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Fail of Your Day



  • Also of note: Deer are herd animals, so where there's one crossing a road, there will be more. It's pretty likely the deer they were clearing was a different deer.
  • My dad has totaled 2 or 3 trucks around our neighborhood because of deer. He always swerved and hit a tree bc he didn't want to hit the poor dumb things -_-
    Apparently if you are going to hit a deer head on and there's no realistic place to swerve to (aka the road is lined with trees or a ditch, etc) you are supposed to just hit the deer and keep going until it either gets pushed to the side or rolls over your car, otherwise it'll crash through your window and smoosh you o_o
    The fire department told us that at the speed and distance we were, hitting the deer would have meant death for both of us. At the very least, we would never walk again. There was no room to slow down, it was literally 10-15 feet in front of us. It was a highway so we had room to swerve, it was doing it wrong that ended us up on the shoulder of the opposite side of the highway. I was scared we'd go off the shoulder and hit a tree, so we actually ended up in one of the best outcomes possible.

    Also, the deer was ENORMOUS. Casey, who NEVER curses, looked at me and shouted "WAS IT JUST ME OR WAS THAT DEER FUCKING HUGE?!!!"
    The positive news on this is that a deer accident can be covered by insurance. My brother's car got totaled as well hitting a GIANT deer.
    Probably, but there's also a question/problem of how much they'll give her for a 1999 Nisson Altima. It was a great car for what it was, but it was already kinda... on the way out, honestly.
  • Well, you don't know what might have happened if you hit the deer. Maybe the deer was sick and confused stupid cause it's a deer and that's why it came wandering into the road. You are safe, and that's good.
    Sorry, but it's a deer. Deer run in front of cars.
    Yeah, but if it kept coming back out, I wonder about it. I've had deer cross in front of me before, but they usually doing loiter around in the road.

  • Well, you don't know what might have happened if you hit the deer. Maybe the deer was sick and confused stupid cause it's a deer and that's why it came wandering into the road. You are safe, and that's good.
    Sorry, but it's a deer. Deer run in front of cars.
    Yeah, but if it kept coming back out, I wonder about it. I've had deer cross in front of me before, but they usually doing loiter around in the road.
    I've had deer walk out in front, I've had deer stand and stare at me, I've had deer sprint across the road and just be unfortunate enough to meet the front of my car. They have no understanding of 2 ton boxes of metal moving at speeds they could never achieve much the same way they don't understand boom sticks.
  • Anyway, if it kept coming back into the road a bunch of times, it was a confused/particularly dumb deer.
    In other news, after growing up in deer country, I do not miss that aspect of driving.
  • edited November 2011
    So, while my friends are doing this -

    I get all the fun of staring at this -
    Post edited by Churba on
  • 100 dollars! Hahaha silly Australians.
  • edited November 2011
    100 dollars! Hahaha silly Australians.
    I shall refrain from commenting about how it's entirely America are being cunts to the rest of the world. Again.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • 100 dollars! Hahaha silly Australians.
    I shall refrain from commenting about how it's entirely America are being cunts to the rest of the world. Again.
    Wow, I thought you guys were just on the short end of the exchange rate, but it's pretty much 1:1
  • 100 dollars! Hahaha silly Australians.
    I shall refrain from commenting about how it's entirely America are being cunts to the rest of the world. Again.
    Wow, I thought you guys were just on the short end of the exchange rate, but it's pretty much 1:1
    Also, their minimum wage is around $14 USD/hr. I'm pretty sure the video game industry is just jealous.
  • edited November 2011
    100 dollars! Hahaha silly Australians.
    I shall refrain from commenting about how it's entirely America are being cunts to the rest of the world. Again.
    Wow, I thought you guys were just on the short end of the exchange rate, but it's pretty much 1:1
    Yep - If I was paying in US dollars, it'd be about 101-102 bucks. We're very slightly ahead, right now. We've been close to or at parity for the last few years.
    Also, their minimum wage is around $14 USD/hr. I'm pretty sure the video game industry is just jealous.
    $16 USD, but only if you're about sixteen or so. For an adult, the barest minimum wage is $17 and change AUD an hour, with various other factors such as industry, job role, qualifications, and so on also making a difference. Hell, you can pretty trivially get 20 bucks an hour working behind a bar, let alone a qualified job. All things considered, when I was flying, I made about as much as Rym was making when he was working on Wall street, and I had less actual flying time in a month than he had working hours in a month. Though that's an exceptional case, it does show a pattern - many of our jobs pay better than US jobs. Our Base rate for teachers, for example, is 50 grand a year or thereabouts, IIRC.

