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Fail of Your Day



  • edited November 2011
    As far as I am told, this is was a print of the Photograph, not the original.
    It's still a dumb act, but I guess the provocation is part of the artistic expression of the photograph. Since this happened in April and we didn't hear about it until now I don't think the Streissand effect occurred.

    Other than that, see Rym
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • edited November 2011
    Is everyone alright?
    Hope you're alright, at least physically. Everyone who sees that will be thinking of you.
    Went through that for the first time a couple years back. Took me two days before I felt comfortable driving myself to work again; it's surreal how the worst adrenaline and fear doesn't start until hours later.

    I hope everyone else is alright, and I'm glad you're well enough to post. Stay distracted; it helps with the jitters.
    It was just the two of us while we were on our way home from AUSA. We were 30 minutes away from home and a deer ran out in the road about 10-15 feet in front of us. We swerved, overcompensated, fishtailed, and went through the median (with the metal safety cables and all) and ended up horizontal on the opposite shoulder. We're both fine (and Casey's puppy, who was also riding with us), but extremely shaken up, upset, and sore.

    The car is pretty much totaled, although it's still car-shaped (the front didn't get crunched in or anything), one of the front wheels has bent 90 degrees, we lost the headlights, and we lost at least one rear-view mirror. The fire department told us this kind of thing happens all of the time, and at the speed we were going it's better we didn't hit the deer because we could have ended up paralyzed or dead from it flying through the windshield. They told us it's very rare in this sort of accident to come out completely unscathed physically so we should be really happy about that. All things considered we are extremely lucky, but that doesn't change the fact that I feel awful about it knowing Casey inherited the car from her grandmother and how much it meant to her. All she kept saying was that she's just happy we're all okay, but it still bothers me.
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • I live in deer country, and I've had a few close calls and know more than a few people who haven't been as lucky as myself. It's a shame about the car, but it's always better that a vehicle is totaled than a passenger.

    Hang tight, kiddo. Feel free to look me up if you need someone to talk to at some odd hour; chances are I'll be up when most of America isn't.
  • Yeah, me too. We've had some close calls as well. I'd see deer on almost a daily basis crossing the road and we always had to be on the lookout. Just be glad it wasn't an elk. Those things will seriously fuck a motherfucker up.
  • edited November 2011
    Can't say I'm angry. I wouldn't destroy Piss Christ, but I always thought it was pretentious and douchebaggy, only being held up because it criticized the church. I'm a little glad it's gone.
    As far as I understand, it's not a critique of Christianity itself, but rather the commercialism surrounding it. I don't know a lot about it though, I must admit.
    It was not a print that was destroyed, but the original. Also, Serrano was attempting to do several things with the photo, if I remember my art history classes correctly:
    1, To show his disappointment with the church. He was brought up Catholic and had become disillusioned with what the church was as opposed to what he had thought it was.
    2. It was part of a series of photos he did by submerging statuettes in several different fluids, urine being one of them.
    3. To be shocking. Serrano does do shock art. Most of it is a bit pretentious, true, but also - no one else had done it before. He also did it with a certain amount of class, unlike that one guy who did the painting of the Madonna with elephant dung on the boobs.

    I actually think it's a really good photograph, particularly if you ignore the tittle. The photo itself is almost reverent. It's when people see the tittle that they get pissed off (teehee). Regardless, the fact that someone is so self-righteous that they think it's okay to destroy someone else's work because they don't like it or find it offensive is infuriating. I find the Catholic church pretty offensive, but I don't go around smashing stained glass windows or putting graffiti on the ceiling of the Sistine chapel.

    Also, what Rym said. I think the museum made a very smart move in leaving the damaged art work up. To quote the article:
    The gallery director, Eric Mézil, said it would reopen with the destroyed works on show "so people can see what barbarians can do". He said there had been a kind of "inquisition" against the art work.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Don't know much about deer, but Roos have a similar habit of jumping out in front of you. I know plenty of people who have wrecked cars that way.

    That aside, there are two important things - The car can be fixed. It's down, but it's not out. I'm glad you're alright, and Casey is alright.
  • To be honest, I'd be more upset if someone threw a brick through a stained glass window, simply because I like it more.

    That's not to say that this is okay in any way, and I don't think anyone is arguing it is. Any message, no matter what it says, should not be silenced forcefully.
  • I'm having a cold and I've been blowing my nose all day. Due to this, the rim of my upper lip is sore like fuck, and now I'm eating spicy goulash. Ouch.
  • I had my left turn signal on and was getting into the left turn lane when all of a sudden some mutherfucker zooms past me (on the left, through the turn lane I was going in to) and back into the regular lane. Words failed me. Could I borrow some from you guys that are better with them?
  • It was not a print that was destroyed, but the original.
    Yes and no - It's one of the Ten original prints that Serrano made, but the true original - the negative, from which more identical prints can be made - is still safe and in Serrano's possession.
  • I decided to cut a path through some jungle on a Fijian island four days ago. I had fun, but got scratched to fuck.

