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Fail of Your Day



  • Solves the mystery of why I'm such a dick, eh?
  • Solves the mystery of why I'm such a dick, eh?
    Can't blame you, I'd be outright homicidal within a short period of time. I suppose we can begrudge you a little dickishness.
  • ITT: More muppet flamewars.
  • Greg it's really shameless the way you flirt.
  • Greg <3< muppet OTP
  • Wow, my job just randomly took the rest of my paid time off away, how great. After the past few days they are just trying to make me quit.
  • edited November 2012
    Sometimes I forget that some of my mates sleep 10-6 instead of 12-8 like me, and I wake them up. I always feel bad about this. T_T
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • China is going to build the world's largest skyscraper in three months and Japan is gonna build a new maglev that can go over 300 MPH.
  • China is going to build the world's largest skyscraper in three months and Japan is gonna build a new maglev that can go over 300 MPH.
    Okay... go humanity. Why is this a fail?

  • China is going to build the world's largest skyscraper in three months and Japan is gonna build a new maglev that can go over 300 MPH.
    Okay... go humanity. Why is this a fail?
    Because the US is absurdly behind.

  • China is going to build the world's largest skyscraper in three months and Japan is gonna build a new maglev that can go over 300 MPH.
    Okay... go humanity. Why is this a fail?
    Because the US is absurdly behind.

  • China is going to build the world's largest skyscraper in three months and Japan is gonna build a new maglev that can go over 300 MPH.
    Okay... go humanity. Why is this a fail?
    Because the US is absurdly behind.
    You know that the Chūō Shinkansen is a government-funded project, right?
  • China is going to build the world's largest skyscraper in three months and Japan is gonna build a new maglev that can go over 300 MPH.
    Okay... go humanity. Why is this a fail?
    Because the US is absurdly behind.
    You know that the Chūō Shinkansen is a government-funded project, right?
    I was gonna go there, but it's late in the afternoon and really, I'm not feeling very well as it is.
  • China is going to build the world's largest skyscraper in three months and Japan is gonna build a new maglev that can go over 300 MPH.
    Okay... go humanity. Why is this a fail?
    Because the US is absurdly behind.

    How do you think I feel! We can bearly deal with some rain!

  • China is going to build the world's largest skyscraper in three months and Japan is gonna build a new maglev that can go over 300 MPH.
    Okay... go humanity. Why is this a fail?
    Because the US is absurdly behind.
    You know that the Chūō Shinkansen is a government-funded project, right?
  • edited November 2012
    I think what Jack's getting at is that he wishes the US government would fund awesome mass transit instead of just dicking around with drones and defense budgets. Which, I hasten to add, is pretty progressive!
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • But isn't government funding stuff socialist, communist, evil?
  • Apparently not when they're awesome feats of engineering.

    ...I'm OK with this.
  • edited November 2012
    Imagine a maglev going up and down the east coast hitting all the major cities there.

    And I bet we could do it with the budget we've got, and don't put fucking words in my mouth WUB.
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • I think what Jack's getting at is that he wishes the US government would fund awesome mass transit instead of just dicking around with drones and defense budgets. Which, I hasten to add, is pretty progressive!

  • Imagine a maglev going up and down the east coast hitting all the major cities there.

    And I bet we could do it with the budget we've got, and don't put fucking words in my mouth WUB.
    Budget we've got for what, Amtrak?
  • Imagine a maglev going up and down the east coast hitting all the major cities there.

    And I bet we could do it with the budget we've got, and don't put fucking words in my mouth WUB.
    If we just cancel just one useless military project, like the B-3 Bomber project, then we can build one of these maglevs! Progress all over the place, Jacky boy. City on the Hill.
  • Imagine a maglev going up and down the east coast hitting all the major cities there.

    And I bet we could do it with the budget we've got, and don't put fucking words in my mouth WUB.
    If we just cancel just one useless military project, like the B-3 Bomber project, then we can build one of these maglevs! Progress all over the place, Jacky boy. City on the Hill.
    City on the goddamn Hill.
  • I'm asking why do we have to choose? Its not like on the Office where they had some money leftover in the budget and they had to decided between new office chairs and a new print machine. We've got separate budgets for transportation and weapons R&D, so we could have both a cool new maglev AND an awesome bomber.
  • edited November 2012
    You've got such a simplistic view of government it's cute. Adorable, even. Here, check out this and compare it to how much the Maglev in China was estimated to cost. Compare it to this.
    Even if we completely replaced Amtrak we probably couldn't afford to build an East Coast maglev. Even if we were China, who is willing to take land from people and doesn't have to fight political battles every step of the way.
    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • edited November 2012
    We don't need an awesome new bomber. No one else is developing bombers. All nuclear strike capability is ICBM based these days. We should spend $100B of that $300B program on buying the Iron Dome from the Israelis and then fold the remaining defense budget into transportation.

    We're better equipped than literally every other military on Earth. The Chinese are building their first aircraft carrier, and we have a fleet of them just to prove a stupid point.

    Also, it actually is 100% just like that episode of the Office.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • You've got such a simplistic view of government it's cute.
    Are you going to enlighten me or are you just going to continue insulting me?
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