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Fail of Your Day



  • Some mothers are taking their pre-teen kids out to get a bikini wax, I shit you not.
  • Some mothers are taking their pre-teen kids out to get a bikini wax,I shit you not.
    That is terrible and disturbing. I am horrified entirely.
    I don't have any real words for this aside from those. This is just downright awful.
  • @ Lyddi: In the short term, I highly recommend another flea bath. Using an anti-flea shampoo or Dawn dish detergent (yep, it works) bathe all your animals (not just the one with the obvious issue) Wet and wash the neck of each animal thoroughly first (before any other part of the body) to keep the fleas from getting into the ears to hide. Then thoroughly wash the animals with the shampoo (getting all the way to the skin, not just the fur), allow the shampoo or dawn to stay on the animal for approximately 10 minutes before rinsing (the animal may not like this, but it is a safe way to remove fleas). Following the bath and a towel dry, apply a flea powder and flea collar.
    Tips for around the house: Place Borax in a Carpet Fresh container (or other powder sprinkling container) sprinkle on every rug, sofa, and fabric covered chair and let it sit for about 5 minutes before vacuuming. You can use Borax every time you vacuum to help prevent future flea break outs if you wish. Launder all bedding (both for pets and humans) and any soft or porous toys.
    General Tips: 1)Place some garlic, garlic juice and/or brewer's yeast in the animals' food with every feeding (insects including fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes all avoid garlic). 2)Make a half water, half Apple Cider Vinegar solution in a spray bottle. Spray the animals with fleas (the animals will not like the scent, but the vinegar will not harm them). After the spray is applied, comb the hair to remove the dead fleas. 3)You can also pour salt on your carpets and allow it to sit for 24 hours before vacuuming (this will also kill fleas without the use of strong insecticides). 4) Use Frontline, Advantix or similar product every month on every animal. This should be coupled with the monthly deworming medication that your vet recommends.
  • My mom might have breast cancer.
  • My mom might have breast cancer.
    Wow. I'm so sorry. I hope you and your family can get through this time and everything's all right. Best wishes.
  • My mom might have breast cancer.
    The not knowing can be worse than knowing. I hope that all comes out well for her.
  • @Lyddi: I second everything Mrs. M said, and in addition you may want to check with your veterinarian to see if they have anything they can give your kitty in pill form. Back when I had the dogs I had to deal with a massive flea outbreak. The vet gave me a series of pills to give to the dogs to kill the infestation on the animals themselves: three pills, one dose a day for three days. I forget what the name of it was, but it knocked all the live ones out. From there it was a matter of bathing the pooches to make sure they didn't get re-infested in addition to the top-to-bottom house cleaning.

    @Li_Akahi: Sympathies on the findings. My mother is a breast cancer survivor of over ten years, so I know the initial announcement and the period of treatment can be rough. Hang in there and give your mom all the support you can.
  • My mom might have breast cancer.
    I hope this turns out to be benign and not serious. I'm very familiar with cancer affecting family members. It hurts for everyone involved. Best wishes, man.
  • 4scrape is down for good. It's a damn shame to see something so awesome go away... RIP
    Was there any reason given as to why?
    Link to blog post.
    I no longer have the time or energy to continue maintaining the 4scrape codebase. There’s currently a crapton of issues with it –

    * Cache for searches (potentially just post searches) is broken.
    * Threads need to be cached as a whole unit — assembling them from a 500,000-row table is too slow.
    * General consistency errors — there’s a bunch of images missing (???)
    * The scraper likes to shit itself to keep things lively.
    * The backend would occasionally crash/spinlock (???)
    * The JavaScript shit is a horrible mess.

    I took the entire server offline for now, but I’m going to re-post the shit code here along with a complete dump of the entire database (over a year’s worth of posts, lawds). I don’t really know how to offload the image data (~150GB) — I’ll talk to Shuugo about setting up a torrent (or just turn the web server back on and let people hammer the extra 150mbps).

    It was a fun run; I had a good time. Sorry for crapping out on you :(

    EDIT: 4scrape source code [178KB]. I should have the full database dump uploaded some time tomorrow (it’s xbox hueg, a little over 500MB compressed comprising almost a million posts and metadata for over 1/3 million images). I’m not quite sure how I’m going to offload the image data yet but it’ll either be over bittorrent, or providing unthrottled HTTP access to the image data (but not the API/front-end, so you’ll need the database dump (or just 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg etc — though you’ll miss *.png etc) to accidentially the whole thing).

