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Fail of Your Day



  • FNPL Fail: I kept saying "clip" when I meant "magazine". Herp de derp.
    *sigh* I'll be honest and keep it in the show rather than making my self smarter in post production.
  • edited November 2011
    FNPL Fail: I kept saying "clip" when I meant "magazine". Herp de derp.
    *sigh* I'll be honest and keep it in the show rather than making my self smarter in post production.
    My related fail - The derpiest, most rambling explanation of the difference between a clip and a magazine in the recorded history of humankind.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • Seriously, WTF?
    That's pretty fucked up right there.
  • Too. Fucking. Cold. Here.

    And before any of you say "but Colombia's in the tropical zone," Bogotá's 8640 ft over sea level and it's raining every day. I've had to take showers before bed!
  • FNPL Fail: I kept saying "clip" when I meant "magazine". Herp de derp.
    *sigh* I'll be honest and keep it in the show rather than making my self smarter in post production.
    You should fix it, but in an obvious and corny way.
  • Black Friday riots and violence. They're just THINGS. Pushing and shoving to load yourself up with $2 waffle irons? Pepper-spraying people for an Xbox 360 that you can get on Amazon for the same price? Trampling children to get your hands on a copy of a game discounted by ten or fifteen dollars?
    Consumerist madness is the fail of the day.
  • Mother-in-law issues. I do not envy you.
    The one consolation is that she is like this to everyone, so it is not just me.
    More reason to come visit me instead. :P
  • Black Friday riots and violence. They're just THINGS. Pushing and shoving to load yourself up with $2 waffle irons? Pepper-spraying people for an Xbox 360 that you can get on Amazon for the same price? Trampling children to get your hands on a copy of a game discounted by ten or fifteen dollars?
    Consumerist madness is the fail of the day.
    Seriously, the commercials yesterday that glorified the people freaking out were kind of surreal and gross.

  • Black Friday riots and violence. They're just THINGS. Pushing and shoving to load yourself up with $2 waffle irons? Pepper-spraying people for an Xbox 360 that you can get on Amazon for the same price? Trampling children to get your hands on a copy of a game discounted by ten or fifteen dollars?
    Consumerist madness is the fail of the day.
  • So tired. Don't feel like doing anything.
  • I think my girlfriend has PTSD.
  • I think my girlfriend has PTSD.

  • edited November 2011
    I think my girlfriend has PTSD.
    Posttraumatic stress disorder.
    Post edited by Bronzdragon on
  • I think my girlfriend has PTSD.
    Posttraumatic stress disorder.
    Not literal wat. WTF wat.
  • edited November 2011
    No kidding. The details are too personal to share here, but suffice it to say she went through some serious shit as a kid. The more I examine how she deals with it the more I think she has a condition along the lines of PTSD. It's more than a little frightening.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Mother troubles are the worst. Back in 7th-8th grade, when my faith was really starting to waiver, I made a pact with myself that I would not be Confirmed unless my beliefs changed by then. When it was finally time to start Confirmation classes, I managed to work up the courage to tell my mom. I expected her to be somewhat upset but accepting. This could not have been much farther from the truth. She EXPLODED. This was probably the only time in my life when I've sat in the bathroom crying. To make things worse, when I was in my room later, my dad came in and gave me a talk about how I should go through with it to make my mom happy. I've never sworn in front of my parents but I half wish I could go back in time and tell him "fuck you". In the end, I just stopped caring and went through with Confirmation, which I still regret somewhat. I just didn't want to go through any more arguments with my parents.

    As I said, the worst.
  • No kidding. The details are too personal to share here, but suffice it to say she went through some serious shit as a kid. The more I examine how she deals with it the more I think she has a condition along the lines of PTSD. It's more than a little frightening.
    Therapy/counseling is incredibly helpful. If she doesn't have health insurance, you can PM me and I can provide you with information regarding free/low-cost resources.

  • Dear OCD roommate: Our house is not disgusting. It is already reasonably clean. You will not get sick from living here. You do not have to compulsively clean when you are sick. When you are sick and compulsively cleaning, remember it is NOT MY FAULT you decided you HAD to clean, and you're leaving for a few months as of a few days from now ANYWAY. Do not get huffy and angry with me when I show concern and tell you to rest instead of compulsively cleaning.
    Also, when you ask me how cleaning my room is going, I already have one crazy mother and I certainly don't need another. Please get out of my business. I actually wanted to clean today, and your pushiness has ruined my resolve.
  • Mother troubles are the worst. Back in 7th-8th grade, when my faith was really starting to waiver, I made a pact with myself that I would not be Confirmed unless my beliefs changed by then. When it was finally time to start Confirmation classes, I managed to work up the courage to tell my mom. I expected her to be somewhat upset but accepting. This could not have been much farther from the truth. She EXPLODED. This was probably the only time in my life when I've sat in the bathroom crying. To make things worse, when I was in my room later, my dad came in and gave me a talk about how I should go through with it to make my mom happy. I've never sworn in front of my parents but I half wish I could go back in time and tell him "fuck you". In the end, I just stopped caring and went through with Confirmation, which I still regret somewhat. I just didn't want to go through any more arguments with my parents.

    As I said, the worst.
    I feel your pain. I was raised a Cath too, but after having studied in a religious school for 8 years and living in a far-too-religious country, I'm pretty much a nonbeliever, and my mother attacks me due to that. I dunno how stupid it may sound, but the time and mind gap between our parents and us often is too large for them to accept and understand that we think differently from them.
  • Fail of my day two months ago, but I had an older woman pick a bit of a public argument with me at my own grandfather's funeral because I didn't take part in the service. I'm not a Catholic, but even if I wanted to participate I would have had no idea what to do anyway. Both she and I are lucky that I've put a lot of time and effort into being a more respectful and disciplined person, because she crossed more than a few lines that she had no right to at the wrong time in the wrong place.
  • In the second attempt to rob our flat in the last month, some braindead jag hurled a brick through my flatmates window. Here's the kicker; it was at 1pm on a Sunday afternoon. Four of us were home, and a bunch of our friends walking by saw the guy and he ran away.

    What the actual fuck, Newcastle.
  • I'm sure I warned you about that before you moved there. Right?
  • edited November 2011
    I'm sure I warned you about that before you moved there. Right?
    Your warning was just, "Don't go to Newcastle." I'm returning to Chicago in June, though.

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Where in Newcastle do you live? I lived on the edge of Fenham, and my car was only broken into twice.
  • Where in Newcastle do you live? I lived on the edge of Fenham, and my car was only broken into twice.
    Spital Tongues, on the Newcastle University campus.

  • image
    That's the game what with all the penises, right?
  • image
    That's the game what with all the penises, right?
    You're thinking of Xbox Uno.
  • What the fuck; New Kenshin. Told from Misao's POV? >_< Do not know if want.
  • edited November 2011
    I've been taking my medicine in the afternoon in order to use it's hunger reducing side-effects to counter the often painful hunger I feel due to my parents' 9pm cooking habits. Not sleeping well as a result.

    This is an improvement, by the way.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
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