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Fail of Your Day



  • Fail of my day: I accidentally slept in significantly longer than I intended, and missed an entire religious argument. Despite being a fun read, I now have to punch something. Hard. Maybe I'll just go play video games.
  • Mistaking our house fileserver for my ubuntu VM... RM -rf /

    *face palm*

    Thank goodness for nightly backups.
  • Fail of my day: I accidentally slept in significantly longer than I intended, and missed an entire religious argument. Despite being a fun read, I now have to punch something. Hard. Maybe I'll just go play video games.
    I'm glad no one else got involved...
  • Mistaking our house fileserver for my ubuntu VM... RM -rf /
    I once asked a debian box to do that. It said, "uh-uh, you didn't say the magic word."

  • I just pasted "Jesus started off as a cult leader." into a spreadsheet at work. :P
  • Fail of my day: I accidentally slept in significantly longer than I intended, and missed an entire religious argument.
    My fail of the day is the opposite: I got sucked into a religious argument again, like EVERY SINGLE TIME, even though I know better. If I ever get around to posting in the "strengths and weaknesses" thread, I know what one of the weaknesses is going to be. Also, it's really just not fair for the whole forum to gang up on one dude like that, just for the fact that there's no way he could possibly reply to all of the stuff coming at him. Maybe we can each schedule a chunk of time sometime? :)
  • Fail of my day: Left work early yesterday with a massive tension headache/migraine combo. Still had it this morning, so I called in sick, went back to bed, and was dead to the world for about eight hours. I wake up finally feeling more like myself and get around to checking my email. There's the usual BS and an auto-notify from our HR department that my pay statement is available, tomorrow being payday. I check my pay stub online and find that something has gone wrong with my direct deposit; roughly ninety percent of my paycheck is apparently out in limbo somewhere. Our HR rep and I are going to have words tomorrow at 8:00, bright and early.

    The real kicker? The rent is due on Monday. Fortunately my landlord and I are on fairly good terms. Hopefully he'll let me slide until I can get things sorted.
  • Fail of my day: I accidentally slept in significantly longer than I intended, and missed an entire religious argument.
    My fail of the day is the opposite: I got sucked into a religious argument again, like EVERY SINGLE TIME, even though I know better. If I ever get around to posting in the "strengths and weaknesses" thread, I know what one of the weaknesses is going to be. Also, it's really just not fair for the whole forum to gang up on one dude like that, just for the fact that there's no way he could possibly reply to all of the stuff coming at him. Maybe we can each schedule a chunk of time sometime? :)
    Hey, I thought I typed pretty fast and responded to most of what you guys said. I was blaring away on my keyboard. I thought I did a pretty good job. *Sniffle.*
    And while it isn't fair for you guys to gang up on me, what can I expect. I keep making that same mistake of responding to religion. I just thought that since I agreed with you guys on something, we wouldn't start an argument. But I fail at not getting into a religious argument.
  • Hey, I thought I typed pretty fast and responded to most of what you guys said. I was blaring away on my keyboard. I thought I did a pretty good job. *Sniffle.*
    And while it isn't fair for you guys to gang up on me, what can I expect. I keep making that same mistake of responding to religion. I just thought that since I agreed with you guys on something, we wouldn't start an argument. But I fail at not getting into a religious argument.
    Please stop posting things like this, I'm so tempted to respond after missing that argument =P
  • Hey, I thought I typed pretty fast and responded to most of what you guys said. I was blaring away on my keyboard. I thought I did a pretty good job. *Sniffle.*
    And while it isn't fair for you guys to gang up on me, what can I expect. I keep making that same mistake of responding to religion. I just thought that since I agreed with you guys on something, we wouldn't start an argument. But I fail at not getting into a religious argument.
    Please stop posting things like this, I'm so tempted to respond after missing that argument =P
    I'm sorry. I don't mean to be argumentative. :(
  • I'm sorry. I don't mean to be argumentative. :(
    It's more my problem than yours, no need to feel bad.
  • Hey, I thought I typed pretty fast and responded to most of what you guys said. I was blaring away on my keyboard. I thought I did a pretty good job. *Sniffle.*
    And while it isn't fair for you guys to gang up on me, what can I expect. I keep making that same mistake of responding to religion. I just thought that since I agreed with you guys on something, we wouldn't start an argument. But I fail at not getting into a religious argument.
    Please stop posting things like this, I'm so tempted to respond after missing that argument =P
    I'm sorry. I don't mean to be argumentative. :(
    Also, just don't respond to religious topics and you won't get so much flak on the forums. Scrymily, were very vocal about this when I spoke to them.
  • Well, I have had a tough day today. Went into surgery today at like 8 AM, got out later and was released at about noon. I feel like shit, although it's much better than it was and was relatively ok compared to most surgeries. All I need to do is rest for a week or so, and that's all I want to do. Pardon I don't mention what my procedure was, but it was a bit private. I got circumcised.
  • Hey, I thought I typed pretty fast and responded to most of what you guys said. I was blaring away on my keyboard. I thought I did a pretty good job. *Sniffle.*
    And while it isn't fair for you guys to gang up on me, what can I expect. I keep making that same mistake of responding to religion. I just thought that since I agreed with you guys on something, we wouldn't start an argument. But I fail at not getting into a religious argument.
    Please stop posting things like this, I'm so tempted to respond after missing that argument =P
    I'm sorry. I don't mean to be argumentative. :(
    Also, just don't respond to religious topics and you won't get so much flak on the forums. Scrymily, were very vocal about this when I spoke to them.
    Yeah, I know. But this wasn't a religious topic. I was agreeing with someone! I didn't think agreeing with them would start an argument.
  • Well, I have had a tough day today. Went into surgery today at like 8 AM, got out later and was released at about noon. I feel like shit, although it's much better than it was and was relatively ok compared to most surgeries. All I need to do is rest for a week or so, and that's all I want to do. Pardon I don't mention what my procedure was, but it was a bit private.I got circumcised.
    Speedy recovery to you, and our best wishes.
  • Axel, you "agreed with someone" that Catholicism was invalid by saying, "Yeah, Catholicism sux. My church is so much better."

