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Fail of Your Day



  • I don't know whether this is a fail (yet) or not, but as I was searching for some new iPod Touch wallpapers, I came upon the poster for Ponyo. I glanced across the top and noticed the dub cast... there is a lot of good and possibly an equal amount of bad. The good is that we have Qui-Gon Jinn (Liam Neeson), Frau Blucher (Cloris Leachman), Tina Fey, Betty White, and Cate Blanchett on as voice actors. The bad is that we have the fourth Jonas brother and Miley Cyrus' little sister on as the two main characters (Sosuke and Ponyo respectively) and Matt Damon (who varies from being very good to absolutely atrocious). I usually love the dubs of the Miyazaki films, and I hope I will enjoy this one.
  • The bad is that we have the fourth Jonas brother and Miley Cyrus' little sister on as the two main characters (Sosuke and Ponyo respectively) and Matt Damon (who varies from being very good to absolutely atrocious). I usually love the dubs of the Miyazaki films, and I hope I will enjoy this one.
    Is there singing in the movie? I personally loathe anything Jonas Brothers or Miley Cyrus related, however that doesn't mean they would be bad voice actors.
  • Is there singing in the movie? I personally loathe anything Jonas Brothers or Miley Cyrus related, however that doesn't mean they would be bad voice actors.
    They haven't had any real acting jobs besides being guests or extras in their sibling's respective "works." I don't believe that there is any singing, I'm just dubious to their acting ability.
  • No singing except at the end where it goes "Ponyo Ponyo~ sakana no ko!"
    Which has been in my head all morning.
  • They haven't had any real acting jobs besides being guests or extras in their sibling's respective "works." I don't believe that there is any singing, I'm just dubious to their acting ability.
    Meh. For most of the Miyazaki dubs I've seen, they were done with decent voice acting that didn't distract me from the story. Some were people I've never heard of, but most were actors that I did know of. I honestly didn't care for Kirsten Dunst playing Kiki because I find her to be overall annoying, but it didn't distract me from the story.

    Plus it's Disney that is bringing the movie over, so it makes sense they would pick young starlings that are already a part of their family. From their track record, I think it will be a good dub. Plus, try to see the positive side of it, with those tween stars as voice actors, it will attract more people to be introduced to the awesomeness of Miyazaki.
  • I honestly didn't care for Kirsten Dunst playing Kiki because I find her to be overall annoying, but it didn't distract me from the story.
    Oh man, that dub was not good! Phil Hartman was a terrible choice for Jiji! They added all this music! Whine complain!
  • Oh man, that dub was not good! Phil Hartman was a terrible choice for Jiji! They added all this music! Whine complain!
    I thought Phil Hartman was one of the better voice acting for the movie. I guess it's just personal opinion. I really should try watching these movies over again first time subbed then dubbed.

    I'm just really looking forward to seeing Ponyo on the big screen. I haven't seen it at all and am planning a mass grouping of friends and myself to go see this.
  • He was just...surly. Not cute at all. Japanese Jiji was kind of a smart-ass, but so cute and kitty like. Also English Jiji talked toooo much.
  • edited July 2009
    I have another character flaw to work on: Condescension. I never thought I was any more or less Condescending than any other strong-willed person, but apparently it is not so. I will try to be vigilant about it.
    I have to beware that this doesn't add to my existing problems of insecurity and self-loathing.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • I have another character flaw to work on: Condescension. I never thought I was any more or less Condescending than any other strong-willed person, but apparently it is not so. I will try to be vigilant about it.
    I have to beware that this doesn't add to my existing problems of insecurity and self-loathing.
    The thing that gets me with condescension is that it's really hard not to talk down to someone when I actually know more about a topic than they do. It's not a problem if someone is looking for me to teach them - I do the mentor thing very well - but when someone has a strong opinion on a topic with which I am thoroughly familiar, and I know way more than they do, I just let the condescension fly.

