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Fail of Your Day



  • But ow. Oil burns.
    That sucks :/ I hope you feel better soon.
  • I accidentally stuck my entire hand in a fryer at work today
    Holy shit. How bad is it? That sounds like a "lose the hand" kind of situation to me, but I'm sure you would've said so if it were that bad.
  • edited July 2009
    Thanks everybody.

    We didn't have any aloe at work, so they ran my hand under running water and then covered it with neosporin. This surprisingly has actually made my hand feel better, if not very oily. Sometimes I feel that if I got stabbed, I'd be okay, as long as I had neosporin with me.

    @trogdor42, exactly why it's a fail.
    I accidentally stuck my entire hand in a fryer at work today
    Holy shit. How bad is it? That sounds like a "lose the hand" kind of situation to me, but I'm sure you would've said so if it were that bad.
    At first I really thought it would be that bad. I ran over to the sink and ran it under water for a while, but my hand was bright pink. It started to sort of blister/look really gross/skin-peeling-ish, and then they put the neosporin on it. Now it looks pretty normal, except it throbs and still feels like it's on fire. ;_; I don't really get it. I'm sort of shocked I didn't have to go to the hospital.
    Post edited by bunnikun on
  • edited July 2009
    Go to the hospital or at least see a doctor. You don't want to get an infection. I'm also impressed by how fast you can type w/ a burnt hand.

    EDIT: Yes. I figured she was letting the burnt hand rest but I didn't want to say she could type well with one hand. Anyways. Seriously get some medical attention and have this documented.
    Post edited by Wyatt on
  • At first I really thought it would be that bad. I ran over to the sink and ran it under water for a while, but my hand was bright pink. It started to sort of blister/look really gross/skin-peeling-ish,
    Oh man. Well, I hope you feel better. Burns suck so much.
    That reminds me of a fail of my day from when I was about 12. I had discovered that if you dissolve a bunch of sugar in water and boil it until it starts to turn orange, you can cool it down by running it under some water, and you have some "candy" that's really too sweet to eat. But I thought it was cool. So I was spending the night at a friend's house, and I told him about it, and we decided to go do it. We boiled the sugar, and poured it into muffin tins. Except it had these bubbles foaming up all over the top of it. I didn't want no bubbles on my candy, so, apparently deciding that while molten sugar is very very hot, molten sugar BUBBLES are probably okay, I tried to brush them off with my finger. In pretty much the same motion, I stuck that finger under the faucet and turned it on. I got a HUGE blister, and I had to keep it in a glass of ice water for a few days.
    Still, I'm sure it wasn't nearly as bad as yours, Bunnikun.

    Anyway, fail of my day today -- I think I'm getting a stye or something.
  • Go to the hospital or at least see a doctor. You don't want to get an infection.
    Agreed - at least, get a decent dressing on it or something.
    I'm also impressed by how fact you can type w/ a burnt hand.
    Dude - Two hands. I might be wrong here, but I suggest that bunnikun is just typing with the unburnt one.
  • If you were just briefly exposed to the oil, and treated it quickly, you probably don't have anything to worry about. You should still go see a licensed medical professional. though, just to be safe.

    Yeah, don't fuck with fryers. Those things are serious business.
  • At first I really thought it would be that bad. I ran over to the sink and ran it under water for a while, but my hand was bright pink. It started to sort of blister/look really gross/skin-peeling-ish,
    Oh man. Well, I hope you feel better. Burns suck so much.
    That reminds me of a fail of my day from when I was about 12. I had discovered that if you dissolve a bunch of sugar in water and boil it until it starts to turn orange, you can cool it down by running it under some water, and you have some "candy" that's really too sweet to eat. But I thought it was cool. So I was spending the night at a friend's house, and I told him about it, and we decided to go do it. We boiled the sugar, and poured it into muffin tins. Except it had these bubbles foaming up all over the top of it. I didn't want no bubbles on my candy, so, apparently deciding that while molten sugar is very very hot, molten sugar BUBBLES are probably okay, I tried to brush them off with my finger. In pretty much the same motion, I stuck that finger under the faucet and turned it on. I got a HUGE blister, and I had to keep it in a glass of ice water for a few days.
    Still, I'm sure it wasn't nearly as bad as yours, Bunnikun.

