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Fail of Your Day



  • I'm waiting for the one about who raided the hardest bosses in World of Warcraft. That's the one thing I've got.
  • Which boss is that?
  • Which boss is that?
    No idea, maybe original four horseman.
  • If you'd all PM me your addresses for your face punching, that would be greatly appreciated.
  • Schneider PAUNCH!
  • It's okay, Mike. Everyone know standardized test scores are the worst predictor of college success these days.
  • edited October 2012
    If you'd all PM me your addresses for your face punching, that would be greatly appreciated.
    123 Your Mom Ave, P.O. Box FuckYou

    Post edited by ProfPangloss on
  • It's kind of hard to compare standardized test scores between people who are more than a couple years apart in age anyway, due to how the tests have changed during the years. For example, I believe I was among the last group of high school kids to take the SAT before calculators were allowed. A year or two after I took them is when they started allowing calculators. I also think there have been other changes to the tests since then.

    I'll say that I got a very good score on them (and I have a ballpark memory of what I got) and the subject-specific achievement tests (do they even have them anymore?). I did much better taking practice versions at home and in school than I did on the real thing. Maybe getting up early on Saturday for a test hurt me or something...
  • Calculators were only allowed on a small subset of the math section when I took mine. It was the first year. I forgot my calculator anyway. ;-)
  • If you'd all PM me your addresses for your face punching, that would be greatly appreciated.
    123 Your Mom Ave, P.O. Box FuckYou
    Don't send him to Connecticut. That's cruel and unusual. You could face 5-15 years for it.
  • If you guys turn this thread into everyone saying "I got X on the SAT" I will personally come to each of your homes and punch you right in your stupid faces.
    Yeah guys, comparing SAT/ACT scores is just lame.

    /1300 on the GRE

  • A few days ago, I stepped on a bee and it hurt like a goddamn motherfucker. The swelling is still there and it kinda hurts to walk.
  • edited October 2012
    You know what I don't miss about high school/college? Constantly trying to make the best scores and compare them with each other and making excuses for yourself when you don't do as well...

    Yeah I like this adult working thing a little better ^_^ (Just a little, I really miss summer vacay ._.)
    Weren't people comparing salaries just a couple days ago?
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • edited October 2012
    Weren't people comparing salaries just a couple days ago?
    Yeah, I don't get that either, but I'm kind of a private person in general. I'll give you a vague generality as to how I did/make/etc. (like saying I did "very well" on my SATs), but giving exact-ish numbers is something I don't get. I know Scrym are big on openness and all that, though, so I'll just consider it different views on what should be public vs. private.
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • You know what I don't miss about high school/college? Constantly trying to make the best scores and compare them with each other and making excuses for yourself when you don't do as well...

    Yeah I like this adult working thing a little better ^_^ (Just a little, I really miss summer vacay ._.)
    Weren't people comparing salaries just a couple days ago?
    True.. true. Though salaries aren't directly related to how good you are or how hard you work (unfortunately, due to life not being fair. Also, how lame is it that people that do the hardest jobs -manual labor, teaching, dealing with awful customers, aka retail, etc.- make the least money? So lame.) At least with standardized tests everyone (in your grade level at least) tested the same material. Jobs are all over the place. I guess you could compare income percentage in your field? :-P
  • In an ideal society, the least desirable jobs should provide the greatest extrinsic reward.
  • The taboo on discussing salaries only benefits dysfunctional employers and shields jealous or insecure friends and colleagues from having to suck it up and deal with a little healthy reality. Rym makes nearly 2x what I do and I honestly could not care less. I assume his inputs are way more work and require way more mental share than mine. I'm awfully glad to be a beta. Alphas work ever so hard.
  • In an ideal society, the least desirable jobs should provide the greatest extrinsic reward.
    Social utility is an important metric too.
  • My garbage collectors and mail carriers are very important to me. I would like to make sure they are paid well. Of course, I am not in a position to do this, so instead I just smile and thanks them enthusiastically whenever I encounter them.
  • My garbage collectors and mail carriers are very important to me. I would like to make sure they are paid well. Of course, I am not in a position to do this, so instead I just smile and thanks them enthusiastically whenever I encounter them.
    I have always made a point of giving holiday gifts and/or gratuities to those folks. Fourty bucks and a loaf of banana walnut bread can go a long way towards making someone feel valued.

    I don know what it's like other placed but according to the few that I've asked my local sanitation workers and postal employee's get paid pretty well.

  • edited October 2012
    PSAT wise I was National Merit Commended Scholar or some such, which means you did okay, but they don't give you a bunch of money like Rym.
    I have a funny story about the SAT. My sister and I love each other but we were always pretty competitive in school with each other. I was the older sister and she was always trying to surpass me in academics. When it came time for her to take the SATs I was actually kind of stressed myself, because if she got a better score than me, she would lord it over me, and if she got a lower score she would be cranky about it. Lucky for me, she got the same exact score!

    I actually did pretty well. I did one bit of studying for the SAT, and that was a "free word of the day" mailing that tried to get me to sign up for SAT prep classes. I remember my word. It was "prolix."
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited October 2012
    I purchased Amazon Cloud Player yesterday and thought that this would be a prime opportunity to actually sort out my mp3 collection, with tags and such. Now, Amazon offers help by giving the option to get the ID3 tags from them. The problem is that their tag is from the most recent release a song appeared on, rather from the original album which is most likely where the file in question came from and should be associated with. It's really annoying since it tags most songs to some sort of best off compilation or movie soundtrack or whatever if it appeared there.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • I have the plague and I'm going to die. I also have a dick ton of work to get done, it is not a good time.
  • Is a dick ton more or less than a fuck ton?
  • I'd assume it's about half.
  • AmpAmp
    edited October 2012
    Judging by the ruined porcelain I would say that it was far far more.

    Edit; and shit a coke bottle just exploded all over my laptop. Wiped the worst off and had turned it off before it could soak in. Still that sucks a dick ton.
    Post edited by Amp on
  • edited October 2012
    Local garage (tire retailer slash garage) that replaced two of my wife's tires at their cost (plus labor) after a miscommunication about sizes and a bad quote (their mistake I think but they really made good) managed to break the tire pressure monitoring sensor in one of the tires, so now I have to go back to them and tell them they're on the hook to fix it which will no doubt wipe out what little they made off of me as a customer and then cost them some besides. Even though I don't think any of the series of errors that were made in this deal were my fault, I feel really badly about this because the dude is just a nice guy.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • Are you sure it's broken and not just that the tires have a different optimal pressure (so the sensor would need recalibrating, not fixing)? My parents have that issue when we switch between snow and summer tires on one of the cars.
  • edited October 2012
    The Honda Fit actually has two different warning lights for the system. There's the low tire pressure icon that means a tire is low, and there's the "TPMS" light that indicates that one or more of the sensors is not reporting or has a bad signal. The "TPMS" light is what is on now.

    It's possible that it may need some sort of re-synching, or the battery might be dead (maybe they shorted it or something while doing the work). Or maybe they ripped it out with the old tire and didn't transfer it to the new one. There's a number of things that could be wrong.
    Post edited by muppet on
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