    It would have been hard to argue if your statement was, "Catholicism sux because all religions are invalid." That's what the other people were saying. You weren't agreeing with that. Instead, you said that YOUR silly little cult was objectively better than Catholicism. Can you see the difference? NO religion is any more valid than another, except possibly as it relates to purely personal preference. If you prefer your backwoods, snake-handling rednecks to my traditions, that's fine. I don't care because you're a sad little bastard who obviously doesn't know any better. However, when you say that your crappy little cult is somehow objectively better than the Church in which I was married, it pisses me off. Once again, can you see the difference?

    Don't do it again, you little shit.
  • Axel, you "agreed with someone" that Catholicism was invalid by saying, "Yeah, Catholicism sux. My church is so much better."

    It would have been hard to argue if your statement was, "Catholicism sux because all religions are invalid." That's what the other people were saying. You weren't agreeing with that. Instead, you said that YOUR silly little cult was objectively better than Catholicism. Can you see the difference? NO religion is any more valid than another, except possibly as it relates to purely personal preference. If you prefer your backwoods, snake-handling rednecks to my traditions, that's fine. I don't care because you're a sad little bastard who obviously doesn't know any better. However, when you say that your crappy little cult is somehow objectively better than the Church in which I was married, it pisses me off. Once again, can you see the difference?

    Don't do it again, you little shit.
    I see the difference now. My point was that at the time, I was agreeing with someone, which is why I thought there wasn't going to be an argument.
    Also, at first, I didn't say that Catholicism sucked. I said many of its rituals were silly, just as you were all saying. It wasn't until after you guys questioned me about it that I talked about my dislike of Catholicism.
    But let's not get into another argument or anything. >_>
  • Speedy recovery to you, and our best wishes.
    Thanks, Churba. I really appreciate it.
  • Gah. I'm quite disappointed I missed an entire religion thread.
    I'm sorry. I don't mean to be argumentative. :(
    Don't apologize. We like arguments around here...
  • @Loganator456: Rest up, follow your doctor's orders (unless he/she is a quack), and get well soon!
  • Thanks Mrs. MacRoss! :D
    I'm feeling a bit better today but still want to rest.
  • I wish I had a get better go raygun for you, Logan. Get well!
  • Viga, you could probably make him feel better by repeating your rant on how circumcised penises are better.
  • Win: My boss is allowing me to help out on a major project to bank some overtime.
    Fail: I've been working on said project since yesterday and 15 minutes ago my boss informed me that the forms he approved (twice) were completely incorrect and I have to start all over again. (While this results in even more overtime, having my best efforts so completely wasted always burns my buns.)
  • edited July 2009
    @Loganator456: I underwent that procedure when I was 16, it sucked! I recommend a lot of rest and have a lot of patience. However, in my case it case it was completely unnecessary :S
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • @Lackofcheese: WHA!? D:
    I cannot determine whether or not you read it, but there was white text at the end of my last post, similarly to Loganator's earlier post.
  • edited July 2009
    My fail of the day is coming to the dead end after trying to find something online. My sister and I were talking and somehow we got onto talking about Toys R Us. That got us talking about a video we had back as kids, that was basically one big advertisement put out by the store.

    It involved kids meeting a guy who only talked in raps (though it was more like rhymes) by the name of Robo-T or something like that, and a woman dressed as a book, and the whole thing was just an excuse to show toy commercials. But we also decided that it'd be pretty cool to see it again and laugh at how cheesy it was. (And I always find old commercials cool)

    So we searched for it, and found nothing. I have to admit it was my sister that remembered it wasn't Toys R Us, it was Child World. Now we were on the right track. We searched around and found that the name of the video was "Video Toy Chest: A Toy Catalog on Videotape" and it came out in 1990. We were getting close to the end of our search.

    We found a link to Youtube called "Child World Video Catalog Part 1", our search was complete... and the video had been removed by the user. We searched around a bit more on Google video, but we found nothing even close to it. After a merry chase it seems that the trail has gone cold for now.

    So, it may be a small fail of the day compared to others, and admitted its a minor annoyance at the most, but I had to put this as my fail of the day since usually I have pretty good luck when it comes to finding something online in situations like this.
    Post edited by edifolco25 on
  • Ugh, getting close to solving a minor mystery only to reach a dead end. Nothing irritates me more. I feel your frustration.
  • It's almost 5 am and I'm just going to sleep. Last night I went to sleep at 8 am. A couple days ago I went to sleep at around 10 am. I fail at sleep, I just find it way too boring. It takes 20-30 minutes unless I'm sleep deprived.

    Well, sleepy time!
    I'm a sleep right now!
    Any moment now!

    Wait I must check my rss feeds.

    OK, now I am seriously procrastinating.
    Fuck you internet.
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