    Then a scratch on my leg got infected. Now I'm on antibiotics and feel like shit.
  • Tito was put to sleep today at around 3. He had been hiding out alone all weekend, so my Mom and I (Sis didn't come) decided not to stay while they did it, taking that as an obvious hint that he just wanted to be alone when his time came. He didn't eat at all over the weekend, so I opted not to hold him before it happened since he just felt so skinny and not like he usually felt, and I didn't want to remember it. I did tell him I was sorry about taking him in the cat-carrier, and that I enjoyed all the time I spent with him. I kissed him on the head, and we left, hoping we did the right thing. As of right now I'm sad, but manageable. I'm watching The West Wing to try and take my mind off of it. I may try to play Skyrim, take out my sadness on some Dragons.
  • edited November 2011
    My fail: I keep forgetting to log out from Kate's laptop causing her grief whenever she tries to post. :\
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • An attorney I used to work for died in the Philadelphia Marathon on Sunday. He was in his 40's and is survived by his wife and two children (both under the age of ten).
    It is incredibly sad and I feel awful for his family.
  • An attorney I used to work for died in the Philadelphia Marathon on Sunday. He was in his 40's and is survived by his wife and two children (both under the age of ten).
    It is incredibly sad and I feel awful for his family.
    What happened? Hear attack?
  • An attorney I used to work for died in the Philadelphia Marathon on Sunday. He was in his 40's and is survived by his wife and two children (both under the age of ten).
    It is incredibly sad and I feel awful for his family.
    What happened? Hear attack?
    It is presumed, but not yet confirmed.

  • That happens some times. It can happen to people who are really young, if they have an undiagnosed heart weakness. That's really sad. I feel very bad for his family.
  • Sorry I'm slow to respond, I've been basically laying on the couch in a half-awake haze all day. Ryan came over for awhile and that helped me calm down a lot, but I fell asleep on him on and off. Still doing okay but my back and neck sort of hurt, presumably from being so tense for so long. My dad drove home today and me from the road to tell me that around where our accident was, he saw a road services vehicle cleaning up a dead deer. I KNOW we didn't hit the deer at all, so someone else must have. Maybe not the same deer, but it still pisses Casey and I off that we didn't kill it only for one to still be killed.

    The car is officially totaled as well. Once you crack an axle they instantly declare it totaled, and we definitely cracked the front axle.

    I appreciate all the concern, and really we're okay. I'm mostly just happy to be alive and well and upset that Casey's car is wrecked.
  • Well, you don't know what might have happened if you hit the deer. Maybe the deer was sick and confused and that's why it came wandering into the road. You are safe, and that's good.
  • Well, you don't know what might have happened if you hit the deer. Maybe the deer was sick and confused and that's why it came wandering into the road. You are safe, and that's good.
    It came bounding into the road; it definitely wasn't sick...
  • So I'm playing Halo Anniversary. I'm on The Maw, about to beat the game. I fail. In an effort to not smash my Xbox I turn it off to take a break. Half an hour later I turn it back on to give it another go. Did you guys know that there is no auto save or mid level rally point(or whatever it is called). Well... Yeah. Now I am even more pissed and even more likely to smash my Xbox. So I am giving up for the night and I will try tomorrow.
  • I wish I could get that upset about a video game. Is there really any game so absorbing you can get angry about it?
  • edited November 2011
    You are safe, and that's good.
    I wish I could get that upset about a video game. Is there really any game so absorbing you can get angry about it?
    Play minecraft and wait for creepers. Alternatively, Play Dirt 3, get gold and platinum on all of the races, then wait until your profile save gets corrupted.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I wish I could get that upset about a video game. Is there really any game so absorbing you can get angry about it?
    Play minecraft and wait for creepers. Alternatively, Play Dirt 3, get gold and platinum on all of the races, then wait until your profile save gets corrupted.
    I find some interesting trends about when I get that angry, toward video games and otherwise. Basically I only ever really get that mad if I'm already in a bad mood, very stressed, or hungry. Also while I find creepers occasionally frustrating in minecraft, I appreciate the challenge they give. Also I find it's rare beyond the setup phase of a minecraft map that I have any serious problems with mobs.
  • Just don't get to the point where you'll kill something (or someone) if you lose or the game stops running.

    Fail: Told my mother my thesis is ready for printing. Now I'll have to work my ass off for the defense. And I don't want to do it.
  • Well, you don't know what might have happened if you hit the deer. Maybe the deer was sick and confused stupid cause it's a deer and that's why it came wandering into the road. You are safe, and that's good.
    Sorry, but it's a deer. Deer run in front of cars.

  • edited November 2011
    Yeah, that's like Deer 101. In my neighborhood, they come out of the forest at a run, jump the guardrails, and the freeze as soon as they're in the road. Also, "deer in the headlights" is a very real thing; when it's dusk or dawn and I'm driving by the dense Forest Preserves (the deer stick to either fields or incredible wooded areas) with no roadside barriers, I drive as slow as is safe with only lowbeams or fogs on. You think they'd learn that "rapidly approaching bright light = horrible death," but they never do.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • The positive news on this is that a deer accident can be covered by insurance. My brother's car got totaled as well hitting a GIANT deer.
  • My dad has totaled 2 or 3 trucks around our neighborhood because of deer. He always swerved and hit a tree bc he didn't want to hit the poor dumb things -_-
    Apparently if you are going to hit a deer head on and there's no realistic place to swerve to (aka the road is lined with trees or a ditch, etc) you are supposed to just hit the deer and keep going until it either gets pushed to the side or rolls over your car, otherwise it'll crash through your window and smoosh you o_o
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