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Fail of Your Day



  • Well, I admit that I have gotten a bit miffed as the thread has escalated but I started out perfectly reasonable and became more and more incensed the more the response was "my opinions are as good as your facts", in a nutshell.

    Medical researches are ALL paid off by big pharma and therefore all peer reviewed research is 100% unreliable and no better than self help books, don't you know.
    Clearly. And I'm on your side in this case Muppet. But desperate people will try anything, and if something appears to work will cling tenaciously to the belief that it cured (or helped) them.
  • Pretty much that's my entire argument: DON'T tell crazed, desperate parents with dying kids that they should try some whacked out herbal remedy you read about in the back of a weekly newspaper. Just stay out of those threads, shut the fuck up. Try it yourself, and report back, or suggest it to other EXPERIENCED sufferers. Only.

    That forum is starting to scare the fuck out of me. It's THE leading online support group for Crohn's sufferers and they treat utter quackery as if it has equal weight with formal medical research.
  • Everyone knows that the responsible thing to do if your child has Crohn's is to put them on a ketogenic diet.
  • Tried it alongside meds. Well not ketogenic per se. Anyway couldn't keep it up. Hard to source ingredients. We do low residue no dairy and avoid spicy greasy.
  • I was able to win Starcraft once. I figured I could do it again. Not the case.
  • I was able to win Starcraft once. I figured I could do it again. Not the case.
    Really? SC I, broodwars or SC II? AI setting? how may against you?

  • Here let me help you win at all RTS games.

    Step 1: Learn the hotkeys.

    A) Learn the hotkeys.

    - Learn the hotkeys.

    PS: Learn the hotkeys.
  • My DS Lite just bit the dust. :(
  • Time to take up Minecraft.
  • I googled "MLP Anthro" just so I could win an argument on Reddit. Nothing is worth that.
  • I googled "MLP Anthro" just so I could win an argument on Reddit. Nothing is worth that.
    Lets look at that statement "win an argument on Reddit". That should have been the warning bell.

  • Well fuck me if I didn't just accidentally come to class at 10 instead of 11. I wondered why no one in class looked familiar...
  • Well I just collapsed. That sucked.
  • All 4 of my companies entire customer service reps are sick or out of town. I don't even work in that department anymore and I am now covering the whole damn thing.

    I hate customers so much right now.
  • I got sick from my manager, who has been sick so often he HAS to come in even if he was at death's door thanks to the points system. I threw up at 6 AM and have been pissing out of my ass ever since. I had to call in since I interact with customers, and more importantly, mechanics.
  • I googled "MLP Anthro" just so I could win an argument on Reddit. Nothing is worth that.
    Lets look at that statement "win an argument on Reddit". That should have been the warning bell.
    The argument did net me like a dozen karma though, so, you know.

  • Kevin Clash retired from Sesame Street after allegations of sexual relations with minors.
  • I googled "MLP Anthro" just so I could win an argument on Reddit. Nothing is worth that.
    Lets look at that statement "win an argument on Reddit". That should have been the warning bell.
    The argument did net me like a dozen karma though, so, you know.

    But was it worth it to descend into the madness? How far will you go brave warrior in your quest for karma?
  • I forgot to turn on safe search, so pretty far it seems.
  • My pregnant friend totalled her car last night. Some asshole pulled out in front of her and she swerved out of the way and into a guard rail. Shes alright other than some whiplash and soreness but her car is toast.
  • her car is toast.

  • I am trying to beat the Hardcore difficulty for Dead Space 2. I finished the 7 minute unskipable intro cutscene, then, within 5 seconds, proceeded to run into an enemy and die.

  • Unskipable cutscenes are the bane of my existence.
  • The disease marches on. My boss and coworker have been stricken down by a terrible intestinal blight leaving me as the sole member of the Import/Export Compliance department on duty.The customer service department is down to one newbie part timer.

    I am now running both departments nearly solo. I've stopped trying to get any new work done and have switched into damage control mode.

    Also my mother has some sort of sickness as well. She's not bedridden, but we cant risk letting her contaminate thanksgiving dinner, so me and my father will have to do all the cooking ... for 19 people.

    God help me.
  • Deltron Event II has been delayed indefinitely again ;_;
  • edited November 2012
    Deltron Event II has been delayed indefinitely again ;_;
    No one in the world ever gets what they want, and that is beautiful. (TʖT)
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Grandparents are over for Thanksgiving. Forgot where I didn't get my verbal impulse control from.
  • This it the first time since 2006 that I am working on Black Friday. :(

    (Grateful I have a job, but man sleeping in would have been so nice.)
  • I accidentally slept in until 3pm. It's not fantastic. Now I just feel vaguely hungry and delirious.
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