    EDIT2: And the SQL dump [505MB]. I was running PostgreSQL 8.3; you can probably massage the dump to fit into something else but it uses some Postgres-only features (ie, for the fulltext indexes) so it isnÂ’t going to fit into anything else (ie, MySQL/MSSQL/whatever) as-is. Additionally, I turned back on the image access (for whatÂ’s still there) and turned off the access restrictions. Feel free to hammer the balls out of the server while I figure out a better way to get them off.
  • edited July 2009
    In any case, I go to tell my mom about it, and she proceeds to whine about how she's sure my dad will take care of it because he'd "do anything for my sister or I or the bunny, but he's SOOO begrudging to do things for HER!" and then makes the entire problem about her.
    Ugh, My mom does that sort of thing DAILY.
    4scrape is down for good. It's a damn shame to see something so awesome go away... RIP
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • It looks like he's making it easy for someone else to pick up the project where he left off. I suspect 4scrape will have a second coming.
  • My mom might have breast cancer.
    Just as an update: she does have a tumor, but it doesn't seem to be spreading at this time.
  • My mom might have breast cancer.
    Just as an update: she does have a tumor, but it doesn't seem to be spreading at this time.
    I'm glad, at least that it's not spreading. I hope this can be taken care of relatively safely. Keep us posted.
  • edited July 2009
    Just as an update: she does have a tumor, but it doesn't seem to be spreading at this time.
    Thank goodness. I do hope that the situation doesn't worsen.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Does "not spreading" mean it isn't cancer? Anyway -- my thoughts go out to you and you mother and your whole family. Sometimes, it'd be nice to be able to say "I'm praying for you", but oh well.
  • Sometimes, it'd be nice to be able to say "I'm praying for you", but oh well.
    I think that's what I miss the most about being religious. There's so many convenient pleasantries associated with religion; praying for you, bless his heart, bless you, bless me, thank god, crossing oneself. Reassurance is much easier when everyone involved believes in god, which is probably one of the reasons it's such a popular concept.
  • There's so many convenient pleasantries associated with religion; praying for you, bless his heart, bless you, bless me, thank god, crossing oneself.
    I've been an Atheist most of my life, and I still do most of these - While I never say I'm going to pray for anyone, I still use/do all of the above, including crossing myself on occasion. It's just ingrained habit, I think.
  • edited July 2009
    I've been an Atheist most of my life, and I still do most of these -
    Honestly, I still prayed before bed for at least a year after I stopped believing in god. I couldn't sleep without it. It's strange how deep religion gets into you. I've pretty much shaken everything now, though. I've even switched to "gesundheit". I still say "Jesus Christ" a lot, though. Often with something stuck in the middle.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • It's strange how deep religion gets into you.
    Every single time I hear somebody say "May the Force be with you" in any context, the first thought that jumps into my head is a reflexive "And also with you."

    It's pretty amazing how well conditioning works.
  • It's pretty amazing how well conditioning works.
    I swear to god, Omnutia has a Japanese-style Bowing reflex. If you're tricky, you can make him do it without noticing.
  • It's strange how deep religion gets into you.
    Every single time I hear somebody say "May the Force be with you" in any context, thefirstthought that jumps into my head is a reflexive "And also with you."

    It's pretty amazing how well conditioning works.
    Oh my God (there I go with it, too), I thought I was the only one who did that.
  • I've even switched to "gesundheit".
    "Take care" also works if you're a huge nerd (or Japanese, I suppose).
    I still say "Jesus Christ" a lot, though. Often with something stuck in the middle.
    That's one I'm rather fond of. I once made the mistake of saying, rather loudly, "Jesus Christ on a stick with mayonnaise!" while in the company of a christian.
  • That's one I'm rather fond of. I once made the mistake of saying, rather loudly, "Jesus Christ on a stick with mayonnaise!" while in the company of a christian.
    My favorite Jesus line that I've heard has to be my friend's "HOLY FUCKING JESUS CHRIST MOTHER OF GOD!!"
    To which I gave her a bemused look, and she responded, "...because Jesus was from West Virginia, you know."
  • "...because Jesus was from West Virginia, you know."
    I'm...not sure I get it.
  • I'm...not sure I get it.
    Re-read the first quote while thinking about incest.
  • Hmmmm. I didn't read the first quote closely enough the first time. Is West Virginia known for incest? I have pretty much zero knowledge about West Virginia.
  • Hmmmm. I didn't read the first quote closely enough the first time. Is West Virginia known for incest? I have pretty much zero knowledge about West Virginia.
    There used to be quite a bit of it going on, especially in Appalachia around the time of the Civil War. You should read up on some Appalachian history; it's pretty interesting, if damned depressing.
  • Ooooh, Appalachia. I actually didn't know Appalachia was in West Virginia. My geography is garbage.
  • I have two days of work to fit into one. Gonna be one of those days.
  • Every single time I hear somebody say "May the Force be with you" in any context, thefirstthought that jumps into my head is a reflexive "And also with you."
    To this day, I could make it through a proper mass without error. I even remember the different versions of the Hallelujah. -_-
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