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Fail of Your Day



  • Where did you hear that the umbrella kid was being chased?
  • Where did you hear that the umbrella kid was being chased?
    A few friends were tuning into the police scanners and they overheard that the "reported gunman" was "being chased" and "K9 units were being dispatched." Unless they were all following the wrong, strikingly similar report, that's what happened.

  • When we had a gunman scare on our campus, crazy roommate opened our front windows and stood on our porch. I'm really glad that turned out to be just an umbrella mistaken for a rifle, because she could have gotten all of us in a mess.
    Or out of a mess...
  • How does that even look like a gun?
  • When we had a gunman scare on our campus, crazy roommate opened our front windows and stood on our porch. I'm really glad that turned out to be just an umbrella mistaken for a rifle, because she could have gotten all of us in a mess.
    Or out of a mess...
    True, I wouldn't have complained about her putting herself in danger, it was the rest of us I was concerned about. If she's stupid enough to stand in the path of a gun AND be a bitch, don't think I'm going to try to stop her.
  • How would he know they were after him for being "armed?" He had an umbrella... in ROCHESTER: it wouldn't even cross my mind that they were after me or that I was even a suspect in that situation. If ANYONE came after me in that case, I'd run. Random dude? Might be the gunman. Random dude with gun? PROBABLY THE GUNMAN! Cops? Gunman must be nearby: better hide.
  • This is one of the primary reasons I wear a raincoat. They are rarely mistaken for guns.
  • How does that even look like a gun?
    Bus driver is an anime fan and thought it was a gunsword.
  • Good excuse for silly umbrellas. The more colorful and ridiculous, the less gun-like.
  • Pretty sure it's this thing from ThinkGeek, for reference:
  • Dude should be arrested for owning that and actually carrying it around anyway.
  • That is the single lamest thing I have ever seen.
  • That is the single lamest thing I have ever seen.
    I've thought that about a lot of Thinkgeek stuff.
  • If it can be used for seppuku then it actually serves a practical purpose.
  • Harikiri with an umbrella would not be quick, even if someone then bludgeons you with another umbrella.
  • Apparently the RIT bus drivers have seen through my cleverly hidden rifle. :P

  • edited March 2012
    Couldn't find a gif.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Every official report I'm seeing suggests that the student cooperated fully. Haven't heard anything about the kid running from any source other than "some guy on Twitter" or "I heard from this guy."
  • Couldn't find a gif.
    Man, she was one of my favorite parts of "Black Lagoon". Nothing is cooler than a badass ex-assassin gun toting maid.
  • edited March 2012
    I was telling the story about Ryan and Katie's school to a few friends here about a month or so ago, and I was shocked to find out that the same thing had happened on our campus a few years ago. It was also a samurai sword umbrella.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Second clip in this.
  • They always do hilarious things with those evil cats from Azumanga.
  • I was telling the story about Ryan and Katie's school to a few friends here about a month or so ago, and I was shocked to find out that the same thing had happened on our campus a few years ago. It was also a samurai sword umbrella.
    Yeah, this particular umbrella is a pretty common offender, it seems. ThinkGeek posted an official response on their blog in 2010.
  • Every official report I'm seeing suggests that the student cooperated fully. Haven't heard anything about the kid running from any source other than "some guy on Twitter" or "I heard from this guy."
    That works for me, then - you're officially the "guy I heard from" on the matter, now.

  • I was telling the story about Ryan and Katie's school to a few friends here about a month or so ago, and I was shocked to find out that the same thing had happened on our campus a few years ago. It was also a samurai sword umbrella.
    Yeah, this particular umbrella is a pretty common offender, it seems. ThinkGeek posted an official response on their blog in 2010.
    I'd understand if it looked like a GUN. Or if the police freaked out about the possible SWORD.

    But I honestly don't understand how any rational person would see that umbrella, on a rainy day, and think "GUN!"
  • The long, black, uniform length of a katana style handle does look somewhat like a gun barrel. Especially worn upright against the back.
  • I called it before, I stand by my words - RIT's gonna mandate a "gun awareness" session for every current student, so we know how to properly identify a dangerous weapon. This is, of course, ignoring the fact that it was a bus driver, not a student, who made the mistake.

    If it hits, you know who to send your checks to.
  • edited March 2012
    You RIT kids should get that shirt made up for everyone to wear to the session. For reals.

    Shirt in reference:
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Every official report I'm seeing suggests that the student cooperated fully. Haven't heard anything about the kid running from any source other than "some guy on Twitter" or "I heard from this guy."
    That works for me, then - you're officially the "guy I heard from" on the matter, now.
    RIT Public Safety and Sheriff’s deputies talked to the student, who cooperated fully.
  • edited March 2012
    Every official report I'm seeing suggests that the student cooperated fully. Haven't heard anything about the kid running from any source other than "some guy on Twitter" or "I heard from this guy."
    That works for me, then - you're officially the "guy I heard from" on the matter, now.
    RIT Public Safety and Sheriff’s deputies talked to the student, who cooperated fully.
    Alright, sold. Wonder why it took a full hour for them to determine it wasn't an armed gunman, then.

    Post edited by ProfPangloss on
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