    On the downside, however, our cost of living is somewhat higher than most of the US, but that's another argument entirely.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Damn, you should get someone in the US to gift you whatever games you want and just Paypal them the money or something.
  • Damn, you should get someone in the US to gift you whatever games you want and just Paypal them the money or something.
    That's what I prefer to do, unless the price is reasonable. Though, when I picked up Batman, I got it for 50 bucks, minus the 20% discount for owning Arkham Asylum - I got in about two days before they, to borrow their words, Localized the prices.

  • Wash gave Caprica feline herpes virus. I thought it was just his allergies but when he finally stopped sneezing Caprica started up. -_- Ugh, don't want more cat boogers.
  • edited November 2011
    So, I may have to rescind my previous comment - Rocksteady/Warner just released Arkham city two days early here. I don't know why, but casting about, it seems that either I was the only one to complain directly to Rocksteady/Warner in a public fashion(that I could find with a fair bit of searching, anyway), or they got a lot of angry email. Either way, I'm downloading as we speak.

    The price is still a bit crazy, but still, Classy move there, Rocksteady/Warner.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Dude got a higher straight-flush than me. Not cool.
  • Ouch. What kind of poker was this in?
  • Three card stud? The one that's not Hold 'Em where you can draw 3 three cards per hand. Cost me $3 ($5 buy in).
  • Got a shiny new PS2 RGB scart cable offering better sharpness and colour quality than composite (RBG Scart is Component over scart connector.).
    I am no aware of Sony's love of Sync on Green, a method of sending the sync signal down the green channel.

    Not all TVs support this, in my case, the screen is now completely green unless I switch it back to composite (At which point, why did I bother buying it.).

    Apparently some soldering can be used to remove the SoG signal.

  • My mother is being an unholy bitch about the length of our Thanksgiving visit and reasons behind the shortness of it. She was rude, irrational, and manipulative.
    This will not stand.
  • Just don't go to spite her.

    I recently had an argument with my mom about how she needs to be more proactive and knowledgeable with my fathers medications and not just me. She then tried to bring something totally irrelevant about pointing out how I don't hang out with my father enough.

    I then told her how that has nothing to do with the fact that a person's spouse should know these things. She got really irrational and hung up on me.

    She called me back 10 minutes later to apologize.

    It was so surreal, because I take after my mother in regards to being beyond stubborn to admit you were wrong and apologize.
  • Seems some of us have issues with our mothers. Add me to the list.
  • I was at Best Buy earlier and already saw people lining up for the Black Friday super sales.
  • Is there anything worth buying that's on sale? I mean, besides Steam.
  • edited November 2011
    An attorney I used to work for died in the Philadelphia Marathon on Sunday. He was in his 40's and is survived by his wife and two children (both under the age of ten).
    It is incredibly sad and I feel awful for his family.
    I would like to attend the calling hours for Chris (the attorney I mentioned a few days ago), so that I can give my condolences to his family and drop off a donation to the memorial fund for his children's education. This would mean that we have to leave Adam's family's Thanksgiving festivities on Friday by noon. It seemed that this would work out perfectly, since Adam's mother and uncle are to take his grandmother to New Jersey around noon on Friday to look into a retirement home (an activity that will take 6 hours, including travel time). When we told Adam's mom about this plan she flipped - saying that we should stay until Saturday (never part of our plan) so that she could have dinner with us on Friday evening when she eventually gets back from her excursion. In addition she tries to "guilt trip" us by saying that we never make time for her (we travel to see her at least twice a year - she has only visited us twice in a decade and that includes our wedding). She also accused me of coming between Adam and her (though in reality I frequently remind him to call her, I help him remember/purchase her birthday & holiday gifts, etc.) She went so far as to say "[I] would rather spend time with a dead man than family."

    Seriously, WTF?
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Mother-in-law issues. I do not envy you.
  • Mother-in-law issues. I do not envy you.
    The one consolation is that she is like this to everyone, so it is not just me.
  • Well I wish you the best in dealing with her. If I were in that situation, I would just tell her straight up and decide to no longer go.

    Parents can always be a tough situation. My mother can guilt trip me, but I tell her upfront that I'm not going to deal with that. I love them, but doing that is not cool.
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