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Fail of Your Day



  • edited January 2012
    Is that really surprising? Having never played much Soul Calibur, it seems like much of the advertisement for it has always given a lot of attention to Ivy's chest.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • With my friends, there is a mutual agreement that if you play as Ivy, you are a perv, which is a shame because I'm actually quite good with her.
  • edited January 2012
    They just say the because they get... distracted. Ivy isn't Odd Job; if you are better with her then you not playing as her means you aren't playing to win.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • They just say the because they get... distracted. Ivy isn't Odd Job; if you are better with her then you not playing as her means you aren't playing to win.
  • edited January 2012
    Plus on Soul Calibur 3 (have not played Soul Calibur 4) or before if you knew Ivy well enough to start a long distance juggle right at the start of a match you were basically guaranteed a win against most players. That could be why no one wants you using that character.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • I play 2, and none of us are good enough to know that.
  • With my friends, there is a mutual agreement that if you play as Ivy, you are a perv, which is a shame because I'm actually quite good with her.
    That rule has to go with Valdo too. I think in later games (4 I'm looking at you) Valdo is worse than Ivy. Ivy at least doesn't attack you by humping.

  • Ugh. Need to start revising for massive finals. Fuck my shit. Luckily most of one final is stuff I've already seen in other classes.
  • Yep know that feeling due to pants on hedness I have a butt ton of essay/exam work to do. Late nights ahoy!
  • Fail: One of these finals is worth 80% of my grade. I don't even know where to begin. I might wait until tomorrow in order to fend off an anxiety attack

    Second fail: One of the girls left an opened jar of mayo in the fridge. I am refusing to touch or open it; I think mayonnaise jars are considered "weaponized" after eight weeks of sitting in the fridge under the Biological Weapons Convention.
  • Yeah most of mine stack up like that. Its a killer but hey could be worse. Also your a student, man up! This is the time where we encounter all sorts of plauge, why I submited my flat to mustard gas just to prove a point!
  • Went to get some cavities filled, and the dentists waited until after they Novocained the left side of my face to let me know that I wasn't on my parent's insurance, because apparently we incorrectly filed my student status. Hurray. Now I'm home with cavities and a numb face.
  • Last time I got a cavity filled it was the week before Christmas at 5. The doctor said "Look, you don't want to be here, I don't want to be here, we're gonna do this real fast. No novacaine. Alright?" I discovered that fillings actually aren't painful at all.
  • Novocaine for fillings? Unless they have to file part of a tooth, I don't see why that happens. It'd be like getting gassed to get some stitches on.
  • Um, it depends on the filling and on the person. My teeth are hypersensitive, and I have never had a filling where they didn't have to drill out part of the tooth. I'm also painkiller-resistant, and Novocaine and Lidocaine don't work very well on me. I still feel pain when I'm shot up with Novocaine, so they have to use Septocaine for a routine filling. (Which is the same drug they generally use for root canals, FYI.) And it's not the oh-I-can-bear-through-it pain. It's the sharp, nerve tweaking pain that makes you twitch involuntarily, which is problematic for dental work.
  • I go numb so-fast... but it wears off incredibly quickly. I've had to be re-injected six times when they pulled my wisdom teeth, and it wasn't even a difficult procedure. I also can tolerate the pain even when everything has worn off (and the initial injections) fine.

    What is it that makes the numbness go away exactly? Cause I apparently do that way faster than any of my doctors seem to expect.
  • Last time I got a cavity filled it was the week before Christmas at 5. The doctor said "Look, you don't want to be here, I don't want to be here, we're gonna do this real fast. No novacaine. Alright?" I discovered that fillings actually aren't painful at all.
    It's dependent on how deep the cavity is. The pain primarily comes from them having to grind down the edges of the cavity so that they can make sure it gets completely filled. I've had numerous fillings without painkiller before, but sometimes the dentist has to get into sensitive areas of the tooth.

  • What is it that makes the numbness go away exactly? Cause I apparently do that way faster than any of my doctors seem to expect.
    It's a metabolism thing. If you have a generally fast metabolism, the drugs are processed by your system faster.

  • Well, I guess procedures differ depending on where you are, Nuri. Down here, you don't get any painkiller shots unless it's outright surgery.
  • I'm sure that's true. I'm speaking from a purely American with occasional dental insurance point of view.
  • "How has your family background affected the way you see the world?"

    The bane of us suburban middle-class white boys with college-educated parents.
  • "How has your family background affected the way you see the world?"

    The bane of us suburban middle-class white boys with college-educated parents.
    I always say "My great-grandfather was a czarist who fled to America during the revolution. Because of my strong family ties, I'm a communist."
  • edited January 2012
    "How has your family background affected the way you see the world?"

    The bane of us suburban middle-class white boys with college-educated parents.
    Having just applied to college, I had to answer a bunch of these types of questions. The point isn't the truth. Not by a long shot. They don't really give a damn about your family background. They are giving you a chance to brag.

    Choose a praiseworthy characteristic of your personality and write about it somehow in the frame of the question. Something like "I grew up in a family of readers and that is why I love words" or "I grew up in a family of engineers and saw how they couldn't appreciate the beauty of poetry, so I strove to learn about it." or "my parents always had difficulty with computers which made me the go-to computer guy. Now I want to study comp-sci".

    It doesn't need to be a difficult to write essay. You totally got this.
    Post edited by jmerm on
  • So today I heard that Harmonix released a Fueled By Ramen track pack. So I thought "Hey, that's the label founded by the drummer of Less Than Jake. Let's check out the songs on it", not knowing that he sold his share of the company 5 years ago. Man, that went downhill fast.
  • Was watching the FIFA Awards. Wanted Xavi to win, but Messi won. Again. Dammit, I want someone else to win.
  • edited January 2012
    Kuma Games Designer Sentenced to Death in Iran
    I actually know the guys at Kuma a little. Some of them used to come to our meet ups. Apparently they were on the CIA payroll for some of the war games they made? I just dismissed these games as "another tank shooter" kind of game, but I can't believe that the Iranian Government kidnapped this dude! Unacceptable! Get angry!
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Kuma Games Designer Sentenced to Death in Iran
    I actually know the guys at Kuma a little. Some of them used to come to our meet ups. Apparently they were on the CIA payroll for some of the war games they made? I just dismissed these games as "another tank shooter" kind of game, but I can't believe that the Iranian Government kidnapped this dude! Unacceptable! Get angry!
    Wow, that's insane. I thought it was from The Onion at first, until I realized that it's both not funny and absolutely terrible.
  • I didn't make National Merit. There goes almost $200,000 in scholarships.
  • edited January 2012
    Kuma Games Designer Sentenced to Death in Iran
    I actually know the guys at Kuma a little. Some of them used to come to our meet ups. Apparently they were on the CIA payroll for some of the war games they made? I just dismissed these games as "another tank shooter" kind of game, but I can't believe that the Iranian Government kidnapped this dude! Unacceptable! Get angry!
    Note that it's an allegation from a theocratic police state, accompanied by an alleged confession with no evidence as to the circumstances under which it was obtained. Everyone should be fucking furious; as it stands, this guy was kidnapped and sentenced based on utter fiction. Iran is guilty until proven innocent, but the US is most definitely not.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
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