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Fail of Your Day



  • edited January 2012
    Who wants this as an FNPL topic?
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
    Who wants this as an FNPL topic?
  • edited January 2012
    Spent a third of my remaining savings on textbooks. I really really need to get out and get a job this semester, or I won't be able to afford food at PAX.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • edited January 2012
    The fucking asshole in the room above me decided that he'd have a little bit of a jam session at 8:30 in the morning, and was playing the keyboard quite loudly for 45 minutes. I had only been asleep for four hours. I got back to sleep, but my pattern was so damaged that I slept till 4pm.

    There are 24hr practice rooms in the music building. There is no excuse for waking everyone up just because you have an exam that morning. Goddamn it.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited January 2012
    Guys, this news might be worse than anything we have faced this year so far.

    The Expendables 2 is going to be rated PG-13. My excitement for that movie has been significantly decreased.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
    Who wants this as an FNPL topic?
    When I first saw this post I thought that you were suggesting Fucking wankers as a FNPL topic. Sadly (or luckily) it wasn't so.

  • Dude my next door neighbors regularly play music till five in the morning with little care for others. I solve that problem by filing a noise complant with their housing agency after that the police. Strangely the guy has stopped now that he might get evicted. To give you some idea of how loud this was people could hear it clearly four houses away.
  • edited January 2012
    Guys, this news might be worse than anything we have faced this year so far.

    The Expendables 2 is going to be rated PG-13. My excitement for that movie has been significantly decreased.
    WHAT? God DAMMIT. This is the worst thing to ever happen to movies ever.
    Post edited by P_TOG on
  • Oh dear god some crazy person on a friends wall is on the whole Obama is evil-isn't a christian-can't prove hes american-he tuk dur durbs rant.
  • Oh dear god some crazy person on a friends wall is on the whole Obama is evil-isn't a christian-can't prove hes american-he tuk dur durbs rant.
    Remind them that Mitt Romney's dad was born in Mexico and thus Romney isn't American.
  • Its not even that. One girl said that she would be happier if there was no form of government and that she had 'her own news sources' that were better than the corrupt ones.
  • Its not even that. One girl said that she would be happier if there was no form of government and that she had 'her own news sources' that were better than the corrupt ones.
    Probably best to just let the crazy just run its course, but if you want to get into it feel free to mention that Libya is operating without much of a government currently, and that it is working out terribly for them.

  • No love for the year of Belgian anarchy?
  • Guys, this news might be worse than anything we have faced this year so far.

    The Expendables 2 is going to be rated PG-13. My excitement for that movie has been significantly decreased.
    WHAT? God DAMMIT. This is the worst thing to ever happen to movies ever.
    Damn you Chuck Norris.
  • Guys, this news might be worse than anything we have faced this year so far.

    The Expendables 2 is going to be rated PG-13. My excitement for that movie has been significantly decreased.
    WHAT? God DAMMIT. This is the worst thing to ever happen to movies ever.
    Damn you Chuck Norris.
    What I thought was going to make the movie more awesome might ruin it!

  • My exam today had a large amount of material that was neither in our notes nor in the reading referenced in said notes. There's only four people in this class; me, and the other three Illinois study abroad students. We're going to have a long, difficult discussion with both our tutor and our adviser here, as well as our adviser back home.
  • My exam today had a large amount of material that was neither in our notes nor in the reading referenced in said notes. There's only four people in this class; me, and the other three Illinois study abroad students. We're going to have a long, difficult discussion with both our tutor and our adviser here, as well as our adviser back home.
    Was it in the lecture?

  • My exam today had a large amount of material that was neither in our notes nor in the reading referenced in said notes. There's only four people in this class; me, and the other three Illinois study abroad students. We're going to have a long, difficult discussion with both our tutor and our adviser here, as well as our adviser back home.
    Was it in the lecture?

    No. I think that, due to the fact that this study-abroad-only class is composed of a mix of lectures from a different class which ran the whole semester (our class only ran a month), the person who wrote the exam may have accidentally included material he thought we saw, when in actuality we never had lectures on that material.
  • edited January 2012
    My exam today had a large amount of material that was neither in our notes nor in the reading referenced in said notes. There's only four people in this class; me, and the other three Illinois study abroad students. We're going to have a long, difficult discussion with both our tutor and our adviser here, as well as our adviser back home.
    Was it in the lecture?

    No. I think that, due to the fact that this study-abroad-only class is composed of a mix of lectures from a different class which ran the whole semester (our class only ran a month), the person who wrote the exam may have accidentally included material he thought we saw, when in actuality we never had lectures on that material.
    That's bullshit. I recommend lighting various people on fire.

    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • I concur. However, even with lighting some bitches on fire, it's highly unlikely that we'll actually get any curve or grade bump.

    Tl;dr: Legitimately unfair exam; probably going to have to eat it.
  • I concur. However, even with lighting some bitches on fire, it's highly unlikely that we'll actually get any curve or grade bump.

    Tl;dr: Legitimately unfair exam; probably going to have to eat it.
    Welcome to higher education! Today's lesson: life sometimes sucks balls, and the assholes responsible for it don't get what they deserve. That'll be $10,000 please.

    But seriously, I hope you get that to work out. I'd like to think someone might be reasonable.

  • edited January 2012
    Yeah, our adviser from U of I is our biggest fan to begin with just because out of a degree program matriculating around 750 MCB majors annually, we were the only four out of our class who were interested in her Study Abroad program. She's also Head of Curriculum for MCB, just a step below the dean of our college. A good friend to have.

    Worst case scenario, if I scored devastatingly low and no one budges, I do a retake my second semester of senior year in an equivalent class. I'm okay with that, the other three aren't. Nothing to be done.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I was awoken today by the sound of my closet collapsing, one shelf inside crashing down onto the others for no particular reason.
  • I knew DVDs were expensive in Japan, but I had no idea just how much. I was at the Tezuka museum today and they had Buddha in the gift shop. It was 4800Y!
  • I knew DVDs were expensive in Japan, but I had no idea just how much. I was at the Tezuka museum today and they had Buddha in the gift shop. It was 4800Y!
    You should look at CDs. I have seen albums over there go for 2400¥ without having anything special and for about that same price as the DVD you saw with a bonus disk or something.
  • Yeah, back in 2002 1000¥ + was pretty par for the course for an audio CD and 4000¥ + for a DVD. They are super expensive!
  • It's my birthday.
  • Happy birthday, mr (ciel) orgasm.
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