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Fail of Your Day



  • /r/shitFRCFsays is that way ->>>
  • /r/shitFRCFsays is that way ->>>
    Actually, it's this way.

  • Conservative PAC tries to woo youth with hilarious anti-immigration rap...

    I can't believe that something like this can still exist.
  • My fridge doesn't have a light that turns on when I open the door.
  • /r/shitFRCFsays is that way ->>>
    Actually, it's this way.
    You know, I was thinking of making an FRCF.txt Twitter account, in the style of Fanfiction_txt, Reddit_txt, and Goons_txt. There's probably some good contented, if I mined for it...
  • edited August 2012

    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • You can go pick those apples if you really want to.
  • Breakfast today was a cigarette and three cups of coffee.
  • Breakfast today was a cigarette and three cups of coffee.
    Everything a dying soul needs.

  • Breakfast today was a cigarette and three cups of coffee.
    I'll see your terrible breakfast and raise you a packet of beef jerky and a warm PBR from under my car seat.
  • Off-brand energy drink and gas station corn dogs.
  • Avocado deviled eggs and grilled mushrooms, with a big cup of jasmine tea... sucks to be you guys <_<
  • Mocha and buttered toast. Soon oatmeal. It's another day. :3

    Yeah, Omar. I can eat bread. It's so delicious.
  • Bacon egg and cheese on croissant and an iced coffee. Also, I think WuB's posted that exact thing before.
  • Breakfast today was a cigarette and three cups of coffee.
    Everything a dying soul needs.
    It was fantastic. I rolled my own cigarette from a custom blend and drank the coffee within an hour. I feel like a billion dollars and I really want to hold a beautiful lady.
  • I'm having a weird cluster of symptoms and I'm worried that I've fucked my adrenal system by self-administering/tapering Prednisone (without consulting my doctor) to deal with a Crohn's flare for which I've no PTO left to deal with. I've had vertigo and really strange headaches for almost a week now. My head feels "full" and while I'm not falling down, the world seems to be rocking.

    On top of that, every time I swallow food or drink, some portion of it ends up in my larynx, so something's up with my epiglottis or something. I'm coughing up chewed bits of food. Swallowing issues are things that hospice patients have.

    I'm getting a bit paranoid about all this... no PTO until January. I'm pretty sure I can't wait until then to go see my GP.

  • Dude, you need to get back on prednisone now. Tapering steroids without professional consultation is straight-up dangerous.
  • I've got 30 years experience tapering prednisone, I just done fucked up. I have some at home, where I'll be in 3 hours.
  • Ah, okay. I might have spoken out of turn; it just sounded like you decided to go off it.
  • No, no I really appreciate your concern. Quite sincerely in fact.
  • my eyes are itchy & my eyedrops are across the room! T_T
  • edited August 2012
    What is this... "breakfast" you speak of?
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited August 2012
    The dark brother of dinner, he hides in the night morning.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I have somehow managed to go my whole life without seeing a washing machine with the front-load door. Y'know, the ones where you can watch your clothes spin. I thought that design was reserved for dryers, only. So now my clothes are washing for the second time, and I don't have the cash to dry them when they get out. #breakingdawn
  • And now I'm facing this inevitable bother: The key that starts my car doesn't unlock the door for whatever reason, so the little remote control thing is all I've had. It's been less-than-reliable recently, taking upwards of a whole minute to respond. I've been standing outside trying to unlock my car for the last half an hour.
  • edited August 2012
    [post was more appropriate for another thread]
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Woke up to my laptop suddenly having a hard disk fault. No computer now. Fuckshit.

  • Woke up to my laptop suddenly having a hard disk fault. No computer now. Fuckshit.
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