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Fail of Your Day



  • I love math up until Calculus, then I'm just fucking lost. But, I've never taken a calculus course in my life, so that's probably why.

    I did buy a textbook quite some time ago, but I've never had the time to read it.
  • I almost failed algebra. I can plug the numbers into a calculus
    Formula, but I can't show my work.
  • I love math up until Calculus, then I'm just fucking lost. But, I've never taken a calculus course in my life, so that's probably why.

    I did buy a textbook quite some time ago, but I've never had the time to read it.
    The common man doesn't need calc, period. Learn statistics; you'll find it much more useful.
  • If you love math so much why don't you marry it
  • I love programming and logic in philosophy.
  • If you love math so much why don't you marry it
    One of my gaming group players is a math professor married to a math professor.
  • edited November 2012
    If you love math so much why don't you marry it
    my grandpa said this wuld hapen

    1st gay dudes gettin married n havin butsex

    then math dudes marryin numbers n 69'ing
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • my grandpa said this wuld hapen

    1st gay dudes gettin married n havin butsex

    then math dudes marryin numbers n 69'ing
    Your grandfather sounds awesome.

    I get the feeling I am one of the few that likes biology and math.
  • I like pretty much everything. I like math and history and computers more than most of everything, but the only things I've found myself to be particularly bad at are languages.
  • This presentation group put a picture of a girl with smallpox in their biosecurity presentation. Jesus fucking christ, it's like they just put a shock site on the projector.
  • edited November 2012
    I get the feeling I am one of the few that likes biology and math.
    I like biology and math; more generally I'd say I like pretty much any academic disciple. Knowledge FTW!

    Although my own personal study has been focused on mathsy areas, I do appreciate biology.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I just like math.
  • I like math and its derivatives. See what I did there?
  • I like math and its derivatives. See what I did there?
    Whabout the INTEGRALS, tho??
  • edited November 2012
    more generally I'd say I like pretty much any academic disciple.
    *discipline. XD
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited November 2012
    I was one of those people who loved all the sciences in high school, but hated lab work. When learning about molecular structure in Chemistry or cellular structure in Biology, I was all about that stuff. Textbooks and quizzes were fun and easy. However, when I had lab, I would always find myself confronted with a beaker of noxious acid or a dead thing on a tray, and I would grimly perform the required tasks while waiting for the bell that would get me the heck away from that stuff.
    Physics was the only one where I dug lab, and physics lab in high school is kinda silly, because measurement by our high school tools was so imprecise. It mostly involved dropping things and making circuits.

    What I really liked was learning Earth Science, Physics, and Astronomy. I was at my most happy when talking rocks, stars, and electrons.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited November 2012
    I had a professor in community college who ruined chem lab for me. It was a 101 course in a community college but he required us to create and keep a formal lab notebook as someone in a formal lab setting might keep, including drawing our own charts and graphs with a protractor and a t square, pointlessly transcribing procedures from handouts into the formal record, etc etc. By contrast my Bio 105 course provided a fill in lab workbook pre-printed. I appreciate focus on good documentation but it was total overkill for an intro course for nurse students. I literally spent 6 hours of prep on a water pouring lab where we learned about the relative precision of various measuring instruments.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • Okay, today I learned the incorrect response to hurting your ankle during your morning run (my feet are all twisted inwards, it's a whole thing) is not "man, I could go for some DDR right now."

    Jesus fuck ow.

    (Also, new DDRs are all terrible. Just licensed pop music and shit.)
  • more generally I'd say I like pretty much any academic disciple.
    *discipline. XD
    I'm sure you can appreciate some cute disciples as well.
  • Microsoft I don't like where this is going
    Microsoft knows better than to actually do this. Keepin the faith.

  • Also remember that the corporate patent game is about patenting everything you can think of.
  • edited November 2012
    Microsoft I don't like where this is going
    Microsoft knows better than to actually do this. Keepin the faith.
    Yeah, they're just patenting it so that no one will be able to do it.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Microsoft I don't like where this is going
    Microsoft knows better than to actually do this. Keepin the faith.
    Yeah, they're just patenting it so that no one will be able to do it.
    Oh, right. I forgot that you have to use every patent you file. Penn Jillette must be getting rich off of all those JillJet hot tubs he's selling.
  • Apparently David Patraeus made a cameo in Black Ops 2 (set in 2025).
    Talk about bad timing.

  • Yesterday I had a brush with death. So I was at the dentist and she dropped something into the back of my throat. Choke reflex. Had a couple of problems getting my breathing back as I had to force myself to breath through the nose again. My breathing just stopped from the choke reflex. Don't think I was in actual danger of suffocating, with all the personnel around and such, but it was still scary as fuck.
  • Probably going to get banned from in the next few hours for suggesting to people that when desperate parents come asking frantic questions looking for treatment advice for their suffering and sometimes dying children, the advice we give should be based on either getting them to an appropriate medical professional, or based upon vetted, peer-reviewed research.

    Rather than, you know, telling them which leaves your friends have chewed that seem to have helped.
  • Actually sound advice shouldn't get you banned, but then again depending on how you put it (I hope a little better than that but you know) people may be incensed.
  • Well, I admit that I have gotten a bit miffed as the thread has escalated but I started out perfectly reasonable and became more and more incensed the more the response was "my opinions are as good as your facts", in a nutshell.

    Medical researches are ALL paid off by big pharma and therefore all peer reviewed research is 100% unreliable and no better than self help books, don't you know.
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