    Anyway, fail of my day today -- I think I'm getting a stye or something.
    I don't know about you, but I just melted the sugar straight in the pot. Is it different than that?
  • I don't know about you, but I just melted the sugar straight in the pot. Is it different than that?
    Probably not, because I think all the water boils off. I always figured that if you just put sugar in a pot on the stove, it would burn before it melted. I guess not?
  • Anyway, fail of my day today -- I think I'm getting a stye or something.
    Ack! I had styes twice in middle school. They can be so uncomfortable and unsightly. Get yourself a fun pair of shades and treat it A.S.A.P. Hope it isn't anything worse than a stye and that it clears up soon.
  • Hope it isn't anything worse than a stye and that it clears up soon.
    Thanks, I hope so too. I've had a couple myself, and they do suck.
  • My sister's puppy, Grace, died last night after having her spaying surgery. She was six months old. We're not really sure how something went wrong, but my sister is devastated. The rest of us are only crushed.
  • My sister's puppy, Grace, died last night after having her spaying surgery. She was six months old. We're not really sure how something went wrong, but my sister is devastated. The rest of us are only crushed.
    I'm so sorry to hear that. My condolences to your sister.
  • My sister's puppy, Grace, died last night after having her spaying surgery. She was six months old. We're not really sure how something went wrong, but my sister is devastated. The rest of us are only crushed.
    It took me a while to deal with our Gigi's passing. Condolences.
  • My sister's puppy, Grace, died last night after having her spaying surgery. She was six months old. We're not really sure how something went wrong, but my sister is devastated. The rest of us are only crushed.
    Awww :( That's so sad.
  • My sister's puppy, Grace, died last night after having her spaying surgery. She was six months old. We're not really sure how something went wrong, but my sister is devastated. The rest of us are only crushed.
    Oh, Pete, I am so very sorry.
  • My sister's puppy, Grace, died last night after having her spaying surgery. She was six months old. We're not really sure how something went wrong, but my sister is devastated. The rest of us are only crushed.
    That's awful man, I am so sorry to hear that. I think I speak for everyone when I say that we all extend our best wishes and sorrow regarding this terrible tragedy.
  • She was that cute bulldog puppy? Oh, that's really sad, Pete. Man.
  • Very, very sorry to hear that, Mr. Whaleshark. I've never lost a dog myself (never actually had a dog myself), but I've been pretty good friends with a few dogs, I know that they're family. My condolences.
  • we (meaning the television studio and I) finally got a donation from Channel 8 (the big news station in New Haven county) of an awesome truck that allows us to do allows us to carry all our equipment. But the shocking and horrifying thing is that when we went inside to check it out......we found a used condom inside the truck. I really don't know what to say to this other than that me, my boss, and my co-workers were absolutely disgusted by this.
  • we (meaning the television studio and I) finally got a donation from Channel 8 (the big news station in New Haven county) of an awesome truck that allows us to do allows us to carry all our equipment. But the shocking and horrifying thing is that when we went inside to check it out......we found a used condom inside the truck. I really don't know what to say to this other than that me, my boss, and my co-workers were absolutely disgusted by this.
    I'm sure there's an hilarious unsexy story that made them give you that truck.
  • we (meaning the television studio and I) finally got a donation from Channel 8 (the big news station in New Haven county) of an awesome truck that allows us to do allows us to carry all our equipment. But the shocking and horrifying thing is that when we went inside to check it out......we found a used condom inside the truck. I really don't know what to say to this other than that me, my boss, and my co-workers were absolutely disgusted by this.
    I'm sure there's an hilarious unsexy story that made them give you that truck.
    I'm pretty sure they were totally unaware of this and a janitor or something had a sexy time in their.....although there has always been the rumor of the affair between the weather lady and the sports guy.
  • edited July 2009
    I'm pretty sure they were totally unaware of this and a janitor or something had a sexy time in their.....although therehasalways been the rumor of the affair between the weather lady and the sports guy.
    Oh lord, that joke would send my Radio co-host into either a rant or a string of stories about people I've never heard of - He used to be a Journalist/newsreader for BTVN, and it seems he knows 3/4 of the people in the news today.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • 4scrape is down for good. It's a damn shame to see something so awesome go away... RIP
  • 4scrape is down for good.
    What?! Aawwwwwwwwww. That was a great site.
  • 4scrape is down for good. It's a damn shame to see something so awesome go away... RIP
    NOOOO!! ; _ ; How will I find awesome desktops, now?
  • I discovered that Ozymandias has a nasty patch of dry skin on his back. We weren't TERRIBLY concerned, we thought that it was a grooming problem or something and so I was trying to groom it some, figure out what's going on... unfortunately, today I noticed that chunks of skin were flaking off. It's late, so after doing some research and finding out a little more about the situation, I shoot my dad a message and go to tell my mom about it. Turns out it's a uncomfortable problem, and it needs to be looked at, but it's not by any means life threatening or really even painful (just really itchy). It needs to be treated ASAP, and about all I can do is let my folks know and let one of them take the bunny to the vet...

    In any case, I go to tell my mom about it, and she proceeds to whine about how she's sure my dad will take care of it because he'd "do anything for my sister or I or the bunny, but he's SOOO begrudging to do things for HER!" and then makes the entire problem about her. She then berates me for being angry with her and putting pressure on her and how she simply can't do anything to help the situation (even though I told her I wasn't angry, and the entire point of me saying something was just to make her aware and express my concern).

    So basically... my bunny is not doing so great and my mom is an overemotional ass. Aughhh.
  • So bunny is just itchy, but parents are full of histrionics.
  • Speaking of itchy pets...
    One of my kitties has a terrible infestation of fleas. We bug bombed the house once, and it didn't work, so we had to get more powerful stuff for another round. Anyhoo, I gave him a flea bath, but it only got rid of half the fleas. I had to keep him in the bathroom with the window open to keep him safe from the bug bombs. A day later I come in the bathroom, to find something gross and disturbing. The fleas are biting him so bad, that there are tiny little drops of blood everywhere! On the floor, on the counter, in the sink, smudged all over the windowsill... Its like a vampire lives in there.
    Needless to say I immediately ordered Advantage and am anxiously awaiting it's arrival.
  • 4scrape is down for good. It's a damn shame to see something so awesome go away... RIP
    Was there any reason given as to why?
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