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Fail of Your Day



  • I need a sewing machine...
    I haven't used mine in ages, but at least when I do this project I will finally be able to learn how to attach zippers! I think my friend showed me this intentionally because he wants me to make him one. Damn him!
    Ro, I am in the same boat. I haven't used my sewing machine in a few years. Being in Iceland (with their awesome/crazy style) has inspired me to dust it off and make some of my own out-there looks.
  • Ro, I am in the same boat. I haven't used my sewing machine in a few years. Being in Iceland (with their awesome/crazy style) has inspired me to dust it off and make some of my own out-there looks.
    It's actually ro's encouragement that's given me the impetus to give sewing a go and try to learn the skill.
  • I'm trying to actually get into cosplaying, so I will probably need to get and relearn how to use a sewing machine in the near future.
  • edited July 2009
    I aided an artist in leaking his own album to the internet yesterday. I don't know how I feel about this.
    "Awesome". "Awesome" is how you feel about this.

    Seriously, what was the situation?
    I dunno, I just feel conflicted. Basically, what he said was that the pirating of the album was going to be inevitable anyway and that he would rather people hear it and maybe like it enough to buy it than not hear it at all. I know he gave permission and everything, I just feel a little bad for the label. I bought the vinyl version of the record which came with a digital download which I basically just straight upped to Mediafire. Feels like kind of a dick move.
    I would like to know more as Thrice got their new album leaked yesterday as well...
    I'll have to nab it. How is it?
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited July 2009
    I dunno, I just feel conflicted. Basically, what he said was that the pirating of the album was going to be inevitable anyway and that he would rather people hear it and maybe like it enough to buy it than not hear it at all. I know he gave permission and everything, I just feel a little bad for the label. I bought the vinyl version of the record which came with a digital download which I basically just straight upped to Mediafire. Feels like kind of a dick move.
    Seriously, every single album ever is going to be pirated, and only the most obscure stuff is going to take more than 10 seconds to find if you want it. It came with a digital download? A bunch of other people have uploaded it already. People who pirate are going to pirate, and people who don't won't. I'm sure some people will download it to check it out, and buy it if they like it. Probably a lot more will download it and not buy the album, but go to the show and buy the t-shirt. I think that's how everything's going to go eventually anyway -- albums will become loss-leaders for the live show. It may suck for labels, but labels are mostly middlemen anyway. The internet is good at getting rid of middlemen.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • I know all that. It doesn't mean that I should feel good about breaking the law.
  • It doesn't mean that I should feel good about breaking the law.
    Is that really what your concern is? Not hurting the band or the label financially, but simply that it's illegal? I have to say, whether or not something is legal pretty much only enters into consideration for me with regards to likelihood of getting caught, and consequences of getting caught.
  • Just because I'm not going to get caught doesn't make it right, either.
  • Just because I'm not going to get caught doesn't make it right, either.
    So your position is that illegal = wrong? I mean aside from the ethical implications of copyright infringement.
  • edited July 2009
    No, it's all ethical. Please.
    Feels like kind of a dick move.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited July 2009
    I don't think it was that obvious. You said "It doesn't mean that I should feel good about breaking the law", not "It doesn't mean that I should feel good about infringing on someone's copyright". It was surprising to me that you might feel that way.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • edited July 2009
    Copyright is a law. I didn't mean laws in general. My position is more like "pirating is not a right" rather than "pirating is wrong", which are not the same things.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Fair enough. Simple misunderstanding.
  • I know all that. It doesn't mean that I should feel good about breaking the law.
    Err, isn't it legal if you had the artist's permission? Or did the artist already sign away the ability to give you that permission?
  • The other day I developed a stomach ache, back ache, lethargy, and a light cough. It was odd because I didn have a sore throat or any nasal problems, but I didn't make much of it. However, this afternoon my hands have swollen up, developed a rash and tingle/prickle at random intervals. Now rash has spread to the rest of my body, and I think my feet may be swelling. I'll probably see a doctor tomorrow. :(
  • The other day I developed a stomach ache, back ache, lethargy, and a light cough. It was odd because I didn have a sore throat or any nasal problems, but I didn't make much of it. However, this afternoon my hands have swollen up, developed a rash and tingle/prickle at random intervals. Now rash has spread to the rest of my body, and I think my feet may be swelling. I'll probably see a doctor tomorrow. :(
  • edited July 2009
    I know all that. It doesn't mean that I should feel good about breaking the law.
    Err, isn't it legal if you had the artist's permission? Or did the artist already sign away the ability to give you that permission?
    Yes, that right gets signed away to the label generally. What you're infringing upon is the label's legal right to be the sole distributor of a product.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Well, shit, I have Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. On the upside, the whole experience has been fascinating.
  • Well, shit, I have Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. On the upside, the whole experience has been fascinating.
    What the fuck! I've never even heard of that! I wish a speedy recovery to you, sir.
  • Well, shit, I have Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. On the upside, the whole experience has been fascinating.
    Holy crap, that is quite dangerous, be sure to take good care of yourself.
  • What the fuck! I've never even heard of that! I wish a speedy recovery to you, sir.
    It's just my luck that I'd contract a serious disease that has, at most, a little over a thousand cases a year. Thankfully it seems to be a relatively mild case, and the this is best time I could get the bug (I'm young, in good shape and the telltale symptoms manifest themselves early). Plus we caught it soon enough that the antibiotics should at least keep me out of the hospital. That's what we're hoping, anyway.
  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.
    That sounds so made-up. Holy shit, dude -- get better.
  • <
    Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.
    That sounds so made-up. Holy shit, dude -- get better.
    Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is far from being made up, and can be fatal if not caught in time. Down here in Virginia, we run into it and Lyme Disease. They are both spread by ticks, and can be pretty nasty.

    Good to here that they think they have caught it in time Günter.
  • @Günter: Mr. MacRoss and I wish you a full and speedy recovery!
  • @Günter: Mr. MacRoss and I wish you a full and speedy recovery!
    As do I as your presence in this forum is very enjoyable and it would be a shame should you not be able to post anymore.
  • @Günter: Mr. MacRoss and I wish you a full and speedy recovery!
    As do I as your presence in this forum is very enjoyable and it would be a shame should you not be able to post anymore.
    QFT. I concur with all of the above posters.
  • What the fuck! I've never even heard of that! I wish a speedy recovery to you, sir.
    It's just my luck that I'd contract a serious disease that has, at most, a little over a thousand cases a year. Thankfully it seems to be a relatively mild case, and the this is best time I could get the bug (I'm young, in good shape and the telltale symptoms manifest themselves early). Plus we caught it soon enough that the antibiotics should at least keep me out of the hospital. That's what we're hoping, anyway.
    Well, that much is a relief. Good luck!
  • I accidentally stuck my entire hand in a fryer at work today. ;___; The fail isn't the fact that my hand currently feels like it's on fire; it's the fact that I accidentally stuck my hand in a fryer. I mean really.

    But ow. Oil burns.
  • edited July 2009
    Oof, that sucks. I'm always weary around fryers, especially after seeing that one Canadian PSA...
    Post edited by Walker on
  • I accidentally stuck my entire hand in a fryer at work today. ;___; The fail isn't the fact that my hand currently feels like it's on fire; it's the fact that I accidentally stuck my hand in a fryer. I mean really.

    But ow. Oil burns.
    Fire hot!
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