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Fail of Your Day



  • Oh hopes and dreams, how you twinkle before me so enticingly!
  • If only we could break out of this only-two-viable-parties thing.
    If only we could educate everybody without having to first educate them regarding why they should be educated.
    And break out of this "I don't want people messing with my stuff." mentality. If you want to fiddle with my stuff to fix it or make it better, feel free!

  • The democrats have just as many crazies and the head of their party is different only in title just like the Republicans.
    You're kidding right? The parties are widely apart on a large number of real issues. Sure, there is some overlap, but if you honestly believe there is no substantial difference between them, you're a bit daft.

  • The democrats have just as many crazies and the head of their party is different only in title just like the Republicans.
    You're kidding right? The parties are widely apart on a large number of real issues. Sure, there is some overlap, but if you honestly believe there is no substantial difference between them, you're a bit daft.
    Such as "Being a nice person". Republicans are firmly against it. Also, they are against "Being A Gay and Being A Babymaker (woman)"

  • I think the Republicans are very much for being a babymaker. In fact, it's the only thing that they want a woman to be, whether she wants it or not.
  • The price of my blood pressure meds have risen 50% in the past 6 months. This only rounds out to $20 for a 3 month supply, but the increase is troubling.
  • Facebook has a "show in timeline" checkbox for every one of your friends. I have 1,910 friends on Facebook, and only a few hundred ever show up in my feed. As soon as someone posts too much? I uncheck them so fast. Of course, the default for me is "don't show in timeline unless I know them well" whenever I accept a friend request.
  • What are your meds again? Lisinopril? Is that the generic version or brand name?
  • Facebook has a "show in timeline" checkbox for every one of your friends. I have 1,910 friends on Facebook, and only a few hundred ever show up in my feed. As soon as someone posts too much? I uncheck them so fast. Of course, the default for me is "don't show in timeline unless I know them well" whenever I accept a friend request.
    Facebooks changing polices are really making me consider getting rid of the whole thing. The only factor that stops me is the amount of people that I interact with and refuse to use anything else.

  • Facebook has a "show in timeline" checkbox for every one of your friends. I have 1,910 friends on Facebook, and only a few hundred ever show up in my feed. As soon as someone posts too much? I uncheck them so fast. Of course, the default for me is "don't show in timeline unless I know them well" whenever I accept a friend request.
    Facebooks changing polices are really making me consider getting rid of the whole thing. The only factor that stops me is the amount of people that I interact with and refuse to use anything else.
    I use both FB and G+, but I use them for profoundly different things. Occasionally I will post the same thing to both, but that is not the usual. I don't see any particular reason to delete my FB account; I just adjust my usage of the site to account for the changes.

  • I would rather use G+ but so few of my friends use it, and those that do (the people of the forum who added me) we've not spoken that much making it a bit redundant. That said the vast majority of people I'm friends with on Facebook I have little contact with. I get the feeling that I'll need to make a choice between them soon.
  • What are your meds again? Lisinopril? Is that the generic version or brand name?
    Yeah, it's generic.
  • edited October 2012
    My roommate just asked me, "There are 12 inches in a yard, right?"
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • >inb4 gun regulation flamewar

    The NRA is right, guns don't kill people people kill people, which means you have to fix the people. Make mental health institutions affordable and effective, find better ways to reach out to potential shooters, try to help people who are in trouble. THAT is how to cut down on gun violence.
  • edited October 2012
    The article says that it is believed the victims were targeted. Not to belittle the tragedy, but this wasn't a "mass" shooting the same way V-Tech or the Batman ones were. What made those so scary was how seemingly random and senseless they were. Violence in the lower-income Los Angeles suburbs, not so uncommon. Not particularly sure why this story would make national news over other (targeted) shootings like it.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Waiting to see if Halloween is going to be cancelled by hurricane/freak Nor'easter again this year. Hopefully we won't lose power for a week (for the third time). Guess I should probably see if the generator gas has gone stale and whether it still starts...
  • Fail of my Halloween:

    Last few years it was warm on Halloween down here in Georgia. Its been warm lately so I thought it'd be safe to choose a more revealing costume (which I'm almost done with at the point and can't go back). Well, wrong! Its going to be super cold (for GA standards) next week, then conveniently get warm again the week after. Thanks Georgia weather!
  • Wear it anyway.
  • Wear it anyway.
    I am! I've spent too much time and money on it to not wear it. I'll just be one of those dumb freezing girls that should've known better. :-P
  • edited October 2012
    Is it cold in here or is it just your nipples?

    Anyway, last year we didn't even have a Halloween. The whole state was blacked out before, during, and after, and we had power lines on the sidewalks from the freak pre-Fall snow that brought down something like 25% of the trees in the state because leaves + snow = fuck. I'm hoping that my littlest one at least gets to trick or treat this year. She's only been once when she was too young to remember, so far.

    Hooray for climate change.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • Supposed to be nice for Halloween here in Louisville.
  • Is it cold in here or is it just your nipples?

    Anyway, last year we didn't even have a Halloween. The whole state was blacked out before, during, and after, and we had power lines on the sidewalks from the freak pre-Fall snow that brought down something like 25% of the trees in the state because leaves + snow = fuck. I'm hoping that my littlest one at least gets to trick or treat this year. She's only been once when she was too young to remember, so far.

    Hooray for climate change.
    We didn't usually do trick-or-treating, but our street was one of the only safe places with no downed power lines last year. So we broke out the Halloween candy we bought for ourselves and gave the kids some fun because so many people drove their kids over to our street to ToT. I did make them all say "trick or treat" to get their candy, though, cuz I'm a hardass.

  • edited October 2012
    I had three pounds of full sized candy bars last year that I was forced to eat. :-P From what I've read on Facebook, nobody in Hartford County even tried to trick or treat last year.

    We didn't do the Halloween thing at all. The streets were almost impassible, there was nowhere to go anyway within a reasonable distance, and we were all sorta just depressed. Crohn's + no working plumbing = a bad time.

    Gotta remember to test start the generator on Friday when my wife is home. I think I may have forgotten to stabilize the gas last year. Ugh.

    I've got another three pounds of full sized bars waiting that I will hopefully be giving out this time. It's only in the last few years that our street has more than just two houses on it (new development) and we might conceivably even GET kids down here, and then this shit happens.

    They are setting up a "safe trick or treat zone" at the High School this year on the 30th for the first time ever. I'm not sure why it's on the 30th or if they're still planning to do it in a blackout, though...

    You are a hardass, sheez. Expecting kids to say "Trick or Treat" in a federal disaster area. Heartless.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • Fail of my day is you assholes can't even win gracefully.
  • The problem is that you make paper-thin arguments and then your idea of backing them up is to repeat them again. That incites people. :-)
  • The problem is that you make paper-thin arguments and then your idea of backing them up is to repeat them again. That incites people. :-)
    But then I back down, AND YOU KEEP GOING.
  • edited October 2012
    Jacks got a point. You could be a little more graceful, or at least a little less gleefully malicious.

    @Muppet: watching you win an argument is like watching someone a kick a puppy.
    Post edited by Drunken Butler on
  • Oh please after the reaming I got two weeks ago I'm not terribly sensitive to your butthurt over this. I didn't call anybody names, I presented arguments.
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