    I'm constantly torn between trying not to be too presumptuous and putting assholes in their place.
  • Attention thrill seekers: Our farm is not a tourist attraction, it is a business. The owner works almost twelve hours a day and would rather not drop everything and give you a tour just because you were "in the neighborhood".
  • Attention thrill seekers: Our farm is not a tourist attraction, it is a business. The owner works almost twelve hours a day and would rather not drop everything and give you a tour just because you were "in the neighborhood".
    I think if someone came to my Grandfather's farm and asked for a tour he would just point and say "Barns, fields, livestock, house and silo." He would then continue with his work.
    It is one thing if a school group or an agricultural class arranges in advance for a tour of the farm. It is very, very uncool for someone just to drop by for a tour.
  • edited July 2009
    Wow. I guess I won't post anymore. I am obviously so awful that no one wants to hear what I have to say.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • It is one thing if a school group or an agricultural class arranges in advance for a tour of the farm. It is very, very uncool for someone just to drop by for a tour.
    Agreed! If someone you don't came by your house, and wanted a tour of your house and yard, and when you declined tried to convince you to take them for a tour, what do you think you'd do? Why can't people ask themselves this before they do these things?
  • Wow. I guess I won't post anymore. I am obviously so awful that no one wants to hear what I have to say.
    If you're going to let that stop you, then good riddance.
  • I think if someone came to my Grandfather's farm and asked for a tour he would just point and say "Barns, fields, livestock, house and silo." He would then continue with his work.
    Tourists are much harder to get rid of than one would hope. They like to linger and ask a lot of inane questions, and often seem to think that we live in an idyllic self-sufficient fantasy land full of adorable animals.
    It is one thing if a school group or an agricultural class arranges in advance for a tour of the farm. It is very, very uncool for someone just to drop by for a tour.
    We have had a couple organized groups call a few weeks in advance to come and learn about farming, maybe try milking a goat or two. If you get a well-behaved, genuinely curious group It's certainly better than some family pulling into our driveway out of the blue. Although a fresh-faced upstart interrupting your workday can grate on the nerves after the stressful work that comes with starting a business.
    Wow. I guess I won't post anymore. I am obviously so awful that no one wants to hear what I have to say.
    I'm not sure where you're getting this impression. Besides, people who act awful on the internet get more people talking to them; just look at Nine and HJ.
  • edited July 2009
    If you're going to let that stop you, then good riddance.
    I just assumed Ms M was taking the piss, so to speak.
    Besides, people who act awful on the internet getmorepeople talking to them; just look at Nine and HJ.
    Not to say it's the same, but I don't doubt there is a portion of the TWIT audience that tunes in purely to listen to John Dvorak being curmudgeonly. Aside from that - 4chan gets over 3 million unique monthly users, that should be proof positive of the idea of "poor behavior on the internet attracts people" and also sets out the idea that the people who are coming for that are not necessarily the sort of audience you want.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited July 2009
    If you're going to let that stop you, then good riddance.
    I just assumed Ms M was taking the piss, so to speak.
    Ah, probably. I didn't really follow the thread of conversation that lead up to that remark.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • If you're going to let that stop you, then good riddance.
    I just assumed Ms M was taking the piss, so to speak.
    Ah, probably. I didn't really follow the thread of conversation that lead up to that remark.
    I don't know why she said it either, but it's just that unlike Ms M's usual mannerisms around here that I just assumed it right off the bat - I could be wrong, I'm just saying why I assumed.
  • Keep her previous comment in mind:
    I have another character flaw to work on: Condescension. I never thought I was any more or less Condescending than any other strong-willed person, but apparently it is not so. I will try to be vigilant about it.
    I have to beware that this doesn't add to my existing problems of insecurity and self-loathing.
    Wow. I guess I won't post anymore. I am obviously so awful that no one wants to hear what I have to say.
    One is led to assume the latter statement was a use of hyperbole, but not without a hint of truth.
  • So does she think her farm comment was condescending? I didn't think it was.
  • Fail of my day, still on probation after 9 months or so.
  • Keep her previous comment in mind:
    I have another character flaw to work on: Condescension. I never thought I was any more or less Condescending than any other strong-willed person, but apparently it is not so. I will try to be vigilant about it.
    I have to beware that this doesn't add to my existing problems of insecurity and self-loathing.
    Wow. I guess I won't post anymore. I am obviously so awful that no one wants to hear what I have to say.
    One is led to assume the latter statement was a use of hyperbole, but not without a hint of truth.
    To clarify, the implication was that Mrs. MacRoss might, to an extent, believe the truth of her second comment, desipte its obvious falsehood.
  • Besides, people who act awful on the internet getmorepeople talking to them; just look at Nine and HJ.
    This makes me very sad.
  • edited July 2009
    Today I had a pretty major fail.

    This morning my mother calls me when I get into work to tell me my father went to the ER at 2AM having difficulty breathing and his gout is flaring up. Later in the day I find out he's admitted to Madigan Army Medical Center on Ft. Lewis. I then planned on leaving work early with my mother to go see my father.

    Because my father is in an Army hospital, I think that I have to get a pass to get on base like I normally have to to get into McChord Air Force Base. So we get to the Ft. Lewis main gate pass station to wait for 30 minutes to find out that as long as my mother is driving, I just need to show my ID to get onto base. So now my mother and I have to figure out where to park my car so she can drive me into Ft. Lewis. As I follow my mother to get back to the highway, she doesn't take the proper exit, so we end up going another part of Ft. Lewis that you have to go through an ID check point. I go to the security check point to tell them that I need to get back to the highway and show them my driver's license. They look at it and tell me I need to park in the median of the road and wait for further instructions.

    After explaining to the security guard the situation and waiting for my mother because she drove through the gate and had to find way to turn around, the security guard tells me that my license is expired! It expired on my birthday earlier this year in May. It's been expired for about a month and a half. I completely forgot it expired on my birthday this year. I thought the security guards were going to tell me to leave my car there, but luckily they said I could go. So then I meet up with my mother and explain the situation.

    At this point, I don't think I can get onto Ft. Lewis because I had expired ID. My mom thinks that with my work ID, I could probably get in because it is from the VA and is government issued. So then we try to find a place to park my car near the gate that is closest to the hospital. I was able to park my car in a diner parking not too far from the Ft. Lewis/Madigan gate. As we get to the security check point, my mother shows her military ID and my work ID. The security check point guys say my ID isn't valid and that I need to get valid ID.

    At this point we couldn't do anything else, so my mom dropped me off at my car. I then drove towards home and went to the closest DOL and renewed my license. On top of having to wait 30 minutes to renew my license, the picture I ended up taking for my new license is not so hot.

    So on top of having wasted leave from work and my own time and money, I wasn't able to go see my father in the hospital.

    Edit: Thanks to peeps for the well wishes. From what my mother said, he's doing good. They will more than likely let him go home tomorrow. He just needs to take better care of himself, which is another battle on its own.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Hope he makes a quick recovery Ro.
  • I'm sorry, Ro. I hope everything works out and your father recovers.
  • Ro,

    I have gout as well, so I know what a flare-up can be like. I hope he gets well soon.

    As for the other stuff, none of it was your fault and you fixed it as soon as you were able, so don't sweat it. Just remember that people are pulling for you and that you are in our thoughts.
  • I'm a little late on it, but I wish him well as well.
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