messages or something.
  • Wasn't paying attention, and drank some water from a cup that I might have sprayed degreaser into. Poison control said not to worry, but I worry anyway. And I know that this is going to be one of those things that I will remember forever; why is it that people always remember the fuck ups they make more often than their successes?
    Id think you know if there was degreaser in it. Itd taste shitty.

  • Well, seems the Senate has gone crazy again. Pretty sure that the Supreme Court will kill this one but the fact that it passed, and by that much, kind of scares me.

  • Well, seems the Senate has gone crazy again. Pretty sure that the Supreme Court will kill this one but the fact that it passed, and by that much, kind of scares me.

    That article was nothing but sensationalism. I searched the actual text of the bill. We're still not a battleground. It's just the same military budget that we've been spending for the last ten years. The real problem is that that budget passed 93-7.
  • That article was nothing but sensationalism. I searched the actual text of the bill. We're still not a battleground. It's just the same military budget that we've been spending for the last ten years. The real problem is that that budget passed 93-7.
    Oh, so the detaining American civilians indefinitely, and such, was not really in there? (Seriously asking.)
  • edited December 2011
    That article was nothing but sensationalism. I searched the actual text of the bill. We're still not a battleground. It's just the same military budget that we've been spending for the last ten years. The real problem is that that budget passed 93-7.
    What do you expect? We live in a world where the reliable news outlets taking longer than social media to relay news is a "Media Blackout", where a disagreement about how many serves Pizza sauce accounts for becomes "Congress says Pizza is a vegetable!"

    Seriously, people don't give a fuck about the facts of the matter, they just want to hype up and go crazy. Doesn't matter if it's so sensationalized it's practically fiction.
    Oh, so the detaining American civilians indefinitely, and such, was not really in there? (Seriously asking.)
    Likely not, and certainly not that specifically. IIRC, it was already ruled back in 2007 that the US government can't declare US citizens on the US mainland to be Enemy Combatants. Failing that, It would be a pretty directly against the US constitution. The provisions which everyone is freaking out about - again, IIRC - are actually about that the US military can indefinitely hold people if they are thought to be Enemy Combatants, even US citizens - but that only applies in areas which fall under the legal definition of an active battlefield, and there are some pretty strict rules that apply there. However, the US mainland most definitely is not a battlefield of any sort - in the legal sense - and therefore this provision does not apply.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • Well if Adam's school was like those schools in Texas, they can be so extreme to send that kid to court for breaking the rules.
    I still can't believe this is happening here. What a waste of everyone's time. Whatever happened to detention or suspension? Isn't that far more reasonable? Sometimes I really hate this state.

  • Likely not, and certainly not that specifically. IIRC, it was already ruled back in 2007 that the US government can't declare US citizens on the US mainland to be Enemy Combatants. Failing that, It would be a pretty directly against the US constitution. The provisions which everyone is freaking out about - again, IIRC - are actually about that the US military can indefinitely hold people if they are thought to be Enemy Combatants, even US citizens - but that only applies in areas which fall under the legal definition of an active battlefield, and there are some pretty strict rules that apply there. However, the US mainland most definitely is not a battlefield of any sort - in the legal sense - and therefore this provision does not apply.

    Thanks for clearing that up. I still think of the Senate as crazy for that passing by as as much as it did but not as scared anymore.
  • Thanks for clearing that up. I still think of the Senate as crazy for that passing by as as much as it did but not as scared anymore.
    Oh shit yeah, Your Sentate are mad as a fucking meat axe, but they're not that far off the deep end yet. That's some Ron Paul level of crazy, right there.

  • Oh shit yeah, Your Sentate are mad as a fucking meat axe, but they're not that far off the deep end yet. That's some Ron Paul level of crazy, right there.

    Haha, yeah. What is scary is that Ron Paul is the most sane of the republican candidates, at least from what I have seen. I sincerely hope that Obama gets re-elected, not so much because I want him to but because I definitely do not want any of them.

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