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Fail of Your Day



  • Doc says I might have had a mini stroke. More tests necessary. Waiting for paperwork. :-\
  • Doc says I might have had a mini stroke. More tests necessary. Waiting for paperwork. :-\
    ER doc?
  • I wasn't aware strokes could be minor. Good luck with that muppet.
  • Doc says I might have had a mini stroke. More tests necessary. Waiting for paperwork. :-\
    Was it a transient ischemic attack?
  • My swallow reflex is all fucked. Not ER doc, primary doc. It's probably more likely related to my Crohn's but the lack of pain is odd if that's the case.

    Butler.. dwa?
  • edited August 2012

    Butler.. dwa?
    I have no idea what you're asking.

    Post edited by Drunken Butler on
  • edited August 2012
    Butler.. dwa?
    I have no idea what you're asking.
    I'd venture a guess that your words are strange and unfamiliar to him.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • My swallow reflex is all fucked. Not ER doc, primary doc. It's probably more likely related to my Crohn's but the lack of pain is odd if that's the case.
    Ouch, sorry to hear that. ER docs are dumb, I had one say the same thing to me once when I went the ER for numbness in my face. Turned out it was just a pinched nerve. But primary care guys generally know what's up. The good news is if it was a mini stroke, you seem to be mostly OK. That's the best spin I got for that. :(
  • I'd venture a guess that your words are strange and unfamiliar to him.
    Oh... and here I am Googleing furiously to figure out what DWA could be an initial-ism for.

    A TIA is temporary loss of circulation to blood vessels in the brain (or some other area's) that does not lead to large scale tissue death. I've heard them called mini-strokes before.

    Please pardon my hardon for medical jargon.
  • The thing I've been trying to do all day may actually be mathematically improbable. >_<
  • The thing I've been trying to do all day may actually be mathematically improbable. >_<</p>
  • Fucked up my audition. Out of Xanax. Smoked five cigarettes today.

  • Woke up too late for a group interview, and then I find out that they were going to hire someone today.
  • edited August 2012
    Generic Lexapro is $100 per monthly fill. It occurred to me today that that means that many people around the poverty line get forced to choose between happiness and starvation, or eating and suicide.

    I hope someday people against social healthcare witness this type of thing. Then, maybe they'll understand how subhuman and evil it is to force a choice like that on someone.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Generic Lexapro is $100 per monthly fill. It occurred to me today that that means that many people around the poverty line get forced to choose between happiness and starvation, or eating and suicide.

    I hope someday people against social healthcare witness this type of thing. Then, maybe they'll understand how subhuman and evil it is to force a choice like that on someone.
    This is probably my naiveté showing through but the fact that people are against something that would see universal health care is crazy. The idea of not being able to afford to see a doctor or receive proper treatment due to not having insurance its mad.

  • Generic Lexapro is $100 per monthly fill. It occurred to me today that that means that many people around the poverty line get forced to choose between happiness and starvation, or eating and suicide.

    I hope someday people against social healthcare witness this type of thing. Then, maybe they'll understand how subhuman and evil it is to force a choice like that on someone.
    This is probably my naiveté showing through but the fact that people are against something that would see universal health care is crazy. The idea of not being able to afford to see a doctor or receive proper treatment due to not having insurance its mad.
    I honestly consider a country not having an affordable, universal public health care system to be a human rights violation. Not as serious as most of the issues we worry about currently, but it's straight up wrong in an industrialized society that there are people who can't get health care.
  • You can buy from canada for $30/month. Doesn't make it right that it costs so much here... but *just in case anyone needs to know*
  • edited August 2012
    *WUB says smart things*

    I'm sticking that in my quotes folder for future use.
    Post edited by Banta on
  • I was involved on a minor car accident and it was my fault and it was dumb!
  • I just got fired from my job because I fucked up on while doing one of tasks (I'd rather say what). God fucking damn it. Now it's time to go to Craigslist and co. to look for a new one.
  • Paycheck was less than I expected, but then that's what I get for clocking out 30 minutes early every day for a week.
  • In the ER waiting for an MRI of my brain...
  • MRI done after Ativan when the face cage freaked me right out. They said I moved too much. Thought I was still .
  • MRI's of your head suck. You have to relax and be still while inside the tiniest space with lots of loud noises around you.
  • I'm fairly certain that MRIs are what spawned Dubstep.
  • Apparently my.brain is normal. So the visual disturbances and inability to swallow food must be hex related I guess.
  • After cleaning my room yesterday my sinuses are now inflamed because of all the dust and maybe the chlorine :(
  • "Hey guys, watch this!"

  • Oh, Luke, do try and not kill yourself. The internet would miss you.
  • Luke, are you trying to become a Ninja Warrior?
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