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Fail of Your Day



  • Having political arguments on Facebook where TWO mother in-laws get involved. (My two mother in-laws) :-p
  • The US Military has an official gun shaped video game controller.
    Is this bad?
    I find games where you shoot other people to be personally problematic. I find games where you shoot other people with a gun to be interface sociologically problematic. I find the US Army creating said interface to give the message of "Hey, 16 year old hopelessly romantic highly malleable person, you like Call of Duty? Real war is just like that!" I miss the good old days, when propaganda wasn't about how great the military is, it was about calling Hitler a shithead.
  • I miss the good old days, when propaganda wasn't about how great the military is, it was about calling Hitler a shithead.
    There just aren't that many shitheads left.

  • Have you gone back and looked at WWII propaganda? Its not just vilifying Hittler.
  • Have you gone back and looked at WWII propaganda? Its not just vilifying Hittler.
    For real:
  • I'd rather keep quiet, but seeing that image and the guy's face, my blood boils.

    I dislike the Navy, and especially the cowards who enter it because they weren't successful in their previous careers.
  • Are you talking about your country's Navy or the US Navy? You should make a distinction between the two. If you're referring to the US Navy, you're speaking out of your ass.
  • edited January 2012
    I'd rather keep quiet, but seeing that image and the guy's face, my blood boils.

    I dislike the Navy, and especially the cowards who enter it because they weren't successful in their previous careers.
    Hey, it wasn't just the Navy.

    Are you talking about your country's Navy or the US Navy? You should make a distinction between the two. If you're referring to the US Navy, you're speaking out of your ass.
    Also this. I've got some friends in Naval School who have more guts than I can possibly imagine or ever hope to have, and I've had the pleasure of knowing the mother of a Navy Seal, which is pretty cool. My grandfather treated a bunch of Navy guys at the VA hospital during his service right before Vietnam broke out.

    Also British and Spanish Naval tradition, which I have nothing but deep admiration for, despite their flaws.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I miss the good old days, when propaganda wasn't about how great the military is, it was about calling Hitler a shithead.
    There just aren't that many shitheads left.

    There are plenty of shit-heads left. The scenarios involved are just very different from WWII and we should not go after them all with bombs.
  • Are you talking about your country's Navy or the US Navy? You should make a distinction between the two. If you're referring to the US Navy, you're speaking out of your ass.
    Navies (and army divisions) in general. But the douchebag I had for a "friend" is currently in the US Navy, for which I feel sorry for your country. I hope no one would have to fall in his hands in case someone has an emergency.

  • edited January 2012
    I couldn't convince myself to get out of bed until 4:30 today, and now I can't convince myself to eat. This week started out so well, too.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Well, the US navy is known to be hostile, abusive and criminal in our country, every time a ship docks here, they are abusive to the locals, take shit from stores without paying saying that "we are here to defend your seas from the narcs, you should be paying us", they start fights at the bars, and there have been cases of rape, where the marines in question just rush back to the ship where they are deemed "out of our laws reach" threatening hostile and lethal measures against police if they even dare put a foot on the ship. So yeah, sorry to burst the bubble, but your Navy is made out of a lot of good men, but a lot of assholes and douches.

    Unfortunately, the actions of a few are seen as the action of all, specially when the higher ranks side with the offending soldiers.
  • I'm sorry about that. A bunch of people in the armed services of America are people who have few other options in life. Not exactly the few and proud. :(
  • Yeah it only takes a few to create a bad image. Though thank you to others for proving my point when I was lazy. Also one person does not make a while group douchy. Case in point; Axel Rose was a dick but Guns and Roses was not. Feld Marshal Haig was an incompetent man, the rest of the army was not. You get the drift.
  • Today, I managed to oversleep but still wake up tired, I rushed breakfast, but still ended up missing a train, so after a half hour wait, I pack my stuff, go out the door when I'm stopped by my mom "Where are you going?". To which I obviously reply I'm going to school. Turns out it's Sunday, I could have slept in.
  • Well, the US navy is known to be hostile, abusive and criminal in our country, every time a ship docks here, they are abusive to the locals, take shit from stores without paying saying that "we are here to defend your seas from the narcs, you should be paying us", they start fights at the bars, and there have been cases of rape, where the marines in question just rush back to the ship where they are deemed "out of our laws reach" threatening hostile and lethal measures against police if they even dare put a foot on the ship. So yeah, sorry to burst the bubble, but your Navy is made out of a lot of good men, but a lot of assholes and douches.

    Unfortunately, the actions of a few are seen as the action of all, specially when the higher ranks side with the offending soldiers.
    Not arguing with your point. I know there are soldiers who act like dicks. Just pointing out that Marines and Navy are different branches of our military. The Marines may ride in Navy equipment, but they are not Navy.

  • Not arguing with your point. I know there are soldiers who act like dicks. Just pointing out that Marines and Navy are different branches of our military. The Marines may ride in Navy equipment, but they are not Navy.
    I must have some damn bad luck then, because most US Army guys I know are pretty much jerks.

  • Army =! Navy
  • The Jon Stewart quote about Christans feeling discriminated against because they feel entitled to better, rather than equal, treatment feels like it applies yet again.
  • Not arguing with your point. I know there are soldiers who act like dicks. Just pointing out that Marines and Navy are different branches of our military. The Marines may ride in Navy equipment, but they are not Navy.
    I must have some damn bad luck then, because most US Army guys I know are pretty much jerks.

    The Army is yet another branch of our military. Also, you didn't actually respond to anything I said.

    Anywhere abroad, the dicks are going to be the ones who stick out and get attention. Do you generally notice the guy standing quietly in the corner or the guy loudly making an ass of himself in the doorway? I don't know what percentage of soldiers are dicks, but I guarantee you that they get noticed more than the guys who don't act that way.

  • I know it's another branch. I didn't make myself clear. I should've said that I'm really unlucky, because most US military people I know (before registering here) are pretty much jerks.

    Well, people do notice the bad before the good, but, what do you do when most of the images you get from them are bad? :S
  • image

  • That's pretty hilarious.
  • Have you gone back and looked at WWII propaganda? Its not just vilifying Hittler.
    That wasn't my point. Yes I've gone back and looked at it, I own a good amount of it. My point was that we tried to convince people the cause was worth it instead of this more abstract jingoism of serving your country. There was a brief moment during the World Wars when we advertised a cause. Why couldn't we have something like this:
    (I don't know where I got that either.)
    It goes against what we said in the Treaty of Tripoli, but at least it's trying.
  • 1st day of teacher training, and my first demo teaching sucked. I was too formal and distant, therefore I was the worst. Everyone smiled and was warm, but I couldn't help being efficient and professional-looking, which isn't what they're looking for.

    I need to improve, or I'll be back to square one: looking for crappy jobs.
  • 1st day of teacher training, and my first demo teaching sucked. I was too formal and distant, therefore I was the worst. Everyone smiled and was warm, but I couldn't help being efficient and professional-looking, which isn't what they're looking for.

    I need to improve, or I'll be back to square one: looking for crappy jobs.
    Getting your "teaching legs" takes several teaching experiences. It took me well into my first student teaching placement to find my style and get comfortable in front of a